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Activity overview: The Travels Module

How to complete the business travel module

Riane avatar
Written by Riane
Updated over a week ago

The analysis of these data will allow us to evaluate the carbon footprint of each trip (flights, train, car rides or hotel nights) and to identify the main action levers on this emission item. It may be recurring trips that need to be spaced out or certain trips for which a low-carbon alternative exists, for instance.

1. Upload your data

From the Data > Activity overview > Travels module, you can manually add all your travels or use our template to make things easier.

Option 1: Add your travels manually

First, you need to choose the transportation mode (plane, train, or car) and click on "Add a row":

From here you will be able to fill in all your travel information. Keep in mind that you have to complete at least one of the following information: Destination, Distance, Cost. However, the more information you fill in, the more precise your GHG assessment will be.

No matter the transportation mode, you will have city suggested for airports, train stations, and cars.

You can choose your currency (Euro €, USD $, or Pound £) and your unit of measurement (miles or kilometers).

Once everything is completed, you can click on submit and the trip will appear as such :

Option 2: Add your travels following the template

From the main page, you will have to click on "Import file" to download our template.

When using the template, you have to complete at least one of the blue columns (Destination, Distance, Cost). However, we encourage you to fill as many columns as possible as it will increase the precision of your GHG assessment.

What are "Entities" and "Business units"?

If you are part of a multi-entity company on Greenly, you can use the optional tags "Entities" and "Business unit" to help you visualize and understand your results better.

Travel agencies data

Most travel agencies can provide you with an annual export of your trips. If you use this type of service, contact your travel agency to obtain this information.

Those exports are very useful, as they provide most of the time very detailed information that we can treat to guarantee maximum accuracy and granularity on your data analysis.

You will find here an example of travel agency exports: Egencia (FR)

Understanding the methodology

When looking at each trip's carbon emission, you can click on the number to have the methodology :

Mark your module as completed

Once you have uploaded all your data into the module, please mark the module as completed by using the selector located at the top right corner of your screen.

2. Read and understand your results

Whether you're flying in business or economy class, utilizing private jets, or driving diesel or electric vehicles, the ecological footprint of your trip will differ.

The Results page will help you compare the different emissions each trip had and the data collected will also help our climate experts suggest alternative routes in your report.

3. Follow Recommended actions

This page has been designed to help you find alternatives to reduce emissions related to your employees' business travel.

We offer 3 different approaches, each with a more or less significant impact.

Sufficiency: Optimize a process in the value chain or implement new, more efficient technologies.

Example: Reduce the number of trips.

Substitution: Substitute a process, a service, or a component by a less emissive one.

Example: Choose a train journey instead of a flight.

Optimization and efficiency: Optimize a process in the value chain or implement new, more efficient technologies.

Example: Choose a more eco-friendly approach using the same means of transportation such as traveling in economy class instead of first class.

For each approach, you will be able to apply these actions to your current business travel to see the impact on your emissions.

When this module is completed, please make sure you look into our article to avoid double counting.

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