Documents Setting

This article helps you to create fields that are automatically filled in the Documents.

Updated over a week ago



To create a document template and have some data filled in automatically we must use the following formats and codes

Date = {{DATE}}

Date long format = {{LONGDATE}}

Time = {{TIME}}

Customer full name = {{name}}

These are the available fields of the Customer File with their respective codes:

Customer Full Name = {{clientName}}

Mail = {{clientEmail}}

Member number = {{memberCode}}

Contact Person = {{contact}}

Phone = {{clientPhone}}

City = {{clientTown}}

Street = {{clientStreet}}

Postal Code = {{clientZipCode}}

Province = {{clientProvince}}

Country = {{clientCountry}}

These are the available Memberships fields with their respective codes:

Memberhip ID = {{idMembership}}

Contact ID = {{idClient}}

Description = {{description}}

Start Date = {{start}}

End Date = {{end}}

Direct Debit (true/false) = {{directDebit}}

Bank account ID = {{idBankAccount}}

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