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How to create or edit our templates for invoices or confirmation emails.

Updated over a week ago




In this article we will see how to create and edit templates for our confirmation emails and/or invoices, among others. By default, Golfmanager has some predefined templates that can later be edited and customized by the club.

We are going to show you what each of these fields mean so that you will be able to customize these templates or even create them from scratch. In case you want to edit an existing template, for your safety, we recommend you to make a copy of it and work on it.


  • Type. In this field we will select the type of template. The existing types are:

  • Delivery note. This template will be used for your purchase orders.

  • Reservation. This template will be shown when you want to send a reservation confirmation from the reservation plan. You can have more than one template.

  • Online purchase cancellation. This template will be used when a customer cancels his sale through the web page.

  • Online purchase confirmation. This template will be used when a customer buys through the web page.

  • Send for online payment. This template will be used when we request the payment of a sale to a customer via email.

  • Invoice. This template will be used to create invoices. You can have more than one template and select them manually when generating the invoice.

  • Proforma Invoice. This template will be used to create proforma invoices. You can have more than one template and select them manually when generating the proforma invoice.

  • Name. We will give a name to this template, for example "Online purchase confirmation".

  • Priority Order of sending. In case there is more than one template of the same type and it is an automatic task like "send an online purchase confirmation email", the one with the lowest priority number will be sent.

  • Mark HTML if our template has HTML format. If we are going to send plain text there is no need to check this option, but we strongly recommend creating templates that will have a positive impact on your customer.

  • From system. This field tells us if the template was created by the system (Yes) or by a user (No).

  • Body. This is where we will edit our HTML. To edit the content of a template in HTML format, the best option is to copy it and modify the copied one. If you do not know HTML it is advisable to use a web editor or ask a web developer for help. On the Internet we can find many HTML editors, among them a simple and effective one like Attention to keep intact the template codes that "paint" dynamic information of a reservation or invoice as for example <%= publicPath %><%= info.logo %>. All these are easily recognizable because they start with <% and end with %>.


You can configure the system to send an automatic email as soon as you make a reservation from the administration without having to send it manually. This template can have a code that, depending on whether it is a booking confirmation, update or cancellation, sends one text or another to the customer. Consult with the technical team to recover this code in case you have lost it in any modification.

Translating an existing template into another language

If you need to create any kind of template (reservations, invoices, etc...) translated into another language, don't worry, you can do it by yourself as you don't need to have any knowledge of HTML language.

The process is very simple, just follow these instructions:

  1. Go to Configuration Menu > General Settings > Templates.

  2. Open by clicking on the ID of the template you want to translate.

  3. Click on the Copy button.

  4. Click on the button View full screen.

  5. Change the Name of the template

  6. Click CTRL+F and a window will open where we will write the concepts we want to translate ("total" in the attached example).

  7. Once you have written the concept or phrase to be translated, you will find on the right the number of times (4 times in the attached example) that this concept is found in the template and by clicking on the arrows the system will indicate each of the repetitions with a different colour (repetition number 2 in the attached example).

  1. Replace each of the concepts in the original template with their translations.

  2. Click on Save and Continue.

Template "Send online payment" in HTML and with Pay button

<p>Estimado/a <%= %>,</p>

<p>A continuación puede encontrar el link donde acceder al pago con tarjeta del producto que nos ha solicitado.</p>

<br><br><a style="color: #fff; background-color: #15c; padding: 8px 15px; text-decoration: none; border-radius: 3px; font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.3em;" href="<%= model.url %>"><%= T("@@Pagar") %></a><br><br>

<br><br><% if (model.timeout) { %>Fecha de caducidad: <%= model.timeout.format("g") %><% } %><br><br>

<p>Por favor, en caso de cualquier duda o incidencia póngase en contacto con nosotros llamando al <%= %> o enviando un email al <%= %>.</p>

<p>Muchas gracias.</p>

<p>Un saludo,</p>

<p><%= %></p>

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