We know that sometimes courses have face-to-face components that are part of the assessment for a course. Some common ones are exams, workshops, or attendance at tutorials. There is a way you can add a task in iQualify to make sure learners see all assessment components in their iQualify course.
Let's take a look at a two quick examples.
Example 1: Exam
In the example below we give details for the exam and ask learners to confirm they've read and understood the requirements for the exam.
Example 2: Workshop options
In the example below we give details for workshop and ask learners to confirm the timeslot they expect to attend.
Tip: You'll see in the workshop example above we've got a weighting of zero. So unlike where there is a weighting no weighting is displayed. This means you can still add a task that is a requirement, but it doesn't necessarily contribute to a learners grade. That is, learners have to show up, but the activity isn't marked or weighted as such.
Other options would be a fill in the blanks task where they need to enter their name to confirm or a file upload task where you need them to upload a signed document. There's a range of options.
The benefits of any of the described options are:
Learners can see all assessment components in their tasks list under Assessed.
Facilitators can record marks for online and offline assessments in the same place.
Tip: Be sure to think about the marking template you'd like for the task so facilitators can award marks or upload feedback files.