If you're not using an ATS and instead sourcing directly via a job board such as Indeed, we recommend updating the Job Description in Indeed with a unique job invitation link. Once candidates follow the link and complete the PATH Assessment, they will be shown in the Completed tab on the job and their behavior match scores will be available.
Step 1 - Log in to GoodJob
Log into your GoodJob Employer account https://app.goodjob.io
Step 2 - Click on Job Listings
From the Dashboard, click on Job Listings from the left hand navigation
Step 3 - Select Job
From the Job Listings table, click on the Job ID for which you would like to view your candidates' completed PATHs and their behavior matches
Step 4 - Copy job invite code
On the right side of the page, locate the Copy Job Invite Code box
Select the copy icon to copy the code the right of the text the Copy Job Invite.
Step 5- Paste job invite code in job description on job board
Paste the code inside of the job description for the corresponding job posting in the job board along with some instructions.
For example:
In addition to applying here, please use this link to complete the GoodJob PATH Assessment(R) as part of your application.