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Bank account for payouts

Follow these steps to update the Bank & Funding information in Fiserv

Updated this week

New North Account Self-Service Updates

You can now update Bank Account and Funding Information for North accounts without submitting a ticket. This information includes:

Bank Account:

  • Routing Number

  • Account Number

  • Account Type

  • Account Usage

Funding Information:

  • Funding Rollup

To update this information, go to the Account Details page and click the Edit button in the Bank Account and Funding Information sections.

This page provides a guide on how to update Bank Account and Funding Information in CoPilot for North Acquired Merchants.

Updating Bank Account Information

How to Update Bank Accounts

Follow the below steps to updates Bank Account information for North acquired merchants:

  1. Access the Merchant Account in CoPilot

  2. Select Account Detail under Application

  3. Click the Account Details tab

  4. Scroll down to Bank Account and Funding Information section and click Edit in the Bank Accounts section

  5. Update the Bank Account information in the modal

  6. Click Save

Causes for Manual Review

Bank account updates will be effective immediately unless a manual review is needed under the following conditions:

Documentation Required

All documents must be uploaded to the Attachments section on the Update Details page within one business day. If not, the request will be declined and must be resubmitted.

To verify the bank account, owner, or business information, you must attach ALL the following documents:

  • A bank account change request form that is signed and dated by the application signer

  • A non-expired government-issued ID with a photo of the application signer

  • A voided check or official bank letter showing the routing and account numbers for updated or added accounts (starter checks are not permitted)

Funding Hold

Manual review will be required if there is a hold on the merchant's account.

Pending or In-Progress Legal Update

Manual review will be required there is an ongoing or existing Legal Information update for the merchant's account.

Legal Information and Bank Information updates will be linked and can be found in the Linked Updates section on the Update Details page.

Updates for Non-North Acquired / BlueChex Accounts

Bank Account Change tickets are still required for merchants that are not North acquired. This includes BlueChex accounts that are linked to North accounts. The required bank change form can be found here.

Invalid Routing Number

Bank account updates cannot be submitted if we do not have the routing number on file. Please contact support if you encounter this issue.

Adding a Secondary Bank Account

A secondary bank account can be added by selecting the Add another bank account option. By default, this will set Bank 1 as the deposit account and Bank 2 as the withdrawal account.

Setting Account Usage for Two Bank Accounts

You can change the Account Usage for each bank account using the dropdown menus. If you select Deposit Only for one account, the other account will automatically switch to Withdrawal Only, and vice versa.

Deposit Only accounts are used for deposits, deposit adjustments, and non-bankcard adjustments. Withdrawal Only accounts are used for all fees, chargebacks, chargeback reversals, and financial adjustments.

If there are two bank accounts, you can customize the account usage by selecting the Other option, which will display the Account Usage Details for each bank account.

Account Usage Details

If Other is selected, several checkbox options will display that can be selected to describe the business function of the account.

The following options are available:

  • Deposits: Deposit batches​

  • Deposit Adjustments: Adjustments for deposit activity, such as corrections or rejected transactions​

  • Non-Bankcard Adjustments: Adjustments for non-bankcard (Discover, American Express, etc.) activity​

  • Financial Adjustments: Adjustments for resolving processing and billing discrepancies​

  • Chargebacks: Funds debited from the bank account for chargebacks​

  • Chargeback Reversals: Funds credited to the bank account for chargeback reversals​

  • Interchange Fees: Interchange and assessment fees​

  • Discount Fees: Discount and service fees​

  • Fees: Fees for authorizing, processing, and settling card transactions. Also includes fees assessed per transaction and fixed fees for account services​

The following requirements must be met when selecting Other for Account Usage field:

  • Deposits and Fees cannot be applied to the same bank account.

  • The Deposits, Deposit Adjustments, and Non-Bankcard Adjustments options must all be applied to the same account.

  • All fee options must be applied to the same bank account.

Removing a Secondary Bank Account

Select Delete bank account to remove the desired account. The remaining bank account will be retained and used for deposits and withdrawals.

Update Details Page

The details of the update, including the old values of the updated fields, can be found in the Update section.

Linked updates can be found in the Linked Updates section.

Updating Funding Information

How to Update Funding Rollup

Follow the below steps to update the Funding Rollup for a merchant account:

  1. Access the Merchant Account in CoPilot

  2. Select Account Detail under Application

  3. Click Account Details

  4. Scroll down to the Bank Account and Funding Information section and click Edit in the Funding Information section

  5. Update the funding rollup information using the dropdown options

  6. Click Save

Any changes will take effectively immediately upon saving.

The Funding Rollup field can be set to one of the following options available in the dropdown menu:



Separate Fees and Deposits

Deposits, deposit adjustments, and non-bankcard adjustments will be summarized separately as net amounts. All fees, chargebacks, chargeback reversals, and financial adjustments will all be summarized as one net amount.

Net Fees and Deposits​

All activity will be summarized as one net amount.

Individual Transfers​

Every credit and debit for deposits, deposit adjustments, and non-bankcard adjustments will be reported separately (for example, if there are multiple deposit batches, then each batch will be reported separately). All fees, chargebacks, chargeback reversals, and financial adjustments will all be summarized as one net amount.


See below description.

Selecting the Other option allows you to configure the Funding Rollup setup by each funding category.

If Other is selected, the Update Funding Information modal will display the following categories:

  • Deposits

  • Deposit Adjustments

  • Non-Bankcard Adjustments

  • Financial Adjustments

  • Chargebacks

  • Chargeback Reversals

  • Interchange Fees

  • Discount Fees

  • Fees

Each of these categories will have a combination of the following dropdown options to which they can be set:



Summarize by Category

The merchant will see one net amount that summarizes the category's activity.

Net Amount

The merchant will see one net deposit that summarizes the activity of all categories that are set to Net Amount. The deposit may be positive or negative.

Individual Transfers

The merchant will see every credit and debit for the category. For example, if there are multiple deposit batches or chargebacks, then the merchant will see every deposit batch and chargeback separately.

Summarize All Fees

The merchant will see one debit as a discount that summarizes all of their fees.

The Interchange Fees, Discount Fees, and Fees categories must be set to the same option.

The below table and screenshot corresponding to the table's configuration illustrates an example use case.




$50 Deposit Batch (Credit)

$100 Deposit Batch (Credit)

$10 Deposit Adjustment (Credit)

$20 Chargeback (Debit)

$30 Chargeback (Debit)

$10 Chargeback Reversal (Credit)

$15 Chargeback Reversal (Credit)

$30 Interchange Fees (Debit)

$20 Discount Fees (Debit)

$10 Fees (Debit)

Merchant Will See

$150 Deposit

$10 Deposit Adjustment

$20 Chargeback

$30 Chargeback

$10 Chargeback Reversal

$15 Chargeback Reversal

$60 Discount

Another example is illustrated in the table below.


Seperate Fees and Deposits

Net Fees and Deposits

Individual Transfers


$50 Deposit Batch (Credit)

$100 Deposit Batch (Credit)

$10 Deposit Adjustment (Credit)

$20 Chargeback (Debit)

$30 Chargeback (Debit)

$10 Chargeback Reversal (Credit)

$15 Chargeback Reversal (Credit)

$30 Interchange Fees (Debit)

$20 Discount Fees (Debit)

$10 Fees (Debit)

Merchant Will See

$150 Deposit

$10 Deposit Adjustment

$85 Debit

Merchant Will See

$75 Deposit

Merchant Will See

$50 Deposit

$100 Deposit

$10 Deposit Adjustment

$85 Debit

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