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Invoice Series

In this article we are going to see how to configure the series for our invoices.

Updated over a week ago



In this article we will see how the series affects the invoicing of our club. A billing series is the numbering that we are going to assign to our documents (invoices).


The first thing we are going to do is to create the different types of series. The most common would be:

  • Series of tickets or simplified invoices

  • Series of complete invoices

  • Series of recapitulative invoices

When creating a series the following fields will be requested:

  • Name of the series to recognize this series in our listings.

  • Format will be the way the invoice number will be displayed on the document. This number will be assigned automatically by Golfmanager in ascending order and without jumps in the numbering. The code to display the number is "%v" and we can add before or after it whatever we want. For example, if we want to add the year or the golf department before the number, we would put "G2021-%v" and the result would be "G2021-63".

  • Cancellation format is the same as the previous point but for invoice cancellations. We can add to the format a cancellation "C" "CG2021-%v" to obtain the following result "CG2021-2" each time we cancel an invoice. Golfmanager will always have a different numbering for issued invoices, and a different numbering for corrected invoices.

  • Last number would be the numbering of the last invoice issued. Therefore, if we start operating the year with Golfmanager and we have no invoices issued in our company, here we will put a 0. If on the other hand we start in the middle of the year and we want the next invoice (first in Golfmanager) to be "145" for example, we will have to put "144" here, which was the last numbering in the previous system.

  • Last rectification is the same as the previous point, but for rectifying invoices.

Once we have all the series created, now it is time to connect them in the correct places:

  • The ticket series will be connected at the cash register. Go to invoicing/boxes, select one of them and inside choose the desired ticket series.

  • The complete and recapitulative invoice series will be connected at the company. Go to invoicing/companies, select one of them and inside choose the desired series.

This point is critical for the correct invoicing and accounting, so we recommend to consult with our support team and your financial department.

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