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In this article we show you how to create a multipack product so you can book multiple days in a single cart.

Updated over a week ago




In this article we will see how to set up multipacks. Some clubs decide to launch offers to their customers in such a way that, if they book more than one day, they get a better price.

There are two similar ways of launching these offers:

  • Voucher. You could create a recharge bonus of 2 green fees to be used in 1 week. The customer would have to sign up for this bonus first. Then he would book a green fee and pay with his newly booked bonus. The remaining green fee he can leave there and decide at another time when to use it.

  • Multipack. In this case you could launch an offer that if you book 2 days this week, the price is better. In this case the client would only have to click on this offer and the system will show him the tee times in such a way that first he has to choose which day and time he wants to play, and then he will be asked for the second reservation. Unlike the previous point, the customer here has to decide which two days he wants to play, but it is also true that he saves the step of recharging the voucher.

Note 1. Please note that the discount applies per player for more than one outing. That is to say, if we book at 10:00 only 2 players we will not get this offer. To get the offer we would have to book one reservation at 10:00 and another at 17:00 for example. This is considered as coming to play the course twice to get the discount, instead of a two-player booking. The multipack is to reward your loyalty so that you repeat at my course instead of at the next course.

Note 2. Temporarily it has been decided not to put the menu item "Packages" in the menu of the website so that all the clubs do not appear with this empty page. The link to access the online part with the available packages is (replacing "XXXXX" with the name of your club. The field should add a button in the html description on the left side. You can create a button like the one shown below:

To do so:

  1. Copy the button above.

  2. Go to general settings > center and in the description field paste what you have just copied.

  3. Click < > to access the html code and replace XXXXX in the link with the name of your club.

  4. Save and check the changes on the web page.

Note 3. When you are in "Package Reservation" mode, the name of all players will not be requested. All reservations will be associated with the customer who made the reservation.


To create a package we will follow the steps below:

Name: Assign a name for this package. For example "Pack 2 green fees".

Number of Reservations: Here we will put the number of reservations that the client must make per person to get the discount. Following the previous example it would be "2", for two green fees.

Start and end date: Here you can optionally limit when this offer will be visible online. WARNING, it does not mean that it will be played in that date range, but that it will be visible in the online part.

Maximum period: Here you define the period of time in days between the first and last booking. For example "7d" days would mean that if you book the first reservation on Monday, the second reservation has to be made before the following Monday. For days we will use "d" and hours "h".


  • Priority: Here we can define in which order the packages will appear on the web. Put a "1" if you want it to appear at the beginning, a "100" at the end.

  • Photo: This photo will appear on the "banner" of this online package.

  • Description: Here you will be able to describe what this package consists of so that the client can read it before contracting.

Once you save the page, a new section called "Allowed booking types" will appear at the bottom of the page. Here you will choose the types of reservations that can be booked to get the discount. In this type of reservation designed for this package we will associate a product that will contain the prices.

Important note. Booking types designed for a package must have the "Only valid for packages" checkbox checked.

Allowed reservation types

  • Booking Types: Here we will choose the booking type designed for this package.

  • Minimum: Here you will need to say the minimum number of bookings that need to be contracted to get the discount. Following the previous example, having two fields, you can force the customer to choose to play each day in one field by putting here "1".

  • Maximum: Here you should say the maximum number of reservations you can play with this type of reservation to get the discount. Following the previous example, having two courses, you can force the client to choose to play each day in one course by putting here "1".

Contracting by the customer

These are the steps for the contracting of a package by the player on the website:

  1. Click on the banner in the description.

  2. Click on the desired package.

  3. Select the number of players.

  4. Click on confirm.

  5. Select the date, course, tee and time desired.

  6. Select the rest of the reservations.

  7. Click on Confirm.

  8. Proceed to payment.

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