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New Booking Portal

Steps to styling your new booking engine

Updated over a week ago



Golfmanager launches a new design for the Bookings portal!

This change will only affect the design of your website, not the functionality. In order to make the most of the options in the new design, we will show you the steps you need to follow to create a spectacular website.

📷 Cards with photos

Your website now has a "Home" page with buttons for Golf, Vouchers, Activities... There are two types of buttons:

  • Bookings. These will be shown here:

    • Areas, if you've configured them,

    • Resource types, if no areas are configured.

  • If you have it activated online, you also have access to Vouchers, Quotas, Events, etc.

By default, the buttons will have a blue background, but you can customize them with any photo you like.

  • You can change the photo of an Area by going to the Settings Menu > Bookings > Areas. Make sure the 'Online' box is checked.

  • You can change a Resource Type's photo by going to Settings Menu > Bookings > Resource Types.

  • To change the photo of a bonus, quota, or activity... go to Settings > General settings > Web menu.

✨Header image

Choosing a good image for your website's header is very important, since it will be the first thing the client sees. In order to improve the resolution, we have doubled the capacity (500kb) of the Image field.

The header image can be uploaded by going to Settings Menu > General Settings > Center and uploading it there.

📷 Page of legal conditions

Your new website will offer the option of displaying your Data Protection and Legal Conditions policy.

You can activate this option by going to Configuration > General settings > Custom pages. Ensure that the 'Published' and 'Visible in footer' fields are checked within the element.

📄 Adding a short description for cards

You can also improve the image of your website by adding a short description to your Bonuses, Activities, and Quotas.

  • If it is a Voucher, go to the Configuration Menu > Billing > Voucher types, choose the desired voucher and in the 'Online Sales' section fill in the 'Short description'.

  • If it were an Activity, use the side menu on the left to access the activity settings and fill in the 'Short description' field.

  • Lastly, if it is a Quota, you need to go to Configuration Menu > Quotes > Quote types, select the quota, and in the 'Online Quotas' section, specify what you want to describe.

📄 Names of buttons and products

Clients need to be able to understand the names of our products, buttons, and rates. We can see in the photo that this would be a bad practice for product names since they must be brief and clear to occupy the least amount of space possible.

Attempting not to mix upper-case and lower-case letters is also necessary when writing the texts.

Adding a photo to your product

Our recommendation is to add a photo to your products, such as greens or buggies, to make your website more appealing to your visitors. Photos will significantly improve the quality of your website, as you can see from the images.

You can add this photo in the Online Options section of the Configuration Menu > Reservations > Reservation Types, where you can select the desired reservation and add the image.

📄 Side description

If we are not sure if this looks good aesthetically, we recommend not using it. The description can be added or removed in the Home or Resource type section.

  • From the Configuration Menu > General Configuration > Center, in the 'Web page description' field, we can edit the side description of the Home.

  • You can edit the Type of Resource side description from the Configuration Menu > Reservations > Types of resources, by filling out the 'Description' field in the Online Options.

How to remove a card from the web

It is also possible to come across cards you don't wish to display on your website. By deactivating the Online Reservations option under Configuration Menu > Reservations > Types of resources, these cards will not appear.

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