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v3 - Reports 🚧⚠️👷🏻‍♀️
v3 - Reports 🚧⚠️👷🏻‍♀️
Updated over 2 weeks ago


  • Warehouse

    • to a date

    • Between periods

    • Sales margin

  • Voucher

  • Customers

    • Account

    • Account status

  • School

    • Occupation per year

    • Number of lessons per teacher

  • Billing

  • Bookings

    • Per day

    • Customer per month

    • Resource status

    • Booking report

    • Per category (units)

    • Per category (hours)

    • Per month

    • Per type

    • Reserved resources


Section: Main menu > Reports

In this section, you can find a series of default reports available in our system. These reports have been designed to provide you with key information quickly and efficiently, tailored to the most common needs of our users.

Each report is designed to show you specific and detailed information. adapted to your management needs. This will allow you to make more informed and strategic decisions.

In the header of these reports you can find the available export options.

  1. Export to Excel, to process or analyze the data.

  2. Export to PDF, ideal for generating reports ready to share.

  3. Send by email, to distribute directly to the necessary recipients. To do this, follow the following steps:

    1. Select the report you want to send (not all reports have this option available).

    2. At the top of the report select the Send Report button.

    3. Emails: Enter one or more emails separated by commas. If you have already used an email before, the system will remember it and suggest options.

    4. Email subject: Enter the subject you want to include.

    5. Observations: Add an additional comment or message if you consider it necessary.

    6. Select Accept

    7. The system will send the email with the attached report in PDF format. You can check the email sent, from Tools > Latest emails

Voucher - Mouvements

This report shows you detailed information on all movements associated with the different types of vouchers, filtered by client. This report is designed to allow you to track and monitor vouchers transactions in detail.

  • Available filters:

    • Customer: select the specific customer whose movement history you wish to view.

    • Date: you can define a date range to filter the movements within a specific period.

    • Company: filter the movements according to the associated company.

  • In the header of the report, the client name and member number is displayed.

  • Report table:

    • Balance at the beginning of the period: The report will start with a line showing the opening balance, taking into account the time filter applied.

    • Voucher movement date.

    • Sale: reference of the corresponding sale to the voucher movement.

    • Description: of the sale

      • Payment: This indicates a payment made with the voucher, specifying the concept of the expense.

      • Recharge: Records the addition of funds to the voucher.

    • Product: Name of the product of the sale.

    • Inflow: positive flows (credits)

    • Outflow: negative flows (debits)

    • Balance: shows the balance after each movement, providing a clear and continuous view of the balance.

    • Total: Includes a line that sums the totals of the positive and negative transactions columns.

    • Balance at the end of the period: line showing the final balance, also taking into account the time filter applied.

Production Report

This report shows you all sales made on the selected date grouped by families, subfamilies and products.

Report filters

  • Date. Select the date to consult. This date corresponds to the date of use of the sale. By default, this report applies the date of use equal to Today.

  • Invoice Date. This date corresponds to the date of the invoice.

  • User. By default, all the users of the system are displayed.

  • Family. This report allows you to filter by family. By default, all are shown.

  • Payment method. This report allows you to filter by payment method. By default, all of them appear.

  • Exclude cancelled. When a sale is cancelled, the system will generate a new cancellation line. The original line being cancelled will remain unchanged, except for the status update and a new line is created with the details of the cancellation, whose date of use will be the date of the cancellation. This methodology ensures that historical reports always show the original data, with no alterations due to subsequent reversals. Activate this option if you do not want the report to show reversed sales.

Billing production report - Secundary currency

To enable the Secondary Currency report, you need to make the following pre-settings in the system. It will allow you to manage and display invoicing in an additional currency, in addition to the main currency.

  • Install Multi-currency. From Settings Menu > System >App Market > install the Multicurrency module.

Add Currencies. From Settings Menu > Invoicing > Currencies add the main currency with its exchange rate and add the secondary currency with its exchange rate, remember that the latter is linked to the main currency. For more information follow the link .

  • Set Secondary Currency. From Settings Menu > Billing > Configuration, in the Currency section, add the secondary currency.

  • Important notes:

    • Application of exchanges rates: The secondary currency report will be available once you complete these three steps. This setting is not retroactive; it will only apply to transactions made after setup.

    • Manual Configuration: The multi-currency value must be configured manually, based on current exchange rates.

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