User area:
Section: Main Menu > Warehouse
Configuration area:
Frequently asked questions
List of V3 features
Multi warehouse.
Supplier management.
Stock management by item.
Management of the average cost of items. Improved
Order breakage alerts and quantity recommendation to purchase. Improved
Label/barcode printing.
Order generation.
The products to be added to an order can be filtered by the order supplier.
Date management: order, estimated delivery, received.
Alert for products pending delivery.
Generation of delivery notes. New
Possibility of receiving partial or total material.
Relationship with supplier invoices for better traceability.
Generation of inventories with scanner.
Stock regularization through these inventories.
Product transfers between warehouses.
Traceability of all warehouse movements.
The warehouse is the place where store or restaurant items will be stored, for example. V3 allows you to have more than one warehouse so you can manage several points of sale at the same time and transfer from one to another.
Warehouse management flow
The life of a stock product in V3 goes through the following flow:
product is created by activating the manage stock option.
This product is added to an order , which is sent to the supplier.
The supplier sends you the products in one or more delivery notes . At this moment the warehouse entry is generated.
The supplier passes the charge to you on one or more invoices of those delivery notes .
โIf you want to return the material, a reverse flow of invoice, delivery note and credit will be generated .
If you agree with the material received and invoiced, you will optionally go on to print the bar labels .
You will proceed to sell this item through the POS. It will proceed to exit the warehouse.
In the period you choose (end of month, quarter or year) you will make an inventory of your products, where there may be differences, and through which regularizations will be generated to start the new period with all square quantities.
The system will provide you with lists and reports to control this entire process, have visibility and make better decisions, positively affecting your results.
Section: Main Menu > Warehouse > Warehouses
Special buttons
Export to Excel
Import from Excel
See the trash
Bulk editing
Selecting an ID
General Section
Name for your warehouse. E.g. Pro Shop, Restaurant, Central warehouseโฆ
observations for this warehouse in case something needs to be clarified.
Stock Section
Products that have stock management activated, and that you must have previously created.
Warehouse where this product is. The same product can be in several warehouses, which will appear in different lines in this list.
Average gross unit cost (without taxes) of this product. The system, with each purchase and return, will automatically recalculate the average cost.
Valuation that is nothing more than the multiplication of the unit cost x the quantity.
Quantity of that product in that warehouse.
Desired (optional) is the quantity you would like to have after receiving an order. This will help the system to alert and recommend how many units to buy when an order has to be placed.
Alert . (optional) When the product stock reaches this level, the system will alert you that it must be replenished.
Section: Main Menu > Warehouse > Stock
Special buttons
Export to Excel
Import from Excel
Bulk editing
Print labels
Selecting an ID
Special buttons
Manual editing
General Section
Products that have stock management activated, and that you must have previously created.
Warehouse where this product is. The same product can be in several warehouses, which will appear in different lines in this list.
Average gross unit cost (without taxes) of this product. The system, with each purchase and return, will automatically recalculate the average cost.
Valuation that is nothing more than the multiplication of the unit cost x the quantity.
Quantity of that product in that warehouse.
Desired (optional) is the quantity you would like to have after receiving an order. This will help the system to alert and recommend how many units to buy when an order has to be placed.
Warning (optional). When the product stock reaches this level, the system will send an email indicating that this product has reached the minimum stock.
In Deposit. It tells us if this product is configured as a warehouse product. This configuration is done in the profile of this product. A warehouse product is one that the supplier provides us free of charge and for which we will only pay if it is sold.
Product's barcode.
Section: Main Menu > Warehouse > Orders
An order is a document to request a series of products from the supplier. A delivery note will be generated from the order, which will be the way to introduce new quantities into the warehouses.
Each order will be made up of two parts. A header where we will put generic information for this order, and a series of product lines that will be the products that we are going to request from the supplier.
Note: Only users with the Stock Administrator permission will be able to:
Send orders: Manage and process order shipments.
Print labels: Generate and print labels for products in stock.
Edit orders: Modify the details of existing orders.
Manage suppliers: Access and manage supplier information.
Special buttons
Export to Excel
Import from Excel
See the trash
Bulk editing
Selecting an ID
Special buttons
Print order
Print labels
Import from Excel
Export to Excel
General Section
Order status , which can be:
Open . Products are being added to the order and have not yet been sent to the supplier.
Sent the order to the supplier. More products can no longer be added to the order.
Partially received . Some of the material requested in this order has been received, but not all.
Received . All requested material has been received and there is nothing pending to be delivered in this order.
Vendor (optional) for this order. Choosing a supplier will mean that when adding products to the order later, this will be filtered by those of this supplier, thus facilitating the work.
Order date . By default, today's date, but it can be editable.
Estimated delivery date of this order.
Delivery date Date on which the merchandise is received.
observations that you can add to this order and that will be visible later by the supplier in the order sent to them.
Product line:
Product we want to order. Search and select the desired product. Please note that the results returned will be filtered by that provider.
Gross cost of this product. The system will show you the last unit cost of that product, but you can then modify it if necessary.
Amount that we are going to order from the supplier.
Total automatic calculation that multiplies the gross cost of that product x the quantity ordered.
Received . Automatic sum of the quantities received that will be added to the delivery notes later.
Earring . Automatic calculation of ordered quantities - received quantities added to subsequent delivery notes.
Delivery Notes Section
A delivery note is a document that originates from an order and is used to enter products into the warehouse.
Reference/Order from which this delivery note originates
Date of receipt or date of this delivery note
Supplier invoice number (optional). It will later help you review supplier invoices.
Observations (optional) for this delivery note
Selecting an ID:
Delivery note product . They will be automatically loaded from the order.
Quantity Pending receipt of that product in this order. This field is automatic and calculates the quantity ordered - the quantities received in previous delivery notes if applicable.
Received . Quantity received of that product on this delivery note.
Section: Main Menu > Warehouse > Inventories
An inventory is a document that compares the theoretical quantities of each product with the actual quantities. These possible differences can be regularized to start the new period with the squared quantities, generating the corresponding regularizations.
Special buttons
Name. Assign a name to this inventory. This name will allow you to easily locate and manage the appropriate inventory in the list. Once saved, this field can be edited later if you wish.
Warehouse in which the inventory will be carried out.
Observations (optional) for this inventory.
Export to Excel
Import from Excel
See the trash
Bulk editing
Selecting an ID
Special buttons
Inventory Product
Theoretical quantity of that product in the warehouse calculated automatically taking into account all delivery notes, sales and warehouse transfers.
Actual quantity of that product in the warehouse
Difference . Automatic calculation of the actual quantity - the theoretical quantity .
View historical record
Export to Excel: you can download a file with all the data related to inventory management, facilitating the consultation, analysis and backup of information outside the system.
Add products
Scanning Barcode in Inventory
In an inventory, it is possible to add products to the inventory quickly and accurately using a PDA or barcode scanner, similar to the functionality in V1. To do this, follow these steps:
Select New Inventory to create a new one or select an existing inventory you wish to edit.
Once on the inventory page, use a PDA or barcode scanner to scan the products.
Each time you scan a product, the system will automatically add it to the selected inventory.
If you scan the same product multiple times, the actual quantity of that product in the inventory will automatically increase.
The system will add up the quantity scanned each time, reflecting the total number of units in the inventory.
Section: Main Menu > Warehouse > Movements
The movement list shows you all the entry and exit movements of a product in a warehouse. This way you can have complete visibility of everything that has happened.
Special buttons
Export to Excel
Selecting an ID
Special buttons
Manual editing
Fields of a stock movement
Product of that movement.
Warehouse in which that movement was carried out.
Quantity of that movement for that product.
Gross cost Calculation of quantity by price without taxes.
Gross price Price of the product without taxes.
Remaining stock or quantity of this product after this movement.
Average Unit Cost Average cost quantity per unit across all purchases of this product.
Type of stock movement, which can be:
Order , for a material entry generated through a delivery note.
Sale , for outbound movements generated through a sale in the system.
Transfer , for movements of products from one warehouse to another.
Inventory , for regularization movements after an inventory.
Origin . Internal ID to know which module has generated this automatic warehouse movement.
Source reference . Internal ID to know which record generated this automatic warehouse movement.
Observations Observations for this movement.
DeliIvery invoices
Section: Main Menu > Warehouse > Invoices
With this functionality, the system groups the invoices that suppliers issue when the club buys products from them. This functionality is designed so that, if your system is integrated with an accounting system, you can automatically record information about purchases from suppliers. To create an invoice from a supplier follow the steps below:
From the Main Menu > Warehouse > Delivery notes, select the Breakdown tab and you will access the list of Delivery note lines.
Use the search tool to filter the list.
Select the References of the delivery note lines you wish to create the invoice.
Select Actions.
Select Generate Invoice.
A new window will open for you to enter the details of the Invoice:
Supplier. Obligatory field. Select a supplier from the list.
Company. Obligatory field. Selects a company from the list.
Invoice date. Obligatory field. Indicates the date of issue of the invoice.
Invoice number. Mandatory field. Enter the invoice number provided by the supplier.
Select Accept.
The system will generate an invoice with a header and the corresponding order lines.
This invoice will be registered in the system and linked to the selected delivery note lines.
Special buttons
New :
Name . Here you can add the name of the different fields of the variants, such as: size, color, gender, season,... When you select the Save button, a new section will appear: Variant elements
Variant elements . Here you can add the different elements that will make up that variant. If the variant is the sizes, you will add the different sizes you need: small, medium, large, XS, XL, 40, 41, 42,...
Actions :
Export to Excel
Import from Excel
Bulk editing
See the trash
Section: Main Menu > Warehouse > Settings
Allow selling without stock ( optional ) . Activate/deactivate this option. If you want the system to allow you to continue selling a product even if you have 0 or negative stock. This option can be useful because sometimes we make a mistake, the stock does not show reality, we see the product in front of us and we want the system to let us sell it without problems that there is no stock and solve it later.
Email for notifications. Add the email to which you want the stock alert notifications to arrive.
Section: Main Menu > Warehouse > Suppliers
Registering suppliers will make it easier for you to manage your warehouses. When you place an order and choose a supplier, the products you are going to add will be filtered to avoid errors. You can also obtain statistics for each of them.
Special buttons
Export to Excel
Import from Excel
See the trash
Bulk editing
Selecting an ID
Provider's name .
Supplier email .
Provider's phone number .
Supplier's website .
Payment terms. Select an option from the drop-down menu or create a new one, if desired. When you place an order with this supplier and print the order, this field will appear in the order header.
Comments. Here we can optionally write any comments about this supplier.
NIF of the supplier.
Supplier address .
How to create a Stock Product
For V3, a store item is the same as any product, but it has the option to manage stock activated . To avoid duplicating articles, read the help on How to create a product .
How to create an Order
Section: Main Menu > Warehouse > Orders
Select New
Optionally select the Supplier . Choosing a supplier will mean that when adding products to the order later, this will be filtered by those of this supplier, thus facilitating the work.
Indicates an Order Date . You can edit it later.
Indicates an Estimated Delivery Date for this order.
Optionally add Observations to this order.
At the bottom, search and select your Product . Only the products that have the manage stock option activated will appear and, if you have chosen a supplier in the header of this order, the products from that supplier. When you select the product, the system will add the average cost of that product registered in the system. If you have indicated the desired quantity in the stock, the system will recommend the remaining units to reach that quantity.
Edit, if necessary, the Gross Unit Cost of this product.
Indicate the Quantity that you are going to order from the supplier.
If you are going to want to add another product, search and select your Product in the row below. Repeat these steps as many times as you need until the order is complete.
Once finished, select Save . The order will be seen in reading mode, with the totals and a series of buttons will be enabled to continue:
Select Send if you want to send the order by email to the supplier. Fill in the subject of the email and the system will automatically attach the order to the email.
Select Print order if you want to send the order by PDF or paper to the supplier.
How to create an automatic Order from Stock.
Section: Main Menu > Warehouse > Stock
The system allows you to create an order automatically from the stock list, facilitating the management of products and suppliers.
Access the Stock list from the Main Menu > Warehouse > Stock.
Select one or more products to include in the order.
Select Actions > Generate Order
An order is automatically generated whose status is Open, which you can access from the Main Menu > Warehouse > Orders.
The system first identifies how many different suppliers are associated with the selected products. A separate order will be generated for each supplier.
Automatic Unit Calculation: For each product, the system will verify the desired column in the stock. It will make a subtraction between the value in the desired column and the current quantity in stock. The result will be the number of units that will be included in the order.
Products without Desired Quantity: If any product does not have a value in the desired column, the quantity of that product in the order will be set to 0, and must be adjusted manually from the generated order. This means that once the order is created, you will have to manually enter the desired quantity directly into the order.
How to create a Warehouse
Section: Main Menu > Warehouse > Orders
Search and select the Order in which you are going to add the delivery note.
At the bottom of Delivery Notes , select New .
Indicates the Date of receipt or date of this delivery note. By default the system selects today's date.
Optionally, fill in the supplier's Invoice number. This will help you track invoices later.
Optionally add Observations to this delivery note.
In the product list, look for the desired product and indicate the quantity Received . By default, the system tells you the total quantities pending receipt of that order.
In the product list, look for the desired product and indicate the quantity Received.
If the quantities entered in the orders are positive: by default the system indicates the total quantities pending receipt of that order.
If the quantities entered in the order are negative, they will appear on the delivery note as zero by default, so you have to edit the Received quantity column manually. For example, if the Pending quantity is -1, add -1 to the Received quantity.
Select Save .
The system will generate a warehouse entry according to the quantities indicated on the delivery note, and will recalculate all the gross costs of these products.
How to create an Inventory
Section: Main Menu > Warehouse > Inventories
Select New .
Add a Name for this inventory
Search and select the Warehouse where you are going to do the inventory.
Select Add product . A popup will open with two options:
All the products . All products that have stock management activated would be added at the bottom, with the theoretical quantity that the system says you should have of that product in that warehouse.
Subfamily . All products belonging to that subfamily that have stock management activated at the bottom will be added, with the theoretical quantity that the system says you should have of that product in that warehouse. All products and their theoretical quantities will be added to the bottom of the inventory.
Optionally add Observations to this inventory.
At the bottom, look for the product and indicate the actual quantities you have. Repeat this process as many times as necessary.
Select Save . The system will automatically generate the regularizations with the differences.
How to add products to an inventory from Stock
Section: Main Menu > Warehouse > Stock
Below we detail how to add products to an inventory from the stock list. Allows you to select products directly from Stock and send them to an inventory for easier adjustments.
First, create a new inventory. To do this, go to Main Menu > Warehouse > Inventory, select New, select Warehouse and Save. This new inventory has a reference, which we will then use later.
Access the stock list from the Main Menu > Warehouse > Stock.
Select the stock products you want to add to the inventory. You can use filters in the list such as Warehouse, family, subfamily, in storage,...
Once the list is filtered, check the filtered products that you want to add to the inventory.
Select Actions > Send to Inventory.
A drop-down menu will appear with the open inventories, ordered from most recent to oldest. Only products can be added to inventories that are not regularized.
Select the desired inventory (the inventory reference that was created new in the first step) and the selected products will be added automatically.
Access the inventory list and select the inventory reference where the products have been added.
The added products will have an initial count of 0 and the differential between the count and the theoretical inventory quantity (Count - Theoretical Quantity) will be automatically calculated.
How to Transfer product from one warehouse to another
Section: Main Menu > Warehouse > Stock
Search and select the Product you want to transfer.
Select Transfer . A popup will be displayed.
Search and select the Warehouse of origin where this product will come from.
Search and select the destination warehouse where this product will end up.
Indicate the Amount you want to transfer.
Optionally add Remarks for this transfer.
Select Save . The system will automatically generate the transfer and leave it reflected in the stock movements.
Transfer all units of a product or multiple products:
From the Stock list, select the product reference or products that you want to completely transfer from one warehouse to another.
Select Actions
Select Transfer Products.
In the pop-up, select the destination store and click OK. All units of that product will be transferred.
All transfer movements are recorded in the list of movements, where you can consult the details of each transfer made.
How to Regularize the stock of a product
Section: Main Menu > Warehouse > Stock
Search and select the reference of the Product you want to regularize.
Select the Regularize button. A popup will be displayed with the preselected product and warehouse.
Add the quantity of the product you want to adjust.
Optionally, you can add observations indicating the reason for the regularization.
Select Save.
The system will automatically generate the regularization and will leave it reflected in the stock movements.
How to set up Stock Alert
Stock Alert is a feature that allows you to receive automatic notifications when the stock of a product reaches a set minimum level. This improvement facilitates inventory management and helps avoid stockouts without the need for constant manual reviews. To configure it in the system:
From Settings Menu > Warehouse > Settings > Email for notifications, add the email to which you want the stock alert notifications to arrive.
In the stock list, selecting a product reference, you will find the Alert field. Enter the minimum quantity of that product in which you want to receive a notification.
When the stock of this product reaches or falls below that amount, the system will automatically send you an alert so that you can place a new order on time.
Every time you sell this product at the POS and the stock falls below the limit you set, an email will automatically be sent to the address you have registered.
The email will notify you that the product stock has dropped below the established minimum number, which will allow you to take steps to replenish the inventory.