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Product Variants

How to create variant types for a store product

Updated over a week ago



In this article we will see how to configure the variant types of a product. Variants are those properties that are associated with a product such as size or color.

This functionality will allow us to create sub-products from a "parent" product in a quick and easy way.

What the system actually does from behind is:

  1. It creates a new product of type "child" by concatenating the name of the "parent" product and the name of its variants. For example, the parent product "Adidas Shirt" will have child products like "Adidas Shirt XL blue".

  2. In addition to the name, the system will fill in the fields for size, color, etc. of the child product. Following the example above, it will populate the size field with "XL" and the color field with "blue".

  3. It will also concatenate the barcode of the parent product, if any, with the variant ID. For example, if the parent product has the code "123", the child product could be "1230001".

  4. In the Golfmanager product list we will only see the "parent" products and those that have no by-products ("singles"). The "child" products will not be visible in this listing and will only be visible within the "parent" product file.

Golfmanager configures by default a number of variant types and elements, but these can be adapted to the needs of each club.


To create a variant type and its elements follow these simple steps.

  • Name: Add the description of the variant, for example "Size". Once we click on Save, the Values section will open at the bottom.


In this list we can create the different values within this type of variant "size".

  • Name: We write the name for this value. Following the previous example of "Size", here we will write "XL", "L", etc.

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