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How to set up your My Account

Learn how to set up your profile, preferred contact email, notifications, and security settings for facilitators and learners.

Michele de Bes avatar
Written by Michele de Bes
Updated over a week ago

To update My account, go to your Avatar, and select My Account from the drop down menu. 

Screenshot of a learner's Avatar with the drop down menu displayed and My Account selected.

Your profile will be pre-populated with your full name and email address that you use to log in with.
NB: If your name or email address is incorrect or has changed, please get in touch with your organisation or learning provider.

Call me (preferred display name) for learners

The default for the display name is your first and last name. Your Call Me name is the name that will be displayed to other learners when you make a post, e.g. a talk channel post or a post in an in-page discussion.

If you choose to use just a first name, remember there could be others with that name so it could get confusing in a large group. To update your Call Me name, enter the name into the Call Me field and select Update account. Facilitators will always see your real name along with your preferred name.

Screenshot of a learner's My account with the Profile tab selected and the Call Me field selected.

NB: Facilitators can not update their preferred display name using the Call Me field.

If, as a learner, you don't see Call Me, then this means that your provider has decided not to enable this feature. Check with your organisation’s support team.

Login details

Beneath your name, you will see Login details. Your account login email is pre populated when you are added to a course. This is the email address you use to log in to your learning.


You can upload an image for your avatar to give a personal touch to your profile.

Screenshot showing What you look like field where you can upload a picture of your Avatar.

Contact details and preferences

This where you can set your preferred contact email address, including choosing your preferences for receiving notifications. When you add a contact email address or mobile number you will need to complete a verification step.

Adding an address here is purely optional. If you don’t specify a contact address, and select to receive emails, notification emails will be sent to your login email address. For more information see How to set a preferred contact email address.

About me

You can also add a bio and/or a URL (e.g. LinkedIn or company website) to further personalise your profile.

You have the ability to make this information public (by selecting Let others in my courses see the info in About me), or keep it private if you don't wish for others to see the information you've added.

Once you're happy with your changes, select Update account.

About me showing a text field for Bio, a text field for URL, a check box for 'Let others in my courses see the info in About me', and the Update account button.


You may be able to change your password from the Security tab on the profile page. If this tab is not available it means your password is managed by your organisation.

Screenshot of My account showing the Security tab highlighted and fields for Password, Multifactor authentication, and Login sessions.

Your profile page can be accessed and edited at any time by selecting your Avatar and selecting My Account from the dropdown menu.

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