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Invoices list

Consult the official invoices generated in your Golfmanager.

Updated over a year ago

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On this page we will see the official invoices that we can generate from Golfmanager and that we must report to Accounting and/or the Treasury: simplified invoices, complete invoices, and summary invoices. Proforma invoices are managed from List > Proforma Invoices.

As in any list, you can use the tools to better exploit your data: filter, search, export, import, etc.

Types of invoices

We are going to explain the different types of invoices in Golfmanager:

Simplified invoice

Commonly known as a ticket.

These invoices are generated automatically every time there is a charge. Payments can be made from the POS, when generating a remittance, or through the online cart. Every time we collect a sale, the system will create a simplified invoice as long as this sale was not already invoiced.

These invoices have tax value and it is not mandatory to identify the client to issue them, although with the client's information on it it can be used to derecord it.

The format of these tickets can be customized through Settings / Billing / Checkouts in the header and footer section.

You can see all these tickets in Main Menu / Listings or POS & Billing / Invoices in the Simplified tab.

In the details of a sale or a collection you will see the "ticket" field. If the field is empty it means that the sale or collection has not been invoiced or paid. But if it contains a ticket number we can know if this sale has already been paid and invoiced.

Complete invoice

The traditional invoice.

These invoices can be created from the sales list or from the POS. When you make an invoice for a paid sale that already had a ticket, the system will automatically create the cancellation of the ticket.

These types of invoices require having the client's tax data, and the templates can be fully customized by the club in Configuration / General / Templates.

You can see all the invoices generated of this type in Main Menu / Listings or POS & Billing / Invoices.

In the details of a sale or collection you will see the "invoice" field. If the field is empty it means that the sale or collection is not invoiced, but if it contains an invoice number we will be able to know if this sale or collection is already included in an invoice. This field is shared with "recapitulative invoice" so a sale can only be invoiced in a "complete" or "recapitulative" manner.

To generate a complete invoice follow the following tutorial .

Summary invoice

Also known as summary invoice.

These invoices are created from the list of invoices, in the simplified tab and are used to group many correlative tickets into a single invoice to export to accounting or the Treasury more comfortably.

The system will ask you for the series of tickets to which to issue this invoice and the date of the tickets you wish to invoice.

The invoice template is customizable from Configuration / General / Templates and you can see the generated ones in Main Menu / Listings or POS & Billing / Invoices.

In the details of a sale or a collection you will see the "invoice" field. If the field is empty it means that the sale or collection is not invoiced, but if it contains an invoice number we can know if this sale is already included in an invoice. This field is shared with "complete invoice" so a sale or collection can only be invoiced in a "complete" or "recapitulative" manner.

To generate a summary invoice, follow the following tutorial .

Proforma invoice

These invoices are created from the sales list and are used to send the client a draft before generating an official invoice since the proforma invoice does not have any tax obligation. You can make as many proforma invoices as you want for the same sale.

The fields that make up the details of a proforma invoice are the same as a complete or summary invoice, so the help article is the same even if they are in different tables and pages in Golfmanager.

The invoice template is customizable from Templates and you can see all the generated ones in Main Menu > Listings or POS & Billing > Invoices > Proformas tab .

To generate a proforma invoice follow the following tutorial .

NOTE . Proforma Invoices are not visible in the customer profile on the consumer/reservations website.

Complete tabs

Section: Main Menu > Listings or Billing > Invoices

On this screen we will see the complete and summary invoices generated in our system.

Special button in the list of invoices. Add to mass email

✉️ New 'Mass Email' button in the Invoices list

We have added a new button to the invoice list that will allow you to send all selected invoices at once. This new feature will speed up the process, saving you time and effort by avoiding sending each invoice individually. With this improvement, you will be able to significantly improve your work efficiency. Save time and simplify your tasks with this added functionality!

If you do not see the button in this list, contact our technical support through the system chat service.

Special button in the list of invoices. Export to Sage

Section: Main Menu > Listings or Billing > Invoices > Complete Tab

  1. Select the Invoices to export

  2. export button on the desired SAGE type

Special button in the list of invoices. Export to a3

Section: Main Menu > Listings or Billing > Invoices > Complete Tab

  1. Select the Export to A3 button

  2. Fill in the start, end and issuing company fields

  3. Select the Accept button

  4. Select the folder on your computer where to save the file

NOTE . The document that is downloaded must maintain its original name (SUENLACE.DAT). Don't change it.

Special button in the list of invoices. Discharge

Section: Main Menu > Listings or Billing > Invoices > Complete Tab

From this list you can mass download the selected invoices. Invoices downloaded from this list will be in .zip format. Optionally, you can enter the details of an invoice and download it in PDF format one at a time.

To mass download your invoices, follow the following steps:

  1. Filter and select the desired invoices

  2. Select the Download button

  3. The system will download a .zip file with the selected invoices

NOTE . If you see that the .zip file is empty, it is because the invoice series has a special symbol. The system allows an underscore ( _ ) or a slash ( / ) as special symbols. If it were another special symbol, that symbol would have to be modified in the invoice series and/or in the invoice list.

Detail of an Invoice. Cancel Button

Section: Main Menu > Listings or Billing > Invoices > Complete Tab

When an invoice is canceled, a corrective invoice is automatically generated.

If you have the Advanced billing.cancelInvoiceTickets configured , the charges will be canceled if they exist and the sales will remain pending payment.

  1. Select the invoice ID to cancel

  2. Select the Cancel button

Detail of an Invoice. Print, Download and Send Buttons

Section: Main Menu > Listings or Billing > Invoices > Complete Tab

When entering the details of an invoice (by clicking on the ID) we will reach a page with 3 special buttons:

  • Print : This option is frequently used to print specific invoices, for example from a player who has requested an invoice at reception. By clicking on this button you can print the invoice in A4 format. The user can manually choose the invoice template to print and, if none has been selected, the system will choose the one with the highest priority. The user will be able to change templates and print as many times as they want.

  • Download : This option is frequently used when you want to save all invoices for a period on your PC. By clicking on this button, the system will download the invoice in PDF format to your PC. The user can manually choose the invoice template to print and, if none has been selected, the system will choose the one with the highest priority. The user will be able to change templates and download as many times as they want.

  • Send : This option is frequently used to send specific invoices, for example from a player who has requested an invoice at reception.

NOTE : There is no option to send invoices by email. But the client who wishes can access the reservation website and, from their profile, access the Invoices list to see the desired invoice or print it.

Before sending, the system will show you a popup with these fields:

    • Recipients : confirm the email address (if you have already added it in your Client file , in the Invoice Email field ). It is an editable field

NOTE : If you want to add more emails, they must be separated by a semicolon (;) and a space. For example: ;

    • Subject : By default it will show "Invoice" and the number of the invoice you have selected to send. It is an editable field.

    • Template : Now, when sending an invoice by email to a client you can choose from one of your templates with the default text, signature, etc. Save time with this new feature!
      The user can manually choose the message body template to send the invoice. The user will be able to change the template and send the client by email as many times as they want. If you do not have a template created, you can create a new one from there or from Templates , you just have to choose the Type Invoice by email template .

    • Message : to be able to write a message body that will reach the client. Remember that from here, by default the text has no format and there is no default template, it is a customizable field. If you want this customizable field to have text, a format, a signature, etc., you will have to add the text in HTML from the < > symbol , every time you are going to send an invoice.

Detail of an Invoice. Delete button.

Section: Main Menu > Listings or Billing > Invoices > Complete Tab

Only the last issued invoice can be deleted.

  1. Select the ID of the desired invoice

  2. Delete button

NOTE : Once the invoice is deleted, it cannot be recovered.

Detail of an invoice. Main tab. General section

Section: Main Menu > Listings or Billing > Invoices > Complete Tab

  • ID : Unique identifier in the database for this invoice. It is not the invoice number (later).

  • Issuing company: Golfmanager is a system that allows you to work with more than one company. Here we will see with which company this invoice was issued.

  • Cash: Here we will see the cash that the user had open when they generated the invoice.

  • Client: Here we will see the client for whom this invoice has been generated.

  • Series : Here we will see the billing series chosen when generating the invoice. When making the invoice, the user can manually choose the billing series, and if not, the system will use the billing series with the highest priority.

  • Template : At Golfmanager we allow you to generate as many HTML invoice templates as you want. At the time of billing, or even after editing, the user can select from any of its templates. If a template is not selected, the system will select the template with the highest priority.

  • Number : The official invoice number. The system, when issuing a new invoice, will assign the next number in the series automatically. The user will be able to manually modify this number if necessary as well as "tell" the system what the next number to be issued should be, useful when starting to work with a club in the middle of the year with invoices already issued in the previous system.

  • Date : The official date of the invoice. The system, when issuing a new invoice, will assign the current date as the date of that invoice. The user can manually modify that date if necessary. Please note that the club is responsible for maintaining the numbering of invoices corresponding to their dates.

  • Rectifying invoice : When you cancel an invoiced sale, the system recommends you generate a correcting invoice. If it is a corrective invoice, here we will see the original invoice.

  • Invoice observations : Here you can add and edit comments to add to the printing of your invoice.

  • First ticket : In the case of a summary invoice, in this field we will see the first ticket or simplified invoice that makes up this invoice. Remember that the summary invoice requires you to have all the tickets in it from beginning to end without jumps in the numbering from the first to the last ticket. Read this section to learn more about summary invoices .

  • Last ticket : In the case of a summary invoice, in this field we will see the last ticket or simplified invoice that makes up this invoice. Remember that the summary invoice requires you to have all the tickets in it from beginning to end without jumps in the numbering from the first to the last ticket. Read this section to learn more about summary invoices .

  • Full Name : Customer name for this invoice. This field is automatically filled in by the customer who owns the invoiced sale.

  • Street : Customer street for this invoice. This field is automatically filled in with the information contained in the file of the customer who owns the invoiced sale.

  • Location : Location of the customer for this invoice. This field is automatically filled in with the information contained in the file of the customer who owns the invoiced sale.

  • Province : Customer's province for this invoice. This field is automatically filled in with the information contained in the file of the customer who owns the invoiced sale.

  • Region : Customer's region for this invoice. This field is automatically filled in with the information contained in the file of the customer who owns the invoiced sale.

  • Code postal : Code. customer postcard for this invoice. This field is automatically filled in with the information contained in the file of the customer who owns the invoiced sale.

  • Country Code : Country code of the client for this invoice. This field is automatically filled in with the information contained in the file of the customer who owns the invoiced sale.

Detail of an Invoice. Main tab. Custom Fields Section

Section: Main Menu > Listings or Billing > Invoices > Complete Tab

Some plugins need to create custom fields in certain tables to collect all the information necessary for proper functioning. In this section all these fields will appear in addition to all those that the club has created in a personalized way.

Detail of an Invoice. Main tab. Lines Section

Section: Main Menu > Listings or Billing > Invoices > Complete Tab

In this section we will see all the invoice lines that make up an invoice. It is important that invoice lines are created from sales lines, and that these can be manually modified in the future independently (for now only the observations and the coupon). The fields that you will find within the details of each of these lines are:

  • ID : Identifier of this invoice line in the database.

  • Invoice : Invoice to which this invoice line belongs.

  • Invoice Date : Date of this invoice line.

  • Line : ID of the invoiced sales line.

  • Paid : Tells you if this invoice line is paid or not.

  • Concept *: Description of this invoice line. Here we will see information such as the name of the product, customer, date, resource, etc.

NOTE : If you have chosen the Concept Invoice template, the text in this field is editable.

  • Quantity : Units of this invoice line.

  • Discount : Amount discounted on this invoice line, with taxes.

  • Price : Unit price of the invoice line with taxes included.

  • Taxes : Tax amount for this invoice line.

  • Tax ID : Identifier of the tax type used on this invoice line. This tax is automatically selected from the product settings at checkout.

  • Total : Total amount of the invoice line, including taxes.

  • Product : Product that is invoiced.

  • Date of use : Date on which this service will be enjoyed, which does not always coincide with the invoice date.

  • Coupon : Coupon number associated with this sales line that is imported directly from the invoiced sales line. This field can be modified manually even once the invoice has been generated.

  • Replacing ticket : If this invoice was generated from a paid sale, here you can see the ticket that was associated with it and that will be replaced by our invoice.

  • Ticket Date : Continuing with the previous point, the date of the replaced ticket.

Detail of an Invoice. Main tab. Collections Section

Section: Main Menu > Listings or Billing > Invoices > Complete Tab

In this section we will see all the charges associated with this invoice. A charge is associated with an invoice:

  • When an invoice is generated from an unpaid sale, and then paid. The charge is associated with this invoice.

  • When an invoice is generated from a paid sale, and then paid. The system generates a negative ticket to cancel the original ticket and "moves" that charge from being associated with a ticket to being associated with this invoice.

You can read the details that you will find within a charge on an invoice in the article Collection Lists .

Detail of an Invoice. Summary Tab

Section: Main Menu > Listings or Billing > Invoices > Complete Tab

In this tab you will be able to see a summary of this invoice with the following sections:

  • Families : All invoice lines grouped by family.

  • Subfamilies : All invoice lines grouped by subfamily.

  • Product : All invoice lines grouped by product.

  • Taxes : All invoice lines breaking down your taxes.

  • Collections : All collections for this invoice grouped by payment methods.

Simplified tab

Section: Main Menu > Listings or Billing > Invoices > Simplified Tab

In this tab we will see all the tickets or simplified invoices created in the system.

As in any list, you can use the tools to better exploit your data: filter, search, export, import, etc.

Special button in the list of invoices. Summary Invoice

Section: Main Menu > Listings or Billing > Invoices > Simplified Tab

From this list you can generate the Recapitulative Invoice of the correlative tickets it contains on a desired date.

To generate a Summary Invoice for your tickets, follow the following steps:

  1. Select the Recapitulative Invoice button

  2. Go to the next section to know the steps to follow on how to generate a Recapitulative Invoice

How to generate a summary invoice

Section: Main Menu > Listings or Billing > Invoices > Simplified Tab

  1. Select the Recapitulative Invoice button. A pop up will open.

  2. Select the ticket series .

  3. Choose the company with which the invoice will be issued.

  4. Select the start date and end date of the tickets to include in the invoice .

  5. Select the invoice date . The system will not allow you to choose a date in the past that is not related to the numbering of your current invoices. That is, the invoices and their dates must be correlative and the system will help you keep it that way.

  6. The system will choose a default template , which will be the one that has the highest priority among all your invoice type templates. But from the advanced section of this pop up you can select it manually. Even once the invoice is issued, in the detail, you can change the template as many times as you want.

  7. Click " OK ." The system will take you to the details of this new invoice where you can modify it, print it, send it, etc. For more information about this new screen, visit our Invoices help article.

Detail of a Ticket. General section

Section: Main Menu > Listings or Billing > Invoices > Simplified Tab

  • ID : Unique identifier in the database of this simplified invoice. It is not the ticket number (more later).

  • Sale : Identifier of the sale that has been paid with this ticket.

  • Cash: Here we will see the cash that the user had open when he generated the simplified invoice.

  • Client: Here we will see the client for whom this invoice has been generated.

  • Canceling ticket : In case this ticket is a corrective invoice, here we will see which ticket was originally canceled.

  • Series : Here we will see the billing series chosen when generating the simplified invoice. The system will use the billing series with the highest priority.

  • Number : The official number of the simplified invoice. The system, when issuing a new invoice, will assign the next number in the series automatically.

  • Invoice : If this ticket was associated with an invoice, it can only happen according to certain advanced configurations, here you will see the number of that invoice.

  • Total paid in cash

  • Tip

  • Change

  • Total paid in currency

  • Exchange rate

Detail of a Ticket. Custom Fields Section

Section: Main Menu > Listings or Billing > Invoices > Simplified Tab

Some plugins need to create custom fields in certain tables to collect all the information necessary for proper functioning. In this section all these fields will appear in addition to all those that the club has created in a personalized way.

Detail of a Ticket. Lines Section

Section: Main Menu > Listings or Billing > Invoices > Simplified Tab

In this section we will see all the ticket lines that make up this invoice. It is important that invoice lines are created from sales lines. The fields that you will find within the details of each of these lines are:

  • ID : Identifier of this ticket line in the database.

  • Ticket : Ticket to which this ticket line belongs.

  • Line : ID of the invoiced sales line.

  • Concept *: Description of this ticket line. Here we will see information such as the name of the product, customer, date, resource, etc.

  • Virtual : This field tells us if this ticket line has been paid with a virtual payment method: voucher.

  • Quantity : Units of this ticket line.

  • Price : Unit price of the ticket line with taxes included.

  • Total : Total amount of the invoice line, including taxes.

  • Taxes : Name of the tax type used on this ticket line. This tax is automatically selected from the product settings at checkout.

  • Discount : Amount discounted on this ticket line, with taxes.

  • Product : Product that is invoiced.

  • Date of use : Date on which this service will be enjoyed, which does not always coincide with the date of the ticket.

  • Coupon : Coupon number associated with this ticket line that is imported directly from the invoiced sales line.

  • Public observations: Comments that you can add to a ticket with the appropriate button from the POS.

Detail of a Ticket. Collections Section

Section: Main Menu > Listings or Billing > Invoices > Simplified Tab

In this section we will see all the charges associated with this simplified invoice. Every time you pay for a sale from the POS, direct debit, or online... that charge will be associated with this ticket.

You can read the details that you will find within a charge on an invoice in the article Collection Lists .

Proforma Tab

Special button in the proforma listing. Discharge

Section: Main Menu > Listings or Billing > Invoices > Proforma Tab

From this list you can mass download the selected proforma invoices. Invoices downloaded from this list will be in .zip format. Optionally, you can enter the details of an invoice and download it in PDF format one at a time.

To mass download your invoices, follow the following steps:

  1. Filter and select the desired invoices

  2. Click on the Download button

  3. The system will download a .zip file with the selected invoices

NOTE . If you see that the .zip file is empty, it is because the invoice series has a special symbol. The system allows an underscore ( _ ) or a slash ( / ) as special symbols. If it were another special symbol, that symbol would have to be modified in the invoice series and/or in the invoice list.

Detail of a Proforma. Print, Download and Send Buttons

Section: Main Menu > Listings or Billing > Invoices > Proforma Tab

When entering the details of an invoice (by clicking on the ID) we will reach a page with 3 special buttons:

  • Print : This option is frequently used to print specific invoices, for example from a player who has requested an invoice at reception. By clicking on this button you can print the invoice in A4 format. The user can manually choose the invoice template to print and, if none has been selected, the system will choose the one with the highest priority. The user will be able to change templates and print as many times as they want.

  • Download : This option is frequently used when you want to save all invoices for a period on your PC. By clicking on this button, the system will download the invoice in PDF format to your PC. The user can manually choose the invoice template to print and, if none has been selected, the system will choose the one with the highest priority. The user will be able to change templates and download as many times as they want.

  • Send : This option is frequently used to send specific invoices, for example from a player who has requested an invoice at reception.

NOTE : There is no option to send invoices by email. But the client who wishes can access the reservation website and, from their profile, access the Invoices list to see the desired invoice or print it.

Before sending, the system will show you a popup with these fields:

    • Recipients : confirm the email address (if you have already added it in your Client file , in the Invoice Email field )

NOTE : If you want to add more emails, they must be separated by a semicolon (;) and a space. For example: ;

    • Subject : By default it will show "Invoice" and the number of the invoice you have selected to send.

    • Message : to be able to write a message body that will reach the client. Remember that from here, by default the text has no format and there is no default template, it is a customizable field. If you want this customizable field to have text, a format, a signature, etc., you will have to add the text in HTML from the < > symbol , every time you are going to send an invoice.

Detail of a Proforma. Main tab. General section

Section: Main Menu > Listings or Billing > Invoices > Proforma Tab

  • ID : Unique identifier in the database for this invoice. It is not the invoice number (later).

  • Issuing company: Golfmanager is a system that allows you to work with more than one company. Here we will see with which company this invoice was issued.

  • Cash: Here we will see the cash that the user had open when they generated the invoice.

  • Client: Here we will see the client for whom this invoice has been generated.

  • Series : Here we will see the billing series chosen when generating the invoice. When making the invoice, the user can manually choose the billing series, and if not, the system will use the billing series with the highest priority.

  • Template : At Golfmanager we allow you to generate as many HTML invoice templates as you want. At the time of billing, or even after editing, the user can select from any of its templates. If a template is not selected, the system will select the template with the highest priority.

  • Number : The official invoice number. The system, when issuing a new invoice, will assign the next number in the series automatically. The user will be able to manually modify this number if necessary as well as "tell" the system what the next number to be issued should be, useful when starting to work with a club in the middle of the year with invoices already issued in the previous system.

  • Date : The official date of the invoice. The system, when issuing a new invoice, will assign the current date as the date of that invoice. The user can manually modify that date if necessary. Please note that the club is responsible for maintaining the numbering of invoices corresponding to their dates.

  • Rectifying invoice : When you cancel an invoiced sale, the system recommends you generate a correcting invoice. If it is a corrective invoice, here we will see the original invoice.

  • Invoice observations : Here you can add and edit comments to add to the printing of your invoice.

  • First ticket : In the case of a summary invoice, in this field we will see the first ticket or simplified invoice that makes up this invoice. Remember that the summary invoice requires you to have all the tickets in it from beginning to end without jumps in the numbering from the first to the last ticket. Read this section to learn more about summary invoices .

  • Last ticket : In the case of a summary invoice, in this field we will see the last ticket or simplified invoice that makes up this invoice. Remember that the summary invoice requires you to have all the tickets in it from beginning to end without jumps in the numbering from the first to the last ticket. Read this section to learn more about summary invoices .

  • Full Name : Customer name for this invoice. This field is automatically filled in by the customer who owns the invoiced sale.

  • Street : Customer street for this invoice. This field is automatically filled in with the information contained in the file of the customer who owns the invoiced sale.

  • Location : Location of the customer for this invoice. This field is automatically filled in with the information contained in the file of the customer who owns the invoiced sale.

  • Province : Customer's province for this invoice. This field is automatically filled in with the information contained in the file of the customer who owns the invoiced sale.

  • Region : Customer's region for this invoice. This field is automatically filled in with the information contained in the file of the customer who owns the invoiced sale.

  • Code postal : Code. customer postcard for this invoice. This field is automatically filled in with the information contained in the file of the customer who owns the invoiced sale.

  • Country Code : Country code of the client for this invoice. This field is automatically filled in with the information contained in the file of the customer who owns the invoiced sale.

Detail of a Proforma. Main tab. Custom Fields Section

Section: Main Menu > Listings or Billing > Invoices > Proforma Tab

Some plugins need to create custom fields in certain tables to collect all the information necessary for proper functioning. In this section all these fields will appear in addition to all those that the club has created in a personalized way.

Detail of a Proforma. Main tab. Lines Section

Section: Main Menu > Listings or Billing > Invoices > Proforma Tab

In this section we will see all the invoice lines that make up an invoice. It is important that invoice lines are created from sales lines, and that these can be manually modified in the future independently (for now only the observations and the coupon). The fields that you will find within the details of each of these lines are:

  • ID : Identifier of this invoice line in the database.

  • Invoice : Invoice to which this invoice line belongs.

  • Invoice Date : Date of this invoice line.

  • Line : ID of the invoiced sales line.

  • Paid : Tells you if this invoice line is paid or not.

  • Concept *: Description of this invoice line. Here we will see information such as the name of the product, customer, date, resource, etc.

  • Quantity : Units of this invoice line.

  • Discount : Amount discounted on this invoice line, with taxes.

  • Price : Unit price of the invoice line with taxes included.

  • Taxes : Tax amount for this invoice line.

  • Tax ID : Identifier of the tax type used on this invoice line. This tax is automatically selected from the product settings at checkout.

  • Total : Total amount of the invoice line, including taxes.

  • Product : Product that is invoiced.

  • Date of use : Date on which this service will be enjoyed, which does not always coincide with the invoice date.

  • Coupon : Coupon number associated with this sales line that is imported directly from the invoiced sales line. This field can be modified manually even once the invoice has been generated.

  • Replacing ticket : If this invoice was generated from a paid sale, here you can see the ticket that was associated with it and that will be replaced by our invoice.

  • Ticket Date : Continuing with the previous point, the date of the replaced ticket.

Detail of a Proforma. Main tab. Collections Section

Section: Main Menu > Listings or Billing > Invoices > Proforma Tab

In this section we will see all the charges associated with this invoice. A charge is associated with an invoice:

  • When an invoice is generated from an unpaid sale, and then paid. The charge is associated with this invoice.

  • When an invoice is generated from a paid sale, and then paid. The system generates a negative ticket to cancel the original ticket and "moves" that charge from being associated with a ticket to being associated with this invoice.

You can read the details that you will find within a charge on an invoice in the article Collection Lists .

Detail of a Proforma. Summary Tab

Section: Main Menu > Listings or Billing > Invoices > Proforma Tab

In this tab you will be able to see a summary of this invoice with the following sections:

  • Families : All invoice lines grouped by family.

  • Subfamilies : All invoice lines grouped by subfamily.

  • Product : All invoice lines grouped by product.

  • Taxes : All invoice lines breaking down your taxes.

  • Collections : All collections for this invoice grouped by payment methods.

Edit the date of an invoice

Section: Main Menu > Listings or Billing > Invoices

  1. Select the desired invoice by clicking on the ID

  2. Edit the Date field

  3. Save button

View deleted invoices

Section: Main Menu > Listings or Billing > Invoices

  1. Select on the 3 dots

  2. Select View deleted

How to see who created an invoice

Section: Main Menu > Listings or Billing > Invoices

You can always consult the user's name and creation date at the bottom of the screen when accessing the ID or also by creating columns in that list.

500 Error generating PDF / Template error: template error: Attempt to divide by zero --> line: xxx

If you see this message, we will show you more information in the following link .

How we recommend that clubs communicate invoices to their clients

On the reservation website, each client has in their profile all the invoices that have been generated from the system. As soon as you generate an invoice from the administration part, it automatically appears in your profile. This way, by just sending an email to all your clients (partners, tour operators, etc.) saying something like "You already have your invoices available on the web"... you will save yourself from having to send the invoices one by one. From their profile the client will be able to download their invoices comfortably. You just need each of them to know how to enter your website and provide them with a username/password.

How to modify the customer of a past sale and collection with invoice

For more information, go to this link .

Proforma Invoice: how to modify a proforma invoice

Proforma invoices cannot be modified, as they are informative sales line invoices.

To do this you would have to:

  • modify sales lines

  • and reissue the proforma invoice from the list of lines sold

How there can be a mismatch in the Tax Base + VAT of invoices

Solution to Deviations of Accounting Cents

You may discover accounting cent deviations when reviewing your accounting books.

When that happens, it's time to do some research to find the right solution. The root of these deviations can vary greatly depending on each case and require different types of solutions.

Common Causes of Accounting Cent Deviations

A deviation of accounting cents may be the result of imbalances that occurred during the entry of invoices. This can happen if it is an invoice with many lines.

The discrepancy may lie in the fact that it is an invoice with thousands of lines and that means that, as we work with 4 decimal places, a mismatch occurs when rounding. We understand that for these cases of deviations from accounting cents, adjustments are made.

How to Solve a Deviation of Accounting Cents

When you find a deviation from accounting cents, you should conduct an investigation to determine the root causes and correct the error.

The first thing you should do is review the numerical accounts to confirm that the total has been calculated correctly and that the imbalances are not due to human error.

If a mismatch still exists, an accounting adjustment must be made to correct the deviation in the books. One way to solve the problem is to carry out an adjustment transaction for this small imbalance and thus eliminate the deviation from the closed balance.


Accounting cent mismatches are not material inaccuracies, but they must be recorded and corrected in the accounting books to ensure accuracy and avoid future problems.

If you find an imbalance on an invoice with many lines, it may be the result of calculations with rounding of decimals. You should then review the accuracy of the calculations and make an accounting adjustment to correct the deviation in the books, to eliminate any possible future problems.

How to check the difference between the invoice total and the total collections of that invoice

Section: Main Menu > Listings or Billing > Invoices

  1. Look for that invoice

  2. You enter your ID

  3. You will see 2 sections below:

    1. Lines : which correspond to the lines of that invoice

    2. Collections : which correspond to the collections of those sales lines

  4. You export each listing

  5. salelineID column

  6. Compare both lists

  7. You will see which salelineID, that is, which sold line ID does not have a charge

  8. and this is the way to identify exactly why

For example,

  • take one of those sales lines in which there are differences

  • go to the POS

  • there are several sales lines

  • you will surely see 1 ticket for the total

  • and that each sales line has a different invoice

How to generate a Rectifying Invoice to generate a Recapitulative Invoice

  • You have to go to the POS of that reservation

  • Select the lines you want and select the Cancel button

  • It will ask you if you want to issue a Rectifying Invoice and you confirm that you do. This would generate a corrective invoice for the first one that was generated.

  • It will let you get the Recapitulative Invoice of all the tickets from that date

  • And so that these sales lines do not remain pending payment (in red), you have to select Finish . The total is €0, it will turn green as paid and without payment method

How to view cancellation reasons on an invoice

For more information, go to the following link .

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