Sales list

Check all the details of the most precious thing in Golfmanager, what you sell.

Updated over a week ago




In Golfmanager, every time you make a booking, a lesson, a store sale, etc. a sale is generated. All these sales, and their details, will appear in this list so that you can filter, search, consult and export to Excel. That is why we consider this listing within the TOP 3 most important in Golfmanager.

As in any listing, you can use the tools to better exploit your data: filtering, searching, exporting, importing, etc.

"Sold Lines" tab

The difference between a sale and a sold line is that within a sale there can be one or more sold lines. It can help you a lot to think of a sale as a shopping cart, while sales lines would be the items you put inside that cart. Sales would be how many purchases or carts you have sold in a day, while sales lines would be all the items you have sold regardless of which shopping cart it belongs in.

This "Sales Listing" divides this information into two tabs: sales and sales lines. In this "sales lines" tab we will see each of the items that have been sold with all their details and, therefore, it becomes the most important listing of your day to day.

For your knowledge, every time you log into the POS you are viewing a cart or sale. You will see that sale ID in the URL of your browser. And inside this POS, in the display, you will add several products and each of them will be your sale lines. Every time you create a new cart in the POS and add items, you are adding records in your sales list and sales lines. You will be able to operate with these sales from the POS or from the list itself.

Special button in the list of sales lines. Send for online payment

This option allows us to send the sales pending payment to a customer by email. This customer will receive an email with a link to proceed with the payment. As soon as the amount is paid through the online payment gateway, they will automatically appear in Golfmanager as paid.

To request payment via email follow these steps:

  1. Select the sales pending payment that you want to send.

  2. Click on Send for Online Payment. A pop up will open.

  3. Select the "Send for online payment" Template from the dropdown. These templates can be configured in Settings > Templates,

  4. In the Expiration field, you can insert an expiration date for the payment. Once this date has passed, the customer will not be able to pay via email.

  5. Click on Accept.

Special button in the sales list. Pay

Through this button you will be able to pay a sales line directly from this list and you will not have to access the customer's file. You can also select several lines and pay lines from several customers at the same time.

Special button in the list of sales lines. Invoice

From this button we can generate all types of invoices, except the simplified ones that will be made directly from the POS.

To know more about the differences between the different types of invoices, read our article: List. Invoices.

Next we explain the steps to take according to the type of invoice:

How to generate a complete invoice

  1. Filter by dates and select the sales you want to invoice from the sales list. We recommend you to add the filter "Invoice = has no value" to exclude from the list those sales that are already invoiced, although the system will not allow you to double invoice.

  2. Click on "Invoice".

  3. Select issue invoice. A pop up will open.

  4. Select the type of invoicing:

    1. Group into a single invoice. The system will generate a single invoice with all selected sales.

    2. One invoice per customer. The system will group the selected sales by customer and will issue an invoice to each of them.

  5. Choose the customer to generate the invoice. In case of choosing an invoice for each customer, this option is hidden as it is not necessary.

  6. Choose the company with which the invoice will be issued.

  7. Select the date of the invoice. The system will not allow you to choose a date in the past that is not related to the numbering of your current invoices. In other words, the invoices and their dates must be correlative and the system will help you to keep it that way.

  8. Add remarks for this invoice. This will be visible to the customer if your template allows it.

  9. The system will choose a default series as you have configured in the company profile, but from the advanced section of this pop up you can select it manually.

  10. The system will choose a default template, which will be the one with the highest priority among all your invoice templates. But from the advanced section of this pop up you will be able to select it manually. Even once the invoice is issued, in the detail, you will be able to change the template as many times as you want.

  11. You will be able to manually choose the invoice to rectify if necessary.

  12. Click on "Accept". The system will take you to the detail of this new invoice where you will be able to modify it, print it, send it, etc. For more information about this new screen visit our help article Invoices.

How to generate a proforma invoice

  1. From the List of lines sold, filter by date and select the sales you want to invoice. In this type of invoice, you can make as many invoices on the same line as you want.

  2. Click on the special "Invoice" button.

  3. Select Issue proforma invoice. A pop up will open.

  4. Select the type of invoice:

    1. Group into a single invoice. The system will generate a single proforma invoice with all selected sales.

    2. One invoice per customer. The system will group the selected sales by customer and will issue a proforma invoice to each of them.

  5. Choose the customer with whom the invoice will be generated. In case of choosing an invoice for each customer, this option is hidden as it is not necessary.

  6. Choose the company with which the invoice will be issued.

  7. Select the date of the invoice.

  8. Add remarks for this invoice. This will be visible to the customer if your template allows it.

  9. In the Advanced section of this pop up, you will be able to manually select a proforma invoice series. To have the system choose a default proforma invoice series, you can leave it configured in the Company profile.

  10. The system will choose a default proforma invoice template. But from the Advanced section of this pop up you can select it manually. Even once the invoice is issued, in the detail, you can change the template as many times as you want.

  11. Click on "Accept". The system will take you to the detail of this new proforma invoice where you will be able to modify it, print it, send it, etc. For more information about this new screen visit our help article Proforma Invoices.

How to add sales to an existing invoice

The system allows you to add new sales lines to an existing invoice. To do this follow these steps:

  1. Filter by dates and select the sales you want to add to an existing invoice.

  2. Click on "Invoice".

  3. Select add to invoice. A pop up will open.

  4. Find and select the invoice to which you want to add the selected lines.

  5. Click OK.

Detail of a sales line. General section

To access the detail of any of our sales, you can go to Listings > Sales and click on the ID of the desired sale. In this first section you will find the general section with the following fields:

  • ID: Unique identifier of this sale in your database.

  • Sale: ID of sale, cart or delivery note to which this sale line belongs.

  • Description (editable): Default description (optionally editable) that usually consists of the product name, date, resource and customer name.

  • Product: Name of the product that forms this line of sale.

  • Customer: Customer or contact in the database who owns or is responsible for this sales line.

  • Beneficiary (editable): Customer in the database who will benefit from this service. This field is usually the same as the customer, but in case of tour operators it may be different.

  • Rate: Here you will find which special rate was used when calculating the price of this sales line. Very useful to track the reason for a price.

  • Promotional code: Promotional code used by the customer when purchasing this sales line.

  • Usage date (editable): Date on which this sale line will be used. For a store product this is usually the same as the creation date, but for a booking, lesson or receipt, the date is usually the play date, lesson day or receipt date respectively.

  • Due date (editable): Payment date of this sales line. This is usually the play date, but this value can be customized with the correct booking settings.

  • Expiration (editable): Date when this sales line will expire. The system works as follows. When we make a booking, the system creates a sales line with 15 minutes of margin to confirm. Sales can be confirmed in 3 different ways: paying the requested amount (total or sometimes a percentage), leaving them on credit, setting up a 0% prepayment. As soon as a sale is confirmed, the expiration date disappears. If it is not confirmed we will see in this field the expiration date.

  • Cashbox: Here we will see the cashbox that the user had open at the time of the creation of the sales line.

  • Prepaid percentage: Percentage of the total sale that was requested to the customer at the time of the online purchase.

  • Collective: Here you will see the customer's collective, useful for future reports and listings.

  • Online: Here you will see if this sales line originated online or not, useful for reports and listings.

Detail of a sales line. Status section

In this section we will see some useful fields to study the status of a sales line:

  • On credit (editable): Here we will see if this sale is marked as on credit or not. A credit sale is one that has been marked for payment at the end of a period, usually at the end of the month. If a customer, in its card, has the option "on credit" activated, its sales will be created as such by default.

  • Request invoice (editable). Sales are usually invoiced in 2 ways: in a summary invoice (recapitulative invoice), or to a customer (complete invoice). When you are going to make the summary invoices it will be necessary to exclude from this list those sales that belong to customers who request invoice at the end of the month, for example tour operators. Here we will see if this sale is marked to be invoiced to a specific customer, and this information will help you not to include it in a recapitulative invoice. If a client, in his file, has the option "request invoice" activated, his sales will be created this way by default.

  • Paid: Here you will see if this sales line is paid or not.

  • Canceled: Here you will see if this sales line is canceled or not.

  • Ticket: If the line is paid, here you will see in which ticket or simplified invoice this line is included.

  • Invoice: If the line is invoiced, here you will see in which invoice this line is included.

Detail of a sales line. Amount section

  • Quantity: Number of units in this sale line.

  • Price: Price of this sales line, without discount and including taxes.

  • Discount: Amount of discount in this sales line including tax.

  • Total: Final quantity of this sale line, tax included.

Detail of a sales line. Direct debit section

  • Direct debit (editable): Here we will see if this sales line is marked for direct debit. If it is marked as yes, and it is pending payment, this payment line will be added in the next SEPA file.

  • Account (editable). Customer's bank account to which this sales line will be debited.

Detail of a sales line. Other section

  • Coupon (editable): Here we will see the code associated to this sales line and entered by the staff from the POS. A code can be associated to an existing sale from the POS with the appropriate button.

  • Discount reason: The system, with the advanced option pos.showDiscountReasons enabled, forces the employees to choose a reason every time they want to apply a discount. Here we will look at that discount reason.

  • Cancellation reason: The system, with the advanced option X enabled, forces employees to choose a reason each time they want to cancel a sales line. Here we will see that cancellation reason.

  • ID on which it depends: This field, together with the "object it depends on" field helps you to identify where a sales line comes from: from a booking, from a quota, etc. The "object it depends on" is the table in the program that originated the sale, for example the most common is bookings.reservation and means that this sale was created from a booking. The ID would be the identifier in that booking list.

  • Dependent object: As we have seen in the previous point, it is the table in the database that originated this sale. The most common ones are:

    • activities.inscription: It was created from an inscription to an activity.

    • billing.voucher: It was created from a voucher.

    • billing.voucherRecharge: It was created from a voucher recharge.

    • bookings.reservation: It was created from a booking.

    • golfdirecto: Created from a tournament registration.

    • recurring.membershipClient: It was created from a fee receipt.

    • school.class: It was created from a class.

    • school.course: It was created from a course.

    • transfer.transfer : It was created from a transfer.

  • ID on which it depends 2: Same meaning as above, but sometimes sales can come from two different tables. Here we will see the ID of this table Object on which 2 depends.

  • Dependent object 2: Same meaning as above, because sometimes sales can come from two different tables. Here you will see the name of the table where this sales line comes from.

  • Remarks (editable): The system allows you to add remarks to a sales line from the POS (with the right button) or from this detail screen. It is useful to add notes to help you in the future.

  • Public remarks (editable): same concept as above, but these remarks will appear on the customer invoice if generated.

  • Net unit cost (editable): If this is a sales line of a store product and it has the option "manage stock" activated next to the net unit cost... this cost will appear here and it will be useful for your reports.

  • Managed stock (editable): If this is a sales line of a store product and it has the "manage stock" option activated... this option will tell you if the stock movement has been done correctly.

Detail of a sales line. Custom fields section

Some plugins need to create custom fields in certain tables to collect all the information necessary for proper operation. In this section all these fields will appear in addition to all those that the club has created in a customized way.

"Sales" tab

As we explained earlier, the difference between a sale and a sale line is that within a sale there can be one or more sale lines. It can help you a lot to think of a sale as a shopping cart, while sales lines would be the items you put inside that cart. Sales would be how many purchases or carts you have sold in a day, while sales lines would be all the items you have sold regardless of which shopping cart it belongs in.

This "Sales Listing" divides this information into two tabs: sales and sales lines. In this "Sales" tab we will see each of the carts you have sold, and it is usually not as relevant as the "Sales Listing" tab.

FYI, every time you log into the POS you are looking at a cart or sale. You will see that sale ID in your browser URL. And inside this POS, in the display, you will add several products and each of them will be your sale lines. Every time you create a new cart in the POS and add items, you are adding records in your sales list and sales lines. You will be able to operate with these sales from the POS or from the list itself.

In this tab we will find the following:

Special button in the sales list. View in POS

We recommend you to read the previous point to see the differences between a sale and its sales lines. Well, with this button you will be able to open this sale in the POS to view and/or operate from there.

Detail of a sale. General Section

  • ID: Identifier of this sale or cart.

  • Checkout: Here you will see the checkout that was being used by the user when creating this sale.

  • Customer: Here you will see the owner customer of this sale. The customer of a sale does not have to be the same customer of all the sale lines that form it.

  • Parked: The system allows you to "park" sales to be able to pay them later. In this field you will see if this sale is parked or not.

  • Email: If the booking is made online, here you will see the email of the person who owns this sale.

  • Last updated: If the sale undergoes any change, here you will see the date when it was made.

  • Creation date: The date when this sale was created.

Detail of a sale. Custom Fields section

Some plugins need to create custom fields in certain tables to collect all the information necessary for proper operation. In this section all these fields will appear in addition to all those that the club has created in a customized way.

Detail of a sale. Lines Section

In this section we will see all the lines that form a sale. The detail within each of these lines can be consulted in this same article.

Detail of a sale. Tickets Section

In this section we will see all the tickets associated to a sale. The detail within each of these lines can be consulted in the tickets article.


View debts of all clients

Filters to search according to your needs.

To see a list of debts of all customers follow these steps:

  1. Click on Listings > Sales.

  2. Filter by b.

  3. If you need to see the debts in the past filter by date of use, alias in the past.

Direct debit a sale from the sales list

To domicile a sale from the sales list, follow these steps, In the Main Menu

  1. Click on Listings.

  2. Click on Sales

  3. Search and filter the list to locate the sale to domicile.

  4. Click on the corresponding ID to open the record.

  5. Look for the Domiciliation section and activate the Domiciled checkbox.

  6. Select the bank account from the drop-down menu or create a new account, if necessary.

  7. Click on Save.

How to cancel a sales line from the sales list

If you need to cancel one or more sales lines, you can cancel from the POS or from the sales list. If you want to cancel one or several lines from the sales list, these must be pending payment and without invoice. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. From the sales list, filter and select the sales you want to cancel.

  2. Click on Cancel. A popup will open.

  3. Click Accept.

Possible errors when canceling:

  • Error: Cannot cancel paid sales.

  • ERROR 63492. Some unpaid lines have an invoice

Edit the date of use of a sale

If you want to change the date of use of a sale follow these steps from the main menu:

  1. Click on Listings.

  2. Click on Sales.

  3. Access the sale line you want to edit.

  4. In the date of use field, edit with the desired date.

  5. Click on Save

Edit the expiration date of a sale

If you want to change the expiration date of a sale follow these steps:

  1. Click on Listings.

  2. Click on Sales.

  3. Access the sale line and click on the ID.

  4. In the expiration date field, edit the date.

  5. Click on Save.

View expired sales

Golfmanager offers a default time of 15 minutes to finalize an online sale. This time can be modified at the club's discretion.

If you make a sale and it is not confirmed, the sale will expire after 15 minutes.

To check if the sale is expired, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the customer file > Sales tab or from the Sales List.

  2. Click on 3 Points > Customize > in the pop up add Columns > Save.

Create a Daily / Monthly Closing Invoice

From Main Menu:

Ideally, you should have a customized saved listing, with the appropriate filters, called "Daily / Monthly Close Invoice" in the Saved Listings dropdown. Once we have the list, filtered, created and saved.

  1. Click on Listings or POS & Invoicing.

  2. Click on Sales

  3. Click on the arrow that appears next to "Sales lines" to display the saved lists.

  4. Choose the desired list "Ex: Daily Invoicing Close".

  5. Select all the sales lines.

  6. Click on Issue Invoice.

  7. Fill in the desired fields.

    1. Type: Add in a single Invoice

    2. Customer: choose the customer created for this purpose (e.g.: several customers).

    3. Company

    4. Date: you cannot choose a date prior to the last invoice issued.

  8. In Advanced you have the options to choose another series, another template or invoice to which it rectifies.

  9. Click on Accept.

Next an "example of filter of closing of daily invoicing", if you want it monthly just change the date of ticket = Alias "this month".

  1. Cancelled equals NO.

  2. Ticket date TODAY.

  3. Virtual equals NO.

  4. Invoice has NO value.

  5. Click on the three dots.

  6. Click on Customize.

  7. Save the list with name "Close Daily Invoice".

Create Monthly Invoice to agency or TTOO

From the Main Menu:

  1. Click on Listings.

  2. Click on Sales.

  3. It is advisable to have a saved list, called "Monthly Invoicing Agencies or TTOO" in the dropdown of saved lists.

  • The list would look something like this, "Usage date this month", "Cancelled equals no", "Invoice has no value", "Invoice has no value", "Invoice has no value". Invoice has no value", "Request Invoice equals Yes", "virtual equals no".

If you already have the list, prepared or saved:

1. Select the ID of all sales lines ID.

2.Click on Issue Invoice.

3.Fill in the requested fields.

  • Type: If you group all the sales lines in one invoice for the same customer or one invoice for each customer.

  • Customer: The name of the customer if you group all the lines in the same invoice.

  • Company: The Company that invoices

  • Date: The date you want the invoice to be issued. By default, it cannot be prior to the last invoice issued, although it can be modified later.

4. In advanced, you will be able to select, optionally, the series, the template and the invoice to rectify in case you would like to make a rectifying invoice.

5. Accept.

Create Daily Billing Closing List

From the Main Menu:

  1. Click on Listings.

  2. Click on Sales.

  3. Click on Filter and filter by the following:

Is it possible to add the nationality field?

No, from the sales list you cannot see the customer's nationality field, the nationality appears in the customer and booking list.

If you create a dynamic table of sales lines, you can add a column of the customer's nationality.

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