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Can I change the ownership of a recipe?
Can I change the ownership of a recipe?

You may want to move a recipe from one concept to another, or to add a recipe to more than one concept. Here's how.

Updated over 5 months ago

Overview of Concepts

If you're not sure what we mean by "Concept" or "Location" in meez, please read this article for more details.

Each recipe and Doc in the account must be assigned (or "owned") by at least one concept and location.

You can change the ownership a couple ways in meez.

Account Owners:

Account Editors or Editor/Managers:

How to reallocate recipes to a different concept

  1. First, click edit on the recipe.

2. Then, make sure you are on the Prep Method tab. Scroll down to the bottom, where you'll see a field for "Owner." Click there to show the different concepts and locations that are available. You can then select the concepts that the recipe should belong to.


If a recipe is used in another recipe, it is a sub-recipe, which means it will inherit the ownership of the 'parent recipe.' If you try to change the concept assignment of the sub-recipe, you will encounter this error message:

To solve this, go to the parent recipe and change its ownership. The sub-recipe will adjust ownership accordingly! Or you can also remove the sub-recipe from the parent, then change the ownership of that sub-recipe and then add it back to the parent recipe.

The Second way to move multiple recipes from one owner to another is through the use of a "Moving" recipe!

Create a "Moving" recipe when you need to move multiple recipes out of a Personal Concept and into your businesses concept. We utilize the functionality of a sub-recipe gaining the ownership of the parent recipe.

Learn how below or follow along with this walkthrough!

  • The First Step is to create a recipe called "Moving" in the Personal concept!

  • Next add each Recipe you want moved into the new concept as Sub-Recipes.

    • Either in the Bulk add

    • Or one at a time on the recipe.

  • Once they are added to the Moving Recipe, scroll down on the Prep Method tab until you find the Ownership drop down. Click it and you can assign ownership of the Moving recipe to the new concept!

  • Next select Done, each sub-recipe will gain the ownership of the new concept that the Moving recipe was given.

  • Finally you can Delete the Moving recipe and each of the sub-recipes will retain the new ownership they acquired.

Editor and Editor/Managers are not able to change the ownership of a recipe directly with the check boxes. Only the account owners have that access.

As an Editor you still need to move a recipes ownership to a new location? You can create a copy of the recipe.

  • First click the three dots in the top center of the app.

  • Then select Make a copy from the drop down menu.

  • The Copy Recipe modal will appear.

  • Select the locations that you wish the copied recipe to be owned by.

  • Then click copy recipe.

You will now have a copy of that recipe in the locations that you need it.

Note: This does not remove the original recipe or replace the original recipe in parent recipes that the original is a sub recipe in. This will only create a copy of the original in the new location.

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