Chariot pricing explained

Understand Chariot's standard pricing

Elon Packin avatar
Written by Elon Packin
Updated over a week ago

What is Chariot's pricing

DAFpay is available through one of our many integration partners. For these gifts there is a processing fee for DAFpay similar to a credit card (typically 2.9%). DAFpay allows for nonprofits or donors to cover fees depending on the platform and nonprofit preferences.

Upgrade to get more

DAFpay is also available through a direct subscription with Chariot. These subscription plans come with zero processing fees for DAF gifts processed through DAFpay. Plans start with as little as $25,000 in DAF volume included and scale to many millions for enterprise nonprofits.

Subscription plans also include additional tools like DAF Scan and DAF Academy and other marketing services designed to help nonprofits increase the size and frequency of their DAF gifts while reducing friction for donors and staff.

For more complete pricing click the link below and our team will get back to you:

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