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In this article we will see how to create and edit companies, and what they affect.

Updated over a week ago



The company is mainly used for the issuance of complete and recapitulative invoices. To customize the tickets, these are usually done from the cash register configuration.

In addition, the company is used to filter certain reports and exports to accounting.

Follow the steps below to create a company.


  • Name: In this field we will describe the legal name of our company and that will be shown in the invoices. For example "Golfmanager S.L.".

  • Street of the company that will be shown in the invoices.

  • City of the company that will be shown in the invoices.

  • Province of the company to be shown on the invoices.

  • Postal code of the company that will be shown in the invoices.

  • Email of the company that will be shown on the invoices.

  • Company phone number to be shown on the invoices.

  • Company VAT number to be shown on the invoices.

Invoice series

Series of complete invoices: We will select the series of the invoices that will be used by default and that we will have previously created.

Series of group invoices: We will select the series of the invoices that will be used by default and that previously we will have created.

Direct debits

This section will only be filled in if we are going to make direct debits to your clients.

  • VAT: Normally it will be the same VAT number of the company.

  • Creditor prefix: Data provided by the bank and necessary to create files for direct debits.

  • Presenter prefix: Data provided by the bank and necessary to create files for direct debits.

  • Accounting account: Accounting account for direct debits.

Bank Accounts

This section will appear after selecting the Save button with the company details.

  • Company: Select the desired company.

  • IBAN: We will add the bank details including the IBAN data, without symbols or spaces.

  • BIC: These will appear automatically after having saved all the data in this section. They can also be added manually.

  • Ending: It will show the last 4 digits of the bank account.

  • Bank Name: To add the name of the bank.

  • Priority: We will give it a priority.

  • Observations: You can add comments, for example, the Trade Register to appear on the invoice.

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