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Activity history: automated project audit trail and revision history
Activity history: automated project audit trail and revision history

Check who has created, edited, signed, approved and emailed your project with our automated audit trail, and download previous PDF versions.

Michelle Kimbler avatar
Written by Michelle Kimbler
Updated over a week ago

Summary: The activity tab, located in the project overview page, contains the full edit and version history of your document. You can also download previous versions as a PDF here.

Note: Only customers on Pro and Enterprise plans can access the Activity tab. Basic and Advanced plans do not have access to this feature.

The Activity tab

To view a project's history, select it from the main dashboard and click on the 'Activity' tab.

Within the activity tab, you can see:

  • Who created / edited the project

  • When edits and additions took place with a timestamp

  • What and why edits have been made via the 'reasons for editing' comments

  • Which version number your project is at

  • Download previous versions

  • If emails have been sent, received and opened successfully

  • When signatures and approvals were added

The Activity tab will be updated after each change to the project.

Note: Only customers on Pro and Enterprise plans can access the Activity history of projects. Basic and Advanced plans do not have access to this feature.

Reasons for editing

A project's history is built up every time an edit is made to the project.

After any changes are made to the project, when you click save & exit (or next when on the Method Statement Page) you will be directed to a 'Reasons for editing' page, so you can keep track of what changes were made, and when.

This is optional, so if you do not give a reason this will show as 'No reason given' on the project history page.

Note: If you would like 'reasons for editing' to be compulsory, please speak to your account manager.

Download previous versions

You can also download PDF versions of the project at each stage, so you have copies of the project from before and after any changes were made.

Under the Activity tab, click the " โ†“ Download" button on the right-hand side of the version you wish to download, and then click 'Download now'. The document will instantly download as a PDF to your device.

Note: a project cannot be restored to previous versions.

Version History

After each change, the version number of the project will automatically update.

If you have the Approval feature the version number only changes when the project is approved.

Note: If you do not wish for this to happen, please speak to your account manager.

Email status

With our new email feature, you can now check if your RAMS has been emailed successfully in the Activity tab.

You can now see if the email was sent, received, opened, or if it failed to send.

You can also disable the download link, if you don't want the recipient to be able to open and download the RAMS you've sent them.

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