
We show you what products consist of and their correct management

Updated over a week ago



The product list is undoubtedly one of the 3 most important pages in Golfmanager. Therefore, pay close attention.

A product contains all the information about:

  • Prices.

  • Taxes.

  • Accounting (Product Classes).

Therefore, if you ever have any doubts about any of these three points, you will probably have to come to this listing.

Why is the product so important? Because anything you sell to a customer, and therefore has to be invoiced, must contain a product. No product means no sale and no invoice.

Therefore, to be able to configure reservations, fees, bonuses, etc. in Golfmanager we must first take the following step: register a product.

As with any listing, you can use the tools to better explore your data.

Main Tab

This section consists of 4 essential data to be able to operate. The other sections will be advanced topics that you will probably need for special cases.

Special button on the Main tab. Tags and labels

To print tags from the product page, follow these steps:

Go to Configuration (cogwheel in the top right corner).

1.Click on Billing.

2.Click on Product

3.Click on the ID of the Product for which you want to print the tagged products.

4.Click on Tags.

5.Select the number of tags to edit and the print start position.

6.Click on Accept.

7. Print.


  • The print format of the tags is DIN-A4 for a total of 40 tags (4 columns x 10 lines). The size of the tags is 52mm x 30mm.

  • Under More Printer Settings, select the options for borderless and scale to 100%.

Special button on the Main tab. POS button

Previously you had to (1) create a product and (2) go to the POS section and create the button. We make this process easier for you by adding a button on the product, fee, voucher and booking type tab so that you can create the button without leaving the page and with certain options already filled in.

For more information, you can visit the POS Buttons article to find out more.

General section

This section consists of 4 essential data to be able to operate. The other sections will be advanced topics that you will probably need for special cases.

  • Name: In this field we will put the name of the product. This name will appear on the sales line, on the invoice, in the export to accounting, in the reports. Examples: GF 18 holes, Srixon Glove, Manual Trolley, etc.

  • Gross price: Here we will put the general price or Rack. If this product has dynamic rates per hour, season, etc. these can be managed in the "Rates" tab of

    this page. Important, this gross price includes taxes. Example: 10 (10 euros).

  • Taxes: We will select a type of tax that we have previously had to register.

  • Product Class: Here we will select the desired product class. The product class is a vital field for invoicing, accounting, statistics, and reports. Read the article on subfamilies to learn more. Example: Green Fees Visitors.

Once the prices, taxes and subfamily data are filled in, we can go to the next step:

  • Create a reservation type using this product,

  • Create a fee type,

  • Create a voucher type,

  • Create a class type,

  • Create an activity,

  • Or activate the stock option for store items.

Dynamic Pricing section.

In this section you can make the price of this product dependent on another Golfmanager product. For example the 'GF Tour Operator' will always have a 20% discount on the rack rate. This way you can save a lot of time in the configuration of rates with every offer or season change...

  • Base product

    This option can be used if we want the price of this product to depend on another product previously created. For example, if we want the Green Fee 9 holes to be 60% of the price we have at the moment in the product Green Fee 18 holes. This option can help us when updating rates or launching offers. This option is totally related to the following field Base percentage.

  • Base percentage

    We will put the percentage of the previous product. According to the example of the previous point, we will put by "60" (60% of the Green Fee 18 holes). This means that you only have to worry about the price of the 18 hole green fee and the rate of this 9 hole green fee product will be automatically updated with 60% of the 18 hole price. We strongly advise you from Golfmanager to change your fee policy for next season to be more efficient when playing with your fees.

  • Rounding rate

Others section

This section offers several options that can be useful in some cases. We explain in detail what they are for:

  • Pack

    We will activate this option if we want this product to be composed of several sub-products. When we save the product with this option activated, a tab will be activated at the top "Pack elements" in which we can define which "sub-products" make up this "parent" product. For example: Green Fee + Buggy. In this "Pack elements" section we will add both green fee and buggy sub-products, and we will define the percentage of the gross price of the parent product that we want to pass on to each product and the units that will be removed from stock with each sale. We will discuss this tab later in this article.

  • Manage Stock

    Activate this option if you want to manage the stock of this product, normally used for store or restaurant products. When you save this product with this option activated, a new tab "Stock" will be displayed at the top, where you can continue configuring more specific data of items with stock.

  • Prevent direct sale

    This option will be activated when we do not want this product to be sold directly through the POS, for example a Buggy. The Buggy is usually a product that is associated with a type of reservation. We want a Buggy to be made as a reservation because, in addition to invoicing a buggy, we want it to block a buggy from our stock to know if we have availability of buggies on a given day. If we directly sell a buggy at the POS using the product finder, we will invoice it fine but the system will not block a buggy, so the stock of buggies cannot be accurate for that day. To avoid confusion, we can activate this option to not be able to sell it directly at the POS as a product and force the user to use the booking type button. This way you will invoice and reserve a buggy for that day. Another example would be a quota. A product that we then associate with a type of quota, we want to sell it as a quota and not sell it directly as a product at the POS. Why? Because if we sell it as a quota well done, in addition to billing it, we will create a quota in that customer and that will bring good consequences regarding rates, privileges, etc... If we sell it directly at the POS, we will invoice it, but we will not create a quota in the client's file, which will deprive us of certain advantages. So, to avoid possible errors with this type of products, we will activate this option if we do not want this product to be sold directly in the POS as a normal product.

  • Barcode

    Here we will put the barcode that we want to print on our labels. This product will be added to the POS cart automatically when scanning this barcode. To save the barcode just put the mouse inside this field and scan your barcode. You will see a code being written in this field. Save and test on the POS if it recognizes it correctly.

  • Voucher

    Here we will select from the dropdown the type of voucher that restricts the sale of this product. Only customers who have a balance of this type of voucher (previously created) will be able to buy this product. Example: Green Fee Correspondence can only be purchased if you have an active "Correspondence Bonus".

  • Email template

    The customer who buys this product online, will receive this "confirmation of purchase" template. It is useful to be able to add conditions and necessary information or conditions, each time you buy online and provide the customer with specific information for the purchase of that product.

Rates tab

When saving a product, a new "Rates" tab will be activated at the top of the product tab. In this section we will be able to add dynamic rates to our products.

How the system will work is:

  • When you are going to make a reservation for example, Golfmanager is going to look at what product is associated with that type of reservation.

  • It will first look to see if there are any dynamic rates. If any of those rates apply it will take that rule as the price. If there are no dynamic rates, or not all of your rules apply, the system will take the gross price from the main product tab.

Therefore, we will be able to add an infinite number of dynamic rates to our products based on certain criteria that we are now going to see. To create a dynamic rate follow these steps:

  • General section

  • Name

    Here we will put the name of this dynamic tariff to be able to recognize it within the list of tariffs of a product. For example "Members", "Midweek", etc. With the advanced option ebookings.showPriceName we will be able to show this dynamic price name on the web page to our customers.

  • Priority

    As you know, or will see later, the priority appears throughout Golfmanager. But it is on this page where it becomes vitally important. When the system searches for a dynamic price in this listing within a product, it does so in order of priority, starting with 1, then 2, 3, and so on. The system will validate all the rules configured in this dynamic table (date, collective, etc.) and, if all of them apply, it will stop searching and use this price for the sale. If there is any configuration that does not apply, for example the day of the week, the system will stop validating more rules within that fare and will move to the next in the list until it finds a fare that applies all its rules. If it will not find any dynamic rates that apply all the rules, it will use the gross price from the main product tab. Here are some considerations:

    • The number of priority does not have to be 1, 2, 3.... it can be any number, for example 10, 20, 30, 80... the point is that the system will search from 1 onwards. Moreover, you could put in this field negative values, for example -10, and this would be the lowest number starting to check rules of this rate.

    • Leave spaces between priorities. For example 10, 20, 30, versus 1,2,3. Because in the future you may need to create a new rate that falls in between two existing rates. You could edit the priorities again to get the expected result, but leaving gaps between priorities will make it more comfortable.

    • Make sure that two rules that can be applied at the same time have the same priority. In this case Golfmanager will have to decide which rule to apply and this could be the wrong one.

    • Normally the most advantageous rates usually have the lowest priorities: members, invitation, etc. And the highest rates usually have the highest priorities, appearing at the bottom of this list and being the last to be checked.

    • When a sale is generated and a dynamic rate has been used, you will be able to see in the detail which rate has been used. If the result is not as expected, you can quickly identify the error and correct it.

    • Rates are not cumulative from one to another.

  • Rate type

    Here we will choose the type of discount we are going to make when all the rules below are fulfilled. The options in this dropdown are:

    • Exact price. We will use this option if we want to apply a special gross price without the need to calculate a discount. For example, if a green fee costs 50โ‚ฌ to the visitor, but to the member it costs 5โ‚ฌ.

    • Discount amount. We will use this option if we want to apply an amount of euros discount. For example, 10โ‚ฌ discount if you book before 10 am. The system will take that 50โ‚ฌ gross price and subtract 10โ‚ฌ for a total of 40โ‚ฌ.

    • Percentage discount. We will use this option if we want to offer a discount on the gross price. We will be able to choose if we want to round the final amount or not. For example, "Book from 2pm and get 50%". In this case, the 50โ‚ฌ green fee will cost 25โ‚ฌ.

  • Value

    In this field we will put the value of the discount according to the previous rule. For example, if we have chosen the exact price of 5โ‚ฌ for the member, in this field we will put "5". If we had chosen a discount percentage, we will put "50" for 50% discount. This field is numeric and does not accept text or symbols.

  • Date filters section

In this section we will define if this dynamic rate applies some days or seasons of the year:

  • Start. From when this dynamic rate will be active. This field acts as a filter, i.e. if the field is empty, the dynamic tariff will be active from always.

  • End. Until when this dynamic tariff will be active. This field acts as a filter, i.e. if the field is empty, the dynamic tariff will be active forever.

  • Days of the week. Mark the days you want this rate to be applied. Blue means that it is active for that day.

  • Holidays. Activate this option if you want this rate to apply also on holidays. To do this you will have to register the holidays in your Golfmanager.

  • Start time: From what time this dynamic rate will be active. This field acts as a filter, i.e. if the field is empty, the dynamic rate will be active from the beginning of the day.

  • End time: Until what time this dynamic tariff will be active. This field acts as a filter, i.e. if the field is empty the dynamic fare will be active until the end of the day.

  • Minimum anticipation: This is a very useful field for dynamic pricing. It indicates the number of days or hours in which this rate will be active. That is, after that time, this rate will not apply. For example, if this rate does not apply 2 hours before the departure time because we consider it "last minute". To set this in advance we will use 2d for days, 2h for hours. If this field is empty, it will not take into account the anticipation.

  • Maximum anticipation: This is a very useful field for dynamic pricing. It indicates the number of days or hours from which this rate will be active. That is, from that moment, this rate will start to apply. For example, if this rate applies 2 hours before the departure time because we consider it "last minute". To set this in advance we will use 2d for days, 2h for hours. If this field is empty, it will not take into account the anticipation.

  • Customer filters section

In this section you can limit access to this special rate to certain customers or groups:

  • Client: select the client you want this rate to apply to. If we leave it blank this rate would apply to all players. This option is rarely filled in and would be intended for very specific people with privileges: president, a VIP, etc.

  • Group: select the group to which you want this rate to apply. If left blank, this rate would apply to all groups. For example, we will give a 10% discount on buggies to the "members" group.

  • Age group: select the age group to which you want this rate to apply. If we leave it blank this rate would apply to all ages. This option is very useful for social camp maintenance fee prices, which increase as the person gets older. In this case the system looks at the age of that client by looking at the date of birth in his record, and checks if he is in this age group.

  • Quota type: select a type of quota to which you want this tariff to apply. If left blank this rate will apply to everyone regardless of whether they have a quota or not. This option is very used for member discounts, for example, if you are a member because you have an active quota in your card I will give you a 10% discount on the buggy. The system, to apply this rate, will look at the customer's card and see if you have this type of quota active.

  • Filter by occupancy section

in this section we can manage dynamic rates based on the occupancy of the field. In order for the system to calculate the occupancy of the field on a particular day, you have to tell it which family or sub-family to look at. Let's take the following example. The first 20 green fees of the day will have a 10% discount.

  • Family: choose the family of green fees so that the system counts the green fees sold that day and can apply the discount.

  • Sub-family: if your product is better identified in a sub-family, choose this one here. It is not necessary to select family and subfamily, one of them is enough.

  • Minimum sales: here we would put the minimum number of sales that must be in that day of that family/subfamily to be able to apply this rate. Following the previous example, we would put "0".

  • Maximum sales: here we would put the maximum number of sales that must be in that day of that family/subfamily to be able to apply this tariff. Following the previous example, we would put "20". Once we have sold 20 products of that family/subfamily, this rate will not be applied. You can configure more occupancy rules for example:

    • first 20: 20% discount

    • from green fee 21 to 40: 10% discount

    • from the 41st green fee there is no discount.

  • Other filters section

  • Sales channel: here we can select if this rate will be applied at reception or online. If we leave it empty this rate will apply whether you make the reservation in the store or on the website.

Pack elements tab

If we have activated the "pack" option in the main tab of this product, we will see that when we save the product a new tab appears at the top.

In this tab we will add the sub-products that make up this main product. As an example we will create a pack of "GF 18H + Buggy". This functionality is also useful for restaurant recipes although for this we have integrations with specialists such as APIC BASE.

To add by-products to this pack click on "New" and fill in the following options:

  • Item: Following the example above, we will search for the product GF 18H and select it.

  • Percentage: Here we will put the percentage of the package price that we are going to impute to this product GF 18H. For example "80" of 80%. This means that if we sell a GF + buggy pack for 100โ‚ฌ, 80โ‚ฌ will be imputed to the green fee. This field is numeric. A recurring question from the clubs is whether we can enter here an amount in euros instead of percentage. Not at the moment because Golfmanager is committed to dynamic rates.

  • Units: here we will put the units that we will subtract from the stock each time we sell this package. Following the previous example, in this field we will put a "1" since it is a green fee. However, when we add the buggy units we can put 0.5 buggies removing only 1/2 buggy with each sale of a buggy package.

It is important to mention that this breakdown is for information purposes only. When a package is sold with by-products inside, only the main product of the package will be shown on the ticket and on the invoicing, not the by-products at any time. These breakdowns will be visible in the invoicing report when the "Breakdown" option is activated. Only the main product information will also be exported to accounting.

Some clubs tell us what happens if the by-products have different taxes, or if they want to export the by-products to accounting. This is not possible. For this need we have the concept of extras in the reserve type, or extra type reserve types.

Stock tab

In this section we can add more stock information to all those products that require it: store or restaurant items. To display this tab you must have the "stock" option of the main tab of this product activated and save the changes.

  • Online sale: If we want these products to be sold in the online store (e-commerce). This option is useful only if we have the "inOne" plugin activated. Ask our support team how to test this online store.

  • Allow to sell without stock: We will activate this option if we want the system to allow us to sell this product even if there are <=0 units. It is useful to have it activated since there are times when the stock is not updated and, being true that the product is available, the system will not let us sell it. If you want to be fast in store, activate this option... if you want to be very strict with the stock, don't activate it.

  • In stock: We will activate this option if this product has been left in stock. In this way, in the reports, we will be able to differentiate the purchased products from those that we have in deposit.

  • Variant of: This part will indicate if this product is a variant of another product. For example, Srixon XL Glove depends on the parent product Srixon Glove.

  • Brand: Here we can put the brand of this product for our reports.

  • Supplier: Here we will select the supplier that we have previously created.

  • Net unit cost: Here we will put the cost price of each unit WITHOUT VAT. This cost will be used to calculate the store sales margins. By default, the average price is the one we have in this field, but there is the advanced option stock.autoUpdateAverageCost that calculates the average price with each stock movement.

  • Product description: Here we will put the product description. This information is useful only if we are going to activate the online sale.

  • Product Image: Here we will add the product photo. This information is useful only if we are going to activate the online sale.

  • Product variants: In this section we can create variants of color, size, etc. of our main product. In Golfmanager you can create a product for each size, or you can create a main product (also called parent product) and within it its sizes. To create variants of this product click on "Create variants" and select the desired options. The system will create what are considered "child products" with the options you have chosen. As you will see, the name of this child product will be the name of the parent product plus its size, color, etc. variants. You will also be able to see how the variant fields of these child products have been correctly filled in. This functionality allows you to add products more quickly and get better stock reports. From this list you can delete some of the variants created.

    Note: Golfmanager will concatenate the barcode of the parent product with the color code, size, etc.

    Note: You can create, edit and delete these variants in the configuration menu / invoicing / variants.

    Note: Although the system creates these variants as new products, they will be hidden in the product listing as they are considered "child products".

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