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How to add a custom menu item

Account owners can add an organisation wide menu item that can be accessed via the menu under a persons avatar.

Sarika avatar
Written by Sarika
Updated over a month ago

Account owners can add a custom menu item for all users to access from within iQualify from their Avatar menu.

How to add a custom menu item

  1. Open iQualify Settings from your Avatar.

Image shows the menu under the avatar expanded, pointing to iQualify settings.

2. Expand Identity then open Appearance.

Image shows iQualify settings expanded. With Appearance selected.

3. Find the heading Custom link.
Here the Display text is set, this is what will show to learners when the view the menu item. Under Link is where you want the display text to direct the learner to.

Image shows the Custom link area where Display text and Link are added.

4. Update to save your changes.

Note: A green outline on the link box indicates the link has the correct protocol (beginning of the URL). If a red outline appears or update is unavailable check the protocol is for the URL link is https://

How it displays to learners

After you have updated the settings, go back to the menu under the avatar on your iQualify dashboard where the new item will be displayed.

Image shows the menu under the avatar expanded and shows the new custom menu item.

Tip: Each organisation can have one custom menu item, however you can update or change this at anytime.

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