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Client Groups

How to create groups to segment your customers.

Updated over a week ago



A group is a group of clients that share a series of benefits or limitations such as discounts on rates, time limitations, a maximum number of reservations per day, etc. As an example, something common in clubs, are the correspondences. We can create a group called "correspondence + the name of the field", and thus all customers belonging to that group will be charged the corresponding price with the limitations that we define (days, hours, uses, etc.).

In addition to being able to configure prices and limitations by groups, this concept will allow us to obtain better reports.


To create a group follow these simple steps:

  • Name: in this section we will add the name of the group.

  • Color: (in disuse).

With this you can go to a client's file and associate it to this new collective. The places where you will be able to associate groups are:

  • Of course, in a customer's profile.

  • In a booking type profile, so that only those customers have access to that rate.

  • In the dynamic rate of a product, so that only those customers have access to that special rate.

  • To create a booking rule (days in advance, prepayment %, etc.).

  • In the interval of a resource type, so that only those customers can book at those times.

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