Facilitators and coaches can access the Class console for each class they're assigned to. The Class console has three key parts that allow for quick navigation, viewing essential information at a glance, and deeper analysis and insights.
To find the Class console, open a class from your dashboard or select Class console from the side menu of a class you're already in.
Check out our intro video below, or read on for more information on how to use the Class console.
Using the Class console
To show you all the Class console has to offer, we'll need to look at the three key parts:
Each part has a slightly different focus or purpose.
The banner
Use the dropdown menu to easily switch between the courses you facilitate or coach — no need to navigate back to your main dashboard!
The tiles
The tiles display key information at a glance with options to view more information or edit available depending on your role and permission level.
Learners, Facilitators and Coaches: Show who is in the course and their role. Main facilitators can add or remove people from the course with Edit.
Duration: This tile shows you how long the class is open for. Main facilitators can Edit the dates.
Longest without progress: Highlights learners who have gone the longest without an increase in progress. It’s useful for identifying those who may need support or encouragement to re-engage. View will take you to the Learners tab with a pre-filtered list.
Tasks to mark: Shows if there are any facilitator-marked assessed tasks ready to mark. Mark takes you to the Marking tab with the list already filtered and ready for you to jump in and mark.
Pulses (if enabled for your organisation): Create a new Pulse with Add, or View to be taken to the Pulses tab.
Insights (if enabled for your organisation): Use View to be taken to the Insights tab to view graphs relating to learner activity.
Badge: View badge information, including how many learners in the class have earned the badge.
The tabs
The tabs show the key areas where you'll do a deeper dive of actions or analysis.
Learners tab
Under Learners you can quickly see key information such as progress, tasks completed, comments added, and badge status.
Search for a specific learner by their first or last name.
Use the Sort by options to choose how to sort learners, and the toggle to set whether the list is ascending or descending.
Tip: Sorting can be really useful for spotting trends. For instance, sorting by Progress helps spot learners who might be ahead or behind the rest of the class. Sorting by Last session you can spot learners who might need a reminder to get back into the course.
There are also a range of filtering options. You can combine any number of filters to really narrow down the learners or actions you’re looking for.
Tip: Filtering can be useful to identify where action is needed so you can focus your facilitation efforts. For instance, filtering to show those waiting for their badge to be awarded.
Filter and Sort can be used together. For instance, sort by Time since last session and filter to show Task due in the next 10 days to spot learners who might need a reminder email of completing an important task.
Learn more: There are a range of things you might want to achieve so we encourage you to check out some of the blog posts linked at the bottom of this article for more examples.
How to mark tasks from the Learner tab
Selecting either of the task buttons (non-assessed or assessed) will take you straight to where you can view (and mark) tasks for that learner.
Marking Tab
Under Marking, you are able to mark by task as opposed to by learner.
Select a task to see further task submission information including:
Learner: Which learner the submission information is for.
Submitted on: The time and date of when the task was submitted, or if it has not been submitted yet.
Status: Where the task is sitting e.g. awaiting marking, marked.
Marked by: Who marked the task or whether it was automarked.
Mark: The mark the learner received (if applicable).
Passed: If applicable, shows if the task has been passed with a green tick for passed and a red cross if they have not met the pass criteria. Nothing is displayed if no pass mark is set for the task.
Submissions: Select View to see the learner's submission.
Attempts: Shows how many attempts the learner has made.
Resets: Shows how many resets the learner has had.
Note: Learners receive a summary after submitting a task, including the submission date, status, score, pass mark, and the option to review their submission.
How to filter tasks in the Marking tab
By default, tasks are ordered by marking status (those tasks awaiting feedback at the top) but you can use the searching, filtering and sorting tools to organise the view to suit your needs.
For instance, filter to show only those tasks Awaiting marking.
Opening a task (using the arrow on the right of the task) lets you drill into the detail of learner submissions and mark submissions. Hover over Submitted on to see individual due dates. Individual start dates will show if the course has been set up with relative dates which gives each learner their own assessment due dates based on their start date.
Pulses tab
Under the Pulses tab you can review the results of any pulses you've sent this class activation.
Insights tab
Under Insights you'll be able to view graphs relating to learner activity in this class activation.
Reported content
Under reported content you'll be able to see any content that has been reported by learners along with the reason. From here you can either confirm or decline the report.
Confirming the report will result in the course authors being notified of the report so that the content can be updated and/or stored for your organisation to review and action with their own workflows.
The Class console is really powerful and there are a range of ways to leverage it to make the most of your facilitation. Check out some of our blog posts relating to getting the most out of the Class console:
Actionable analytics - using the data in Class Console to support engagement - We can't ‘read the room’ in an online course like we can face to face, but we’ve got an ace up our sleeves – the Class console and the learning analytics and data within it.
Focus facilitation actions with sort and filter - How you can get the most out of the sort and filter functions in the Class console to find where action is needed so you can focus your facilitation efforts.
The six types of online learners who need your help (now!) Get to know six key personas seen in online learning. Find out how to spot them in the Class console and how to support them to succeed.