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Waiver Data Export
Waiver Data Export

Export a report of completed waivers

Matt Doiron avatar
Written by Matt Doiron
Updated over a year ago

Waiver Data Export (Manager Dashboard)

You can use the waiver data export feature to generate an export of your waivers.

  1. Login to and from the side navigation, go to Waivers > Waiver Data Export. Choose your export criteria and click the Export button. You’ll receive a confirmation message notifying you that the export process has been started.

    • PDF File Format > Will generate an individual PDF of each guest’s waiver.

    • CSV File Format > Will generate a csv file that lists the waiver completed date, waiver name, guest name and guest’s date of birth.

    • JPEG File Format > If you have photo taking enabled with a waiver, you can use this export option to generate a mass export of photos that can then be printed for season passes, etc.

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