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Bookings settings

How to create rules to limit the number of reservations of your customers.

Updated over a week ago




It is very common for a golf course to have booking rules for its clients: 1 reservation per day, 7 days in advance, etc.

In this page we will be able to configure many of these rules or configurations.


In this section we are going to name our rule and say to whom we are going to apply these limitations.

  • Name: Here we will assign the name of this rule. It will help us to identify it among the others in our list of configurations.

From the following options, we can choose between one or more:

  • Type of reservation: if you want to apply this rule to a specific type of reservation. If left empty, the rule will apply to any type of reservation.

  • Customer: if you want to apply this rule to a specific customer. If left empty, the rule would apply to any customer.

  • Group: if you want to apply this rule to a specific group. If left empty, the rule would apply to any group.

  • Area: if you want to apply this rule to a specific area. If left empty, the rule would apply to any area.

These other options in the section can also be very useful:

  • Expiration: will mark the due date for payment of that reservation. We will use a number followed by d=days, h=hours, m=minutes. For example 15d. We will put this amount in negative if we want the due date to be after the game date (credit customers). For example -30d.

  • Prepaid tour operators who have to pay 15 days before the game date, we will put -15d. If a booking is made on February 1, a sale will be generated with a due date of January 15, which is when the tour operator will have to pay for it.

  • Restrict administration: If you want this rule to apply also to bookings made from administration. If left unchecked, the rule will only apply to online bookings.

If you have more than one rule or configuration that can apply at the same time, the system will choose the order of priority as follows:

  1. Booking type,

  2. Customer,

  3. Group.

Online section

In this section we will assign the limitations for this configuration, being able to use one or several at the same time:

  • No online cancellation: Select this option if you do not want the customer to be able to cancel their online reservation. The trash icon does not appear on the client's web profile when the option is activated.

Prepayment percentage.

Amount in percentage (%) that must be paid to confirm the reservation.

  • If we put a number, for example "5", the system will ask the player to pay 5% of the total green fee. For a green fee of 100€, the client would have to pay 5€ when booking, and the rest at the reception. This option is good for those clubs that are afraid to ask for all the money in advance, but it can create confusion for the client when he/she arrives on the day of play thinking that he/she has already paid for everything.

  • If we put 100% the customer would have to pay everything at the time of booking online, and will not have to pay anything at the reception. This option is good to save queues and tasks at the reception.

  • If we set 0% the customer does not have to pay anything at the time of booking online, but the day of the game at the reception. This option is good if we do not have an online payment gateway, but it will bring more work to the reception.

  • If we leave it empty the system by default understands that it is 100% prepaid like option 2.

  • Pre-booking expiration: The time we give to the customer who books online to complete his reservation. We will use a number followed by d=days, h=hours, m=minutes. For example 15m.

    After that time the reservation will expire, it will be free for the next interested customer, and he will have to start again if he wants to book. If you leave the field empty, by default, the system offers 15 minutes to your customers to complete the reservation and payment.

  • Minimum advance booking time: The minimum time in advance that a customer has to make a reservation. After this time, the customer will no longer be able to book.

    Enter a number followed by d=days, h=hours, m=minutes. Example: "30m". The player cannot book if he/she is only 30 minutes away from the game time.

  • Maximum advance booking time: The maximum time in advance that a customer has to book. Before this time the customer will not be able to book.

    Enter a number followed by d=days, h=hours, m=minutes. Example: "7d". The player will only be able to book if he/she is 7 days or less away from the game day.

  • Full day minimum notice: Activate this field if the available minimum notice period extends to the full day. For example, if we put 24h minimum notice in the previous field, and we want to play tomorrow at 10am. If this box is unchecked I will be able to book until 10am the day before. But if this checkbox is activated, this period is extended to the whole day, so from 0:00 of the day before the game I will not be able to book for the next day.

  • Full day maximum lead time: Activate this field if the available period of maximum lead time extends to the full day. For example, if we put 2d (2 days) of maximum advance in the previous field, today is Friday, and we want to play on Sunday at 10am. If this box is unchecked I will be able to book from Friday at 10am. But if this box is checked, this period is extended to the whole day, so from 0:00 on Friday I will be able to book for Sunday.

  • Minimum notice to cancel: The time the customer has to cancel their online reservations without charge.

    Enter a number followed by d=days, h=hours, m=minutes. Example: "2d". The player will only be able to cancel his reservations if it is before 2 days before the game day.

  • Maximum number of reservations per purchase: Maximum number of green fees you have to reserve per purchase. For example "2". This configuration would not allow the customer to book more than 2 reservations in each purchase.

  • Maximum number of reservations per day: Maximum limit of reservations that a customer can make in one day. For example "2". This setting would only allow the customer to make 2 reservations per day, regardless of the player or game day.

  • Maximum number of reservations per day as beneficiary: Number of times a player can play per day. This is the most normal option. For example "1". With this setting a player could not book twice on the same day, giving advantage to those who have not yet booked.

  • Maximum number of active reservations: Limit of future reservations that a customer can have. For example "2". This setting would allow a customer to make 2 future reservations, regardless of which player and which day.

  • Maximum number of active bookings as beneficiary: Limit of forward bookings that can be played by the same customer. This option is more normal. For example "2". This setting would allow the same customer to have 2 forward reservations, regardless of the day. This configuration makes everything fairer because a player cannot book every day in an unlimited way.

    A configuration that we support a lot in Golfmanager for those courses with low availability is to open a 7-day advance booking sale, and 2 active bookings.

  • Maximum number of slots per day: The maximum number of full slots that can be booked per day. Example: "1". The user can only book the 4 tee times of a tee time, but would not be able to book the next time. This can be useful for member clubs with very low availability.

Booking in advance settings

This advanced option is another tool designed for busy golf courses, to make it fairer for everyone.

It is complicated to explain, but let's give it a try.

Let's take the example that you can only have 1 forward booking in the next 2 days. On Thursday you will decide if you want to play on Friday or Saturday, but not both. Therefore, if you have chosen to play on Friday, other players will have preference to play on Saturday. And so on.

  • Days in advance: The days in advance to analyze. In the above example it would be "2".

  • Maximum number of active reservations as beneficiary: The active reservations (in the future) that a player can have in the period marked in the previous point. Following the same example, we would put "1".

  • Restricted days: Mark the days that the system will analyze. Useful if you want this rule to apply only to weekends.

Time limit for booking online

If you want to edit the time limit for online booking (15 min by default if you leave the field empty), follow these steps:

  1. Click on Configuration Menu > Bookings > Settings > and click on New or on the desired ID.

  2. In Pre booking expiration edit the time in minutes followed by the "m" of minutes (10m).

  3. Save.

If you want to mass update all configuration lines follow these steps:

  1. Select all the lines.

  2. Click on 3 points > Mass update > Pre booking expiration field and change the value to e.g. 10m.

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