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Inviting Candidates to a job in the Invited tab via bulk upload
Inviting Candidates to a job in the Invited tab via bulk upload

This article describes how to bulk upload candidates to GoodJob so they could be invited to take the PATH Assessment.

Courtney Jenkins avatar
Written by Courtney Jenkins
Updated over a week ago

Invite candidates in bulk to a job by following the instructions below so that the candidates can take the PATH Assessment and their behavior match results can be posted to the job.

Step 1 - Fill out candidate template

Before you begin the upload process, fill out either a .csv template or .xlsx template. Include the first name, last name, and email address of each candidate.

Step 2 - Log in to GoodJob

Log into your GoodJob Employer account

Step 3 - Click on Job Listings

From the Dashboard, click on Job Listings from the left hand navigation

Step 4 - Select Job

From the Job Listings table, click on the Job ID for which you would like to view your candidates' completed PATHs and their behavior matches

Step 5 - Click on the Invited Tab

Click on the Invited tab.

Step 6 - Click Upload Candidates

Click Upload Candidate(s).

On your file system browser, select the file you created in Step 1.

Step 7 - Confirm candidates are invited

Once the spreadsheet is uploaded, you will see the name and email address of each candidate as well as their invitation status.

After candidates are invited

Once candidates complete the PATH Assessment, you will see their scores in the Completed tab. See Review Candidate Behavior Matches for more details.

See also

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