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3. Bulk Messaging & Opt Out Language in SAP SuccessFactors (training video)
3. Bulk Messaging & Opt Out Language in SAP SuccessFactors (training video)

How to send the same message to multiple candidates at once

Sam Abello avatar
Written by Sam Abello
Updated over 4 months ago

Now that you've learned all how to text 1:1 with a candidate, let's dive into our next training video 👥

Bulk Messaging and Opt-Out Language

Video Transcript

0:01 – Bulk messaging is a great way to reach out to multiple candidates at once. This isn't a group text, but a bunch of individual messages, so candidates won't be able to see each other's responses.

0:12 – If you need a quick refresher before sending your first Bulk message, there's a great how-to article to help you get started, but we'll walk through it together now.

0:21 – So to get started, we'll click New, be sure to give it a title. The title is Internal Only, so feel free to name it however you'd like.

0:30 – The audience is where you'll decide who you want to send your bulk message to. It defaults to individuals where you can manually select candidates one by one.

0:39 – Typical workflows include using a job option rather than individuals. If we select using job, we can now select the specific job.

0:50 – We recommend using the requisition ID in the search bar. It'll narrow down the list to the exact job and avoid any potential confusion.

0:58 – Especially if you have multiple requisitions with the same or similar job name. You can leave the stage set to any if you want your bulk message to reach all candidates you have in that job's pipeline, or you can get more specific and select a certain stage.

1:14 – So for this example, we'll select the short list stage, and that way this bulk message will only apply to those in the short list stage.

1:25 – You have one additional filter option, which is filter by ATS tags. If your current workflow includes ATS tagging, you can utilize those tags here and filter your bulk message audience even more.

1:38 – The preview button will show you everyone that will be sent the message based on the current filters you have selected.

1:47 – By default, your audience will be set to static, which means that we'll lock in your list of recipients now on Save.

1:54 – Your list of candidates will not change once you select your audience, no matter what stage they're in, once the message sends.

2:01 – Alternatively, by choosing Dynamic, you can select the criteria for your audience now and have grayscale pull the list of matched candidates at the time of your scheduled send.

2:12 – Please note that if you select Dynamic, your audience preview may not be reflective of the actual audience upon send. Now you can craft your message.

2:23 – It's very similar to one-to-one texting, where you can use snippets and templates here. Here, one very important thing to call out with bulk messaging is that this box is automatically checked, include opt out information in my message recommended.

2:39 – This will apply the opt out language reply stop to unsubscribe. We highly recommend keeping this box checked because it builds trust with the candidates and helps prevent your messages from being marked as spam by carriers.

2:52 – You can also add nudges to bulk messages. And the cool thing about nudges in bulk messaging is if you send out a bulk message to 10 people and six people respond, only the four people who didn't respond will receive those nudges.

3:07 – Next, you'll want to add followers who will receive notifications of the replies for this bulk message. 90% of the time you'll most likely add yourself as a follower to get those responses, but if you want your coworker or recruiting coordinator to receive the replies, you can add here.

3:26 – Lastly, you can schedule when you want your bulk message to go out and click save. All of your bulk messages will live under the bulk messaging page and you can edit or cancel your bulk messages using the three dots on the right hand side up until they are scheduled to go out.

3:41 – Once the initial message goes out you can no longer edit it but you can cancel any pending nudges. Opt out language.

3:51 – So we briefly talked about this but it's very important. It avoids carrier filtering and prevents messages from being marked as spam.

3:58 – It also informs the candidate that they can respond stop at any time to opt out or start to opt back in.

4:05 – If a candidate texts back stop, you can no longer text them through grayscale. It's as if they have blocked you and the message will be undeliverable.

4:14 – If you want more information on opt out language, there's a great help article that explains it further. When you're ready to move on, click the next video below.


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