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Link cash register to warehouse

We show you how to associate a cashbox to a warehouse

Updated over a week ago



In this article we are going to explain how to associate a box to a warehouse.

If you are starting to use Golfmanager, and when selling a product in the POS you get a message "This cash register has not been associated to any warehouse", it is because you are missing this step. As Golfmanager works with several cash registers and warehouses, we have to tell it that "working with this cash register, I am going to discount the stock of this warehouse". In this way, if I have the same product (for example Coca Cola) in two different warehouses (Pro Shop where I have a small fridge and Restaurant the rest of them), and I am operating in the Pro Shop, the system knows that it has to deduct a unit from the "Pro Shop" warehouse and not from the "Restaurant Warehouse".


To associate a case we are going to follow these simple steps:

  • Cash register: In the dropdown we will select the cash register we want to associate to a warehouse. For example "Pro Shop cash register".

  • Warehouse: Here we select the warehouse in which we are going to discount units when we work with the box selected in the previous step. For example: "Pro Shop Warehouse".

From this moment the system knows in which warehouse to discount the units after each sale.

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