1. Log into the Gable platform > manage listings > click the three dots (on your location, not individual spaces) > Edit:
2. In your General Tab, you will see the Integrations section, and click edit as shown below:
3. Select Nexudus from the dropdown - and follow the connection instructions that populate on the screen:
4. Reach out to support@gable.to to ask them to connect your Nexudus integration in the Gable system. Once support confirms this is done, continue to step 5.
5. Return back to the edit page and you will see your location appear in the drop down, select it and then begin mapping your different resources, as shown below:
6. Be sure to turn on auto-approval for your newly connected listings! Return to editing and navigate to settings:
7. Toggle on auto-approval for each space that you connected via Nexudus:
Still Have Questions?
Check out our FAQ page on Nexudus here.
Please reach out to support@gable.to if you have any questions about this article and the contents it contains!