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Integration Guide: Greenhouse & GoodJob
Integration Guide: Greenhouse & GoodJob

This document provides an overview of how to integrate Greenhouse ATS with GoodJob.

Nellie Lemonier avatar
Written by Nellie Lemonier
Updated over a year ago

Step 1 - Generate an API key from within Greenhouse ATS

Syncing data with GoodJob requires a unique API key. This key must be generated in Greenhouse application before setting up the integration in GoodJob.

  1. Login to Greenhouse as an Employer

  2. Click the Configure gear icon in the top right corner to navigate to the settings

  3. Click on Dev Center from left-hand menu

  4. Click on API Credential Management

  5. Click on Create new API Key in the top right

    1. Set API Type to Harvest

    2. Set Partner to Custom

    3. Type GoodJob in the Description field

  6. Click Manage Permissions

  7. API Key will display

    1. Copy and store your API key in safe place, you will need it to setup the integration in the GoodJob application.

  8. Click “I have stored the API Key”

  9. Scroll down to Manage Permission

    1. Click Select All

  10. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Save

Step 2 - Create Custom Fields in Greenhouse

Each Employer’s ATS will need custom fields added to receive GoodJob data. Fields will need to be added to the Candidate and the Application. Follow these steps to add the fields to your Greenhouse instance before turning on the ATS integration with GoodJob.

Add Candidate Fields

  1. Login to Greenhouse

  2. Click the Configure gear icon in top right corner to navigate to settings

  3. In the left navigation menu select Custom Options

  4. Under the Company custom fields heading click on Candidates

  5. Select Add Field in upper right corner

  6. From table below enter the corresponding information

    1. Field Name

    2. Field Type

  7. Check box “Create new email token”

  8. Click Save

  9. Repeat for each field in the table below.

Add Applicant Fields

  1. Login to Greenhouse

  2. Click the Configure gear icon in top right corner to navigate to settings

  3. In the left navigation menu select Custom Options

  4. Under the Company Custom fields heading click on Applicants

  5. Select Add Field

  6. From table below enter the corresponding information

    1. Field Name

    2. Field Type

  7. Select Candidate and Prospect

  8. Check box “Create new email token”

  9. Click Save

  10. Repeat for each field in the table below.

Step 3 - Setup ATS integration in GoodJob

This can be performed by the GoodJob team. But we will need the API key in the Generate API section above.

Syncing your Greenhouse ATS data with GoodJob requires a one-time data synchronization which is completed via the GoodJob application.

  1. Login as an Employer

  2. Navigate to Company Profile

  3. Click on Manage ATS Integration button on the right side of the screen

  4. Click on Add Integration button from top right side of screen

  5. Merge linking modal comes up

  6. Select Greenhouse from the list

  7. Click continue to accept data sharing from Greenhouse to GoodJob

  8. Paste in API key generated in Greenhouse

  9. Click Submit

  10. Click Continue

  11. Click Continue (2nd time)

  12. Click Finish

  13. Success! Your integration is now setup.

Step 4 - Create Greenhouse Reports to see GoodJob data

To create a custom report using custom fields, you will need the Advanced or Expert subscription tier in Greenhouse.

  1. Login to Greenhouse

  2. In the top center click the Reports tab

  3. In left side menu select Build Report

  4. Choose Build your own Candidate Report and click Customize

  5. Review and update automatic Filters if needed

    1. To make a report for a single job, add a filter for Job Name

  6. In the left hand settings menu, add columns (drag and set to specify column order)

    1. Examples:

      1. PATH Complete - indicates whether the use has completed the PATH assessment

      2. Behavior Match Score - Match score for the candidate based on how well their assessment results matched to the job they applied for

      3. Behavior Match PATH Result Link - Report showing the Candidate's PATH assessment results matched to the profile for the job

      4. Primary Behavior - Primary, or dominant behavior identified for the candidate's PATH result

      5. Primary Behavior Description - Description of the primary behavior for a candidate's PATH assessment result

      6. Generic Candidate PATH Results Link - PATH result that is shared with the candidate. Contains the candidate's primary behavior, primary behavior icon, and details on all behaviors identified in their PATH results

  7. Run Report

  8. Save drop down - Save and Save as template

Tip! To allow links from the report results to display as hyperlinks, install a Chrome plugin such as PlainText Linker. This enable URLs to be treated as links.

Step 5 - How to view GoodJob Assessment data for applicants

  1. Navigate to Jobs

  2. Click on a job to open

  3. Select Candidates from left hand menu

  4. Select candidate you would to view GoodJob PATH score

  5. Click Application from On Job

  6. Select the Application Custom Fields drop down to display GoodJob Behavior data


  1. Click Details tab with in the candidate

  2. Under Additional Details heading, view PATH information


Step 6 - Confirm Jobs and Applicants are flowing to GoodJob from Greenhouse, link to DNA and publish

Jobs and applicants will begin to sync from Greenhouse to GoodJob within 30 minutes of the initial setup. Initial setup may take up to 4 hours to complete, depending on the number of open positions and applicants.

  1. Navigate to Job Listing page and click the Drafts tab

  2. Locate the newly created job from ApplicantPro and click the Job ID to open the job

  3. Once the new job listing loads, verify that the owner is correct

    1. An owner is set by default, but can be changed to any Employee that is setup in GoodJob as an Employer admin by clicking +Add Owner

  4. Verify job location, effective date, and job role/title are correct

  5. In the Job Role DNA section, select from the drop down the corresponding DNA

    1. Each job must be linked to a Job Role DNA, which is the behavioral profile for the role, created based on employees performing the role today.

  6. Right hand side of screen click Post Job

  7. Once the job has been posted, click Return to Job

  8. Ensure applicant is on Vetting tab and Matches tab and that the applicant match score generated

    1. Note: You may notice that the Matches tab displays as Calculating while generating the match score, this usually takes a couple minutes before returning to Matches

  9. Repeat for all draft jobs, until all jobs are posted and associated with a DNA.

Step 7 - Confirm PATH scores sent back to Greenhouse

To confirm PATH scores have been sent back to Greenhouse, either pull up a Candidate or Application for a user who has taken the PATH, or go to your Candidate PATH Results report to see all the data in one place.

  1. Login to Greenhouse

  2. In the top center click the Reports tab

  3. Under headers Recently View and Saved, locate the report generated earlier

  4. Custom report displays with GoodJob data

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