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We show you the meaning and management of your departments.

Updated over a week ago



A department is a grouping of products that makes it easier to view reports or filter products in a list.

If there were no departments, and a club had 100 store products, the manager would have to export to Excel all the sales and add up all the sales of those products to know the total revenue. However, if we group these 100 products in the "Store" department, we will see that sum automatically in the reports.

So, a department is used to group products, and the most typical ones are:

  • Green Fees

  • Rents

  • Fees

  • School

  • Restaurant

  • Etc.

Once we save the creation of a new department, a section will be enabled at the bottom of the screen where we can add one more grouping: product classes.

A product class has the same functionality as the departments: grouping your products to better visualize the reports and to be able to filter products from a list. The product class also contains the accounting account information for our products, so it takes on a bit more complexity and importance. Read the article on product classes to learn more.

Thus, the structure of our products will be:

  • Departments. For example "Green Fees".

  • Product Classes. For example "Green Fees Visitor".

  • Products. For example "GF 18 holes Visitor".


To add a department follow these simple steps:

  • Name: In this field we will write the name of the family we want, for example "Green Fees".

  • Code: Here we can assign a code to the family. This field is alphanumeric, i.e. you can use letters and numbers. The usefulness of this code is that the reports will be sorted in this order, which helps their visualization.

Note: When saving, at the bottom of the screen, you can consult or add the subfamilies that are associated with this family.

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