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Bookings types

What they consist of and how to create different types of reservations.

Updated over a week ago




The type of reservation is undoubtedly one of the three most important concepts of Golfmanager along with the Product and Tag. If you master these 3 concepts you have practically learned the program.

A type of reservation is the options that appear when making a reservation for a client. For example: "GF 18 holes", "Tennis 60 minutes", "Buggy 9 holes", etc.

There are many options to customize your reservation types. Let's see how to create one from scratch to learn all the possibilities.


  • Name: Here we will name our reservation type and it will be the one that will appear in the occupancy plan when booking a client, and the one that will be displayed in the booking web.

  • Product: In this dropdown we will select the product that we want to invoice every time we make a reservation of this type. It is very important to understand that everything related to the price, taxes and accounting is inside the product, not in the type of reservation. So, if the price when booking is not what we want, go to the product to see where the error is.

  • Price: This field is unused because the price will be managed according to the configuration of the product we have chosen in the previous step. If we put a value in this field, for example "50", the system will ignore the price in the product and will choose this one.

  • Type of resource: Here we can select in which type of resource this type of reservation will be available so that, for example, the types of tennis reservations do not appear when trying to book a green fee. It is basically an aid to the staff to see when booking only the correct typologies and avoid errors.

  • Resource to be booked: Here we will optionally select in which resource we are going to make the reservation. If left empty, the system will book the first available slot. For example, if it is a reservation type "GF 18 holes" and we leave it empty, the system will make the reservation on tee 1 or tee 10. However, you may be interested in creating a reservation type for tee 1 and another for tee 10, for example if you want the reservation type for tee 10 to be available until 10:00.

  • Duration: Here we define the duration in minutes of each reservation. In the case of golf the normal is "10" minutes because it is usually the most common tee time interval. In tennis it is usually "60" and/or "90" minutes.

  • Priority: This field will be used to customize the order in which our reservation types are displayed when booking a player. It will be ordered in ascending order, i.e., those with a "1" or similar will be shown first, and those with a priority of "100" will be shown last. It is very common to want to show the most common bookings first, such as membership or 18-hole bookings, so these usually have a priority close to "1".

Filter by customer type

In this section we can limit who will have access to this type of reservation. If these fields are empty, the type of reservation will be shown to all customers. You can choose to limit the reservations in two ways:

  • Tags: Another of the most important terms in Golfmanager. Here you can add the customer tags you want, and only customers who have this tag in their profile will have access to this type of reservation. For example, if we are creating the type of reservation "GF 18-hole member" it is normal to put the label "member" in this field.

  • Collective: Another way to achieve the same goal is to use the client's collective instead of the label. Depending on the case it may work better than the previous case, but it is less frequent since modifying the collective of a client is a manual task, while the label is automatic and therefore better. In addition, here you can limit the type of reservation to a single group, while with the tags you can add as many as you want. The fact is that, if you choose a group here, only those customers will be able to book this type.

Filter by date

In this section you will be able to limit the use of this reservation to specific days of the year. Again, if these fields are empty, there will be no filter so the type of reservation will be shown all year round, at all times.

  • Start date: From what date you want this type of reservation to be active.

  • End date: Until what date you want this type of reservation to be active.

  • Start time: From what time you want this type of reservation to be active.

  • End time: Until what time you want this type of reservation to be active.

  • Days of the week: Select which days you want this type of reservation to be active.

  • Holidays: Select the desired option from the drop-down menu:

  • Only Holidays: If you want this type of reservation to be active only on holidays. For this option to be useful we will have to have previously predefined the holidays in General settings > Holidays.

  • Selected days of the week except holidays. If you want this type of reservation to be active on the days of the week selected in the previous step except holidays. For this option to be useful we will have to have previously predefined the holidays in General settings > Holidays.

  • Selected days of the week and Holidays. If you want this type of reservation to be active on the days of the week selected in the previous step in addition to the holidays. For this option to be useful we will have to have previously predefined the holidays in General settings > Holidays.

Filter by quantity

In this section we can limit the use of this type of reservation according to the number of players or reservations. If left empty, this type of reservation will be available regardless of the number of reservations at that time.

  • Minimum quantity: If you want to show this type of reservation when there are at least this number of people. For example, "GF groups" when 8 or more players are playing. Here we will put "8".

  • Maximum amount: If you want this type of reservation to be available up to this number of players. This field is usually used for Buggy type reservations, in which we mark with a "2", so that no more than 2 buggies can be reserved in the same outing.

  • Multiples: You will be able to limit the use of this type of reservation only if the number of people respect this multiple. This option is usually chosen for "2 GF + buggy" type of reservations, so that only one player cannot take advantage of this offer made for two people.

  • Limit uses: With this option you can limit the use of this type of reservation to a certain number of times per day, month or year. This option is usually used for correspondence or invitation green fees.

Online options

In this section you can customize the online booking experience for this type of reservation.

  • Online: Check this box if you want this type of booking to be available online.

  • Is extra: Check this box if this type of reservation is an extra. An extra in golf is usually a buggy, a cart or a rental clubs... and they will have their own section when booking online different from the green fees which is the main thing. In the case of tennis it can be rackets, balls, etc. complementary to the main reservation which would be the court.

  • Description: Here you can put a text that best describes this type of reservation and will be visible on the web for your customers. For example "Buggy not included" or "ID required", etc.

  • Select online customer: Here you can select the way your customer should identify the players:

    • By name (default). The player can put any text here as the system will not check your customer database because it will always apply the same price to all customers. This option is usually used for visitor booking types, both golf and tennis.

    • By member name. When making the reservation, the player will have to identify the players by name. When entering the name, the system will return some possible results and the customer will have to select one of them. The system will check whether or not that customer can book that rate. This field is usually used for booking types like "GF 18H members".

    • By member ID. Same option as above, but instead of searching by member's name, you must enter the player's membership number. This way we respect better the data protection of our partners.

    • By relationships. With this option, the client will be able to choose players from his previously created list of friends.

      Note, with the widget and the app these functionalities will be available all at the same time, which is better than choosing only one of them.

  • Default template: Here we can select the template we want to send to the client when making a reservation of this type. Useful to send specific information of that field or that facility.

  • Rack: Here we can choose the rack price of this type of reservation that will be shown for information purposes on the web. The system will show this price in small, and will give more relevance to the final price which is the one that matters.

  • Require label: This option is only necessary for restaurant reservations. By activating this option the client when booking will have to choose the number of diners, for example "3", and this reservation will be painted in the table occupancy plan with that number of diners.


In this section we can customize how these reservations are painted on the occupancy map at the front desk. This section is usually used for reservations of type partner or touroperator to highlight them in the plan of departures.

  • Icon: Drawing that appears on each reservation in the grid. This is very useful if we want to see who has booked an extra such as a buggy or an electric cart. For a green fee reservation this field is not necessary, but for a buggy reservation it is very useful as we can see below.

Below we show you the text to put in this field so that the most popular icons appear. At the end of this article we leave more examples.

  • Icon text: Here you can choose a text with a maximum of 3 digits next to the icon. It is usually useful for reservations such as "rental clubs" to differentiate whether the rental is for men or women.

  • Text color: We can select the color of the text that will appear in the cell of the reservation grid when booking this type of reservation.

  • Background color: We can select the color of the background that will appear in the cell of the reservation grid when booking this type.


In this section you can customize some advanced options of your reservation types.

Min. from start: N/A

Channel: Select the sales channel for this type of booking. This field is usually used to record in the booking list the channel through which our players come. For example, it is usually used for "TTOO", "ONLINE", etc. What you put here will appear in the booking list and you will be able to make reports to see where your players come from.

Api Tags: we will fill this field for tour operators like Leadingcourses so that they can better identify the different types of bookings of your club. Use exactly the following formats:

- 18holes tee1 buggy

- 18holes tee10

- 9holes tee1

- 9holes tee10 buggy

Additional resources and crossings

When saving the type of reservation, a tab will be enabled at the top for additional resources and crossings. This functionality causes the system to make, in addition to the main reservation, more automatic reservations that depend on it. For example, you can have the "GF 18H" booked on tee 1, and 2 hours later another reservation is made on tee 10. But you can also use the crossover for "GF 18H with buggy", so that you book tee 1, tee 10 and a buggy. We could also do it for other sports and areas. For example "Massage" which blocks the physiotherapist and the massage room at the same time.

So with additional resources and crossovers we can block more facilities in just one step. Let's see how to create a crossover:


  • Main resource filter: Here we select on which resource the main reservation will be made. For example "tee 1".

  • Type of resource: Here we will select in which type of resource the system will create this crossing automatically.

  • Resource: Here we will select in which resource the system will create this crossing. If we leave it empty, the system will choose the first available resource of the resource type chosen in the previous step.

  • Min. from start: Here we will say at what time we want the crossing to be done, in minutes. For example "120" would make the crossing two hours after the main reservation. If you have made the reservation at 10:00, the crossing would be made at 12:00 on the 10th tee. However, to make the crossing of a buggy we will put here "0", since at the same time you make a golf reservation you want to start blocking the buggy.

  • Duration: Here we will say how long a reservation lasts in this type of resource. This number will be the same as the duration of the resource type. Usually in golf it would be "10", which comes from starts every 10 minutes. However, in the case of a buggy, we will put the duration of an 18-hole reservation, for example "300" minutes. This way the buggy will be reserved from 10:00 to 15:00 for example.

  • Units: Here we will say how many reservations we are going to make at this junction. If left empty, by default, it will make one crossing reservation for each main one. This functionality is usually used for reservations of the type "GF + buggy 2 pax", in which you want to make a block of only 0.5 buggies.


In this section we can add extras to our bookings. For each main booking we make, the system will add this extra to the total amount of the ticket.

Imagine for example that you want to make a "GF + buggy" offer for 100€. You have two ways to do it:

  • By creating a booking type associated with a product "GF + buggy" as a pack and breaking down what goes for the green fee and what goes for the buggy. The result will be that the customer will see only one concept in the ticket "GF + buggy for 100€". Also the invoice and accounting will see only one concept.

  • By creating a booking type associated to a normal product "GF" for 80€ and adding here an extra buggy for 20€. The result will be that the customer will see two concepts in the ticket "GF for 80€" + "buggy for 20€". Also the invoice and accounting will see two concepts, which is usually more pleasing.

To add an extra we will follow these steps:


  • Product: Here we will select the product that we are going to add as an extra. For example: "Buggy".

  • Quantity: Here we will put the quantity of extras that we are going to add with each main reservation. For example "0.5" of half buggy.

  • Unit price: Here we will put the price we are going to charge for that extra for each main reservation. Following the previous example "20" of 20€ for the half buggy per person.

How to force players to book from the 1st tee?

If you want your clients when booking to only have the option to tee off from the 1st tee, you have to go to the configuration of your booking type, and in 'Resource to be booked' select the 1st tee.

How to recover a deleted ID

From the 3 dots > View Deleted > select the desired ID, and if the Recover button appears, that ID can be recovered.

What is priority in Golfmanager?

In many occasions you will come across the word priority in Golfmanager, either when creating a type of booking, a tpv button, a client's bank account, a timetable, etc...

Here we explain some examples of priorities:

  • The priority in booking types, helps us to show the bookings higher or lower in the dropdowns.

  • The priority in POS, helps us to organize the POS buttons, those with lower priority will be shown at the top.

  • The priority in account number, in case the client or company has two account numbers, the program will select the account with the lowest priority.

  • The priority in time interval, helps us to indicate which interval prevails over the other, the one with the lowest priority will act first.

In summary the priority helps us to choose which elements act in front in case of having repeated values or to show the vision of elements to our liking.

For more questions about priorities please contact our support team.

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