When facilitating a course, it is important to be able to keep track of where your learners are at.ย
How to view learners' progress
You can see progress for each learner under Learners in the Class console with a range of options to filter and sort.
How is progress calculated
Progress increments each time the learner first visits a content page in the course, or completes a task. To get to 100% progress, a learner must have visited every page, and completed (submitted) every task.
Progress in a tasks course is quite simple. Each page, regardless of the length and content, is given an equal value.
Viewing a page with no tasks would equal 100% page complete and give you a progress rating of 1/X pages in the course.
Viewing a page with five tasks and completing all five tasks would equal 100% page complete and would give you a progress score of 1/X pages in the course
Viewing a page with five tasks and completing 4 would equal 80% complete and would give you a progress score of .8/X pages of the course.
Progress is tracked as pages are viewed and tasks are completed. This is then displayed both for learners on their course dashboard and for facilitators on the class tab and individual learner pages.
Things that don't contribute to the progress calculation:
Externally hosted activities that are embedded into iQualify.
Viewing embedded videos.
In-page discussions.
Activity in talk channels.
How to view Engagement charts
The progress tile shows a learner's overall progress percentage. When you hover over their progress, you'll see it comes up with View charts. Select to see the engagement charts for that learner.
The engagement graph plots the number of times each learner has taken part in certain events (such as viewing a page or submitting a task) compared to the class average.
Events are grouped into three categories - Content, Assessment and Social.
You can choose to Show all or Only show active events. Active events are those which require the learner to actually do something for example submitting a task or posting in a talk channel, compared to just viewing a page.