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Bookings views

How to configure the occupancy views of our facilities.

Updated over a week ago




In this article, we will see how to configure the occupancy or departure plan views.

When we create a resource type, with its schedules and resources, it does not appear directly in the reservation module. We are missing a step: creating the view.

Why do we have to create the view? Because in this way each club can customize one or more views as needed. For example, we can create a view where we show only tee 1 with larger cells, or we can have both tees. We can add the column of buggies, carts, or we can have all the stock type resources in their own screen. In conclusion, creating custom views can give you many advantages.


To generate a view follow these steps:

  • Name: In this field we will write the name for this view, for example "Golf Course", "Paddle", "Tennis", etc. This name will appear in tabs in the reservation module to navigate from one facility to another.

  • Priority: Here you can customize the order in which these tabs appear in the reservation module. Put "1" to the one you want to appear first, and "50" for example to the view you want to appear last.

  • Interval hours: Here we will say the interval, in minutes, with which we want our reservation plan to be painted. In golf it is normal to use "10" of departures every 10 minutes. This way we will see 9:00, 9:10, 9:20, etc. In tennis we usually use "30" to accept reservations every 30 minutes: 9:00, 9:30, 10:00, etc.

  • Multi-column booking: As I guess you know, to select for example 4 players in a game, you have to select all 4 cells with the PC mouse. With this option enabled you can click on the 4th cell and the system will select the cells to its left making the booking experience better. This option is often used for golf, however not for racquet or restaurant.

  • Book by days: Enable this option if you are creating this occupancy view for a "Book by days" type of resource, and a weekly view is displayed instead of an hourly booking.


In this section we can customize the size of our cells in the occupancy plan.

  • Cell height: Set here the height of each cell. For resources with intervals every 10 minutes like in golf a "5" is usually fine. However, for resources with departures every 30 minutes like tennis a "1" looks very good.

  • Font size: Here you can change the size of the text inside the cells of each resource. You can set "9px" or "0.8em" and try until you get the desired result.


In this section you can define the interval of departures according to the season of the year. For example, you can make it so that in summer the game is played every 10 minutes, while in winter every 15 minutes. First you will have to define the intervals of the resource type and, secondly, paint it that way in the occupancy view using this section.

Note. If this section is not filled in, the system will use the same interval defined in the general section.

  • Interval hours: In this field we will put the interval in minutes. For example in golf every "10" minutes.

  • Start date: Select from which date to paint the reserve plan with this interval.

  • End date: We will select until which date to paint the reserve plan with this interval.


In this section we will add the resources we want to show in this occupancy view.

  • Priority: Here we can customize the order in which the resources appear in this view. If you set a "1" they will appear first, and if you set a "100" they will appear after. Thanks to this utility you can control whether the buggy column, for example, is shown before or after tee 1.

  • Resource type: Here we will select the type of resource to which the resource we want to include belongs.

  • Resource: Here we select the resource we want to add to this view. For example "Tee 1". For stock type resources it is not necessary to fill this field, because it does not have resources.

View the occupancy of the departure grid on TV

There is the option for the players to see the occupancy on a TV/monitor of the club and to create the booking themselves from the reception PC.

If you have a TV and you want your clients to see the grid and book themselves at the reception, today, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, follow the steps below:

1.- Connect your screen to the pc, to visualize the days we will use url addresses, today, tomorrow and the day after.

2.- Open tabs in your TV browser and enter the following url:

  • idView being the id of the occupancy view (idView=3 corresponds to Occupancy View id = 3)

  • where day=0 means today; day=1 means tomorrow; day=2 means the day after tomorrow.

Therefore, if you want to create 3 days of Tee Sheet view, you have to create 3 tabs. As many tabs as days you want to view.

What is priority in Golfmanager?

In many occasions you will come across the word priority in Golfmanager, either when creating a type of booking, a tpv button, a client's bank account, a timetable, etc...

Here we explain some examples of priorities:

  • The priority in booking types, helps us to show the bookings higher or lower in the dropdowns.

  • The priority in POS, helps us to organize the POS buttons, those with lower priority will be shown at the top.

  • The priority in account number, in case the client or company has two account numbers, the program will select the account with the lowest priority.

  • The priority in time interval, helps us to indicate which interval prevails over the other, the one with the lowest priority will act first.

In summary the priority helps us to choose which elements act in front in case of having repeated values or to show the vision of elements to our liking.

For more questions about priorities please contact our support team.

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