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Food & Beverage

We explain what an area of the restaurant zone consists of.

Updated over a week ago




In Golfmanager the waiter has the possibility to send his orders from the customer's table to the tablets in the kitchen, bar and any area of the restaurant that we need.

Traditionally this task is done through ticket printers, but in Golfmanager we bet on digitization and take it through tablets.

A restaurant area will help us to send the dishes or drinks to the tablets in different areas. The most common is to have the area of drinks (bar) and food (kitchen). Therefore, if there are 5 drinks and 5 dishes in an order, when the waiter hits "send order", the system will send the drinks to the bar and the dishes to the kitchen. In this way, the cook will only see the dishes he/she has to cook, and the waiter will only see the drinks he/she has to prepare.

Areas. General.

To create the areas is very simple:

  • Name: Name of the area of the restaurant where we send orders. For example "Kitchen", "Bar", "Terrace", etc.

Once we have created the different areas, how does Golfmanager know which products are sent to one area and which to another? By the sub-family of your products. You will have to go to the restaurant subfamilies and, within each one, choose which is its area. For example, the sub-family "RESTAURANT ENTRANTS" will be assigned the area "MEALS", so all the products within this sub-family will be sent to the kitchen tablet.

Table maps

In Golfmanager we have the possibility to have more than one table map, for example "room" or "terrace". This way you don't have to have only one map with many small tables, and you can navigate between different maps more comfortably.

Note: There are clubs that have created a virtual map for buggies, which allows you to create orders for a buggy as you would for a restaurant table. They have also created a virtual map for members, which allows them to create "customer accounts" and pay for everything at the end of the week or month. Check with our support team to find out more.

General Section.

The first thing to do is to create a table map. To do this click on "New" and fill in the following options:

  • Name of your map. For example "Terrace".

  • Background color (optional) if you want a special color. This option is interesting if the photos of the element types are not PNG. Having a gray background by default, the element types with white background does not look good. If you want to keep those element types, you can set a white background color here so that the background of the element types is not noticeable.

  • Background image (optional) if you want a background photo. It can be useful if you have the map already vectorized.

  • Priority (optional) to determine, in case you have different maps, which area is the most important and where the system will land when you hit the restaurant menu item. Normally we will put a "1" to the most important.

  • Image mode (optional) so that, in case you have uploaded an image in the previous field, determine how it will fit on the page.

Once we click on save a new button "Edit" will appear in the button menu of this page. If you click it you will enter the edit mode of this map and we can start configuring it.

It is important that you have first created the element types for your maps (tables, chairs, plants, etc.).

Once you have created the element types, they will appear in edit mode on this page. You only have to drag the elements to your map and make them as you wish.

Once you have the elements of your map you will see that each element has a configuration icon at the top right. Click and fill in the following information:

  • Name for this element. Normally the table number: T14 (which would correspond to Terrace table #14).

  • Rotation to rotate this element on its axis. Here you will play between 45, 90, 135, 180, 270 degrees. Just put the number to see that the element rotates.

  • Width and Height to determine in pixels how big we want this element to be. For landscape images you will have to play with the width and height to make it fit perfectly.

  • URL if you want this element, when clicked, to take you to another page. This is useful to create a button that takes you from one map to another. An example link to take you to map two would be: /admin/fandb/map/2

  • Generate tickets if you want this element to be a table where orders will be generated. For a table it is necessary to have this option enabled. However, for a decorative plant that you can add to your design, you will not want to have this option enabled. If you don't have the option enabled, when you click on it, absolutely nothing will happen.

That should do it. You can go to the main menu / Restaurant and see the final result of your work.

It would be interesting to meet with our support team to show you good examples of maps and other best practices.

Types of elements

In Golfmanager you have the possibility to create table maps for your room or terrace completely to your liking. You can have tables, plants, walls, doors to make the map as intuitive as possible for the staff.


To create a new element type click on New and fill in the following information:

  • Name for this element type. For example "Table".

  • Text color (optional) if you want to customize the color.

  • Background color (optional) if you want to customize the background color.

  • Border color (optional) if you want to customize the border color.

  • Border width (optional) if you want to customize the border width.

  • Background image. Here we will go to a search engine like Google and look for photos preferably in PNG format (without background) and obviously viewed from above. You may find more images in English. Try searching in Google for "wood table top view png" and save in your PC the one that best fits. Try above all not to have a background as it will look much better on your map. In case you don't want to choose photos without background, to make the map look better, change the background color of the map to white so that your elements with background are not visible.

  • Image mode (optional) to choose the type of adjustment of these photos on your map.

  • Button (optional) if you want this element to appear in a button format.

Once you have saved the type of element you can go to your map to add it.

Check with our support team how you are doing and how to copy best practices from other clubs.

Map elements

Sometimes the creation of a map can be a tedious job, but we have tools that can make your work easier, such as this list.

In this list of elements you will be able to see all the elements added to your maps. This list can be exported and imported with Excel and can be used to:

  • Massively rename your tables. Imagine you want to add to your 30 terrace tables the letter "T" in front of the number. Exporting, using the correct formula, and importing you will be able to do it in seconds.

  • Squaring buttons and logos. You probably have more than one table map and some buttons that take you from one to another. These buttons are usually not exactly in the same place giving a bad feeling when you navigate from one map to another. In this list you will see exactly the X Y position of those buttons and you will be able to copy that information in the others to get them in the same place, giving a more professional appearance.

  • Align elements. Sometimes it is difficult to leave your elements totally aligned, but with this list you can see that difference in the X Y position and correct it quickly.

  • Duplicate maps. If you have similar rooms and you don't want to add the elements one by one, it can be a good idea to export to Excel to create them massively. For this you need to know how to use Excel exports and imports.

In conclusion, this map is a help to create our maps faster and adjust its elements for a perfect result. Consult our support team to learn more.

Restaurant Printers

To configure the printers for the restaurant, go to the following help article.

Restaurant Module Course

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Colors of a table

  • Green. A table that is free and has no sales pending payment.

  • Red. Table occupied and has sales pending payment.

  • Yellow. Table that has asked for the account.

How to open an account to a new table

  1. Click on the desired table. You will access the POS with the table number associated to the table.

  2. Add your Dishes.

  3. You can click on Back to go to the table map.

How to add, edit or remove dishes to the account of an open table

  1. Click on the desired table.

  2. Click on Go to POS. You will access the POS and you will see the dishes associated to that table.

  3. Add, edit or remove the desired dishes.

  4. You can click Back to go to the table map.

How to print a table account

  1. Click on the desired table.

  2. Click on Go to POS. You will access the POS and you will see the account associated to that table.

  3. Click on Print.

  4. You can optionally click Back to go to the table map.

How to pay the bill for a table

  1. Click on the desired table.

  2. Click on Pay. You will access the POS and you will see the account associated to that table. This option is similar to "Go to POS" with the difference that this option marks the table in yellow so that the rest of the team knows which tables are coming up next.

  3. Click Finish.

  4. Choose the Payment method.

  5. You can click Back to go to the table map.

How to move the entire account from one table to another

  1. Click on the desired table.

  2. Click on Move account. You will enter the "move" mode.

  3. Select the new table to which you want to move the whole account. You will see the colors of both tables change.

How to move a part of an account from one table to another one

  1. Click on the desired table.

  2. Click on Go to POS. You will access the POS and you will see the account associated to that table.

  3. Select the Lines you want to move to another table.

  4. Click on the "Move table" button (this button must have been created previously). The table map will open.

  5. Select the new table to which you want to move those lines. You will see the change in the color of this new table.

How to go from one map to another

Click on the desired Button (this button must have been created previously). The selected table map will open.

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