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Searching and Entering Events
How to add a video link to your entry
Why is my Membership Discount not applying?
Can you tell me when entries open for an event?
Can I process a entry for someone else?
Can I still enter if the closing date has passed?
Why do I keep getting error messages for my BD membership numbers?
Why am I asked for my BD membership number for an unaffiliated class entry?
Why am I asked for my BS membership number for an unaffiliated class or clear round entry?
Why do I keep getting error messages for my BS number?
Where can I find my entries?
How do I book Services and Stabling?
How do I search for events to enter?
Why is there no Enter Now button on the event?
How to enter an event
How to review your basket before checking out
British Dressage Help Guide to Using Horse Monkey - Regional Training
How to add extra competitions to a booking?
How to complete a draft booking
RDA Rider Guide for Nationals and Virtual Event