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How to customise your badge design

Account owners can choose a background image and icon for badges

Christine Nicholls avatar
Written by Christine Nicholls
Updated over a week ago

As an account owner, you can personalise badges with your own background image and/or icon. We recommend that you start with the background as an easy way to customise and add your brand.  We provide you with a variety of icon choices (this is the image that appears in the middle of your badge) and you can also upload and add your own icon design.

How to:

Once you have chosen your image, follow the following steps to upload.

  1. Click your avatar to open the menu

  2. Choose iQualify settings

  3. Open the navigation menu on the left (image below)

  4. Choose Feature settings

  5. Choose iQualify assess

  6. From here you can upload or update your background image, choose a pre-defined badge icon or upload your own.

  7. Click Update to save.

Image showing the iQualify Settings menu available

Below are some general tips on things to think about when choosing your background image and icon.  For more detailed advice aimed at designers see our help article Tips for designers on preparing artwork for badges (micro-credentials)

Background image
When deciding on a suitable background image remember:

  • The screen resizes for different devices. This means all of your images may not be visible to everyone all of the time. Therefore we recommend you avoid selecting an image whose focus is in the centre of your background.

  • The badge is always in the centre of the screen and changes proportion.

Recommended artwork size is 1920px wide by 1080px high and file type must be PNG. Images that have other dimensions will be previewed and cropped to the correct size.  You can also adjust the positioning of the cropped area.

Badge icon
You can use one of our icons or upload your own. We recommend engaging your marketing team and/or a professional designer to make sure you get a high quality result when adding an icon. When deciding on a suitable badge icon image remember: 

  • The icon needs to have a transparent background and be saved as an SVG file. This is so it can be correctly displayed on any device. 

  • The SVG image needs to be square with equal width and height.

  • Ensure the image has a defined viewbox that is square to ensure it displays correctly once awarded. 

  • Remember badges are often displayed at a small size. We recommend you preview your image at a small size (we recommend 90x90 device pixels) to ensure the image is still clear when viewed on a small screen.

Don't have a designer handy?

You don't necessarily need to have a designer or professional design software to create artwork for your badges, background artwork and copyright free content imagery.

Below are some free artwork sources and artwork conversion services that may be a good starting place.

Please ensure you only use free artwork, Creative Commons, or you have the rights to use as badges are published on the web so full copyright laws apply.

For SVG badge artwork:

For background images and photography:

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