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Client: Sustainable Procurement
All ressources you may need to engage your suppliers
🚀 What is Sustainable Procurement and why launch it?You will find here details on what is supplier engagement
🧭 Sustainable Procurement : step-by-step guideA comprehensive guide to start your sustainable procurement journey
🔍 What is the content of the supplier questionnaire?A complete review of what your suppliers can expect
📈 Supplier engagement: Template emailMaximize your suppliers' response rate by notifying them using this template
Link your transactions to your suppliers
My Suppliers: advanced analyticsThis article aims to help you follow the progress and results of your sustainable procurement strategy
💯 How is my suppliers' Greenly score computed?A breakdown of all the points of the Greenly score
🔎 How can clients be scored based on public data?A throughout review on how clients are scored based on their public disclosures
Supplier Data: The Types of Information You Can RequestGreenly offers different types of supplier data collection to meet various reporting needs and compliance requirements.