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Habitat Type: Culvert


Written by Oliver Lewis
Updated over 2 months ago

© Roger Templeman(Licensed under CC BY 2.0). Kindly recommended by UKCEH.

The following is a short summary of the habitat type and how to create/enhance it to a "good" condition. For an informed position, please refer to official, up-to-date Government guidance or the UK Government's Condition Assessment Sheet

Description: A covered channel or pipe designed to prevent the obstruction of a watercourse or drainage path by an artificial construction. All culverted sections should be recorded as this type. A site visit may be required to identify the extent of culverting.

If you wish to select this habitat on a habitat selection screen, it can be found under Rivers and streams (see guide).

The Flood and Water Management Act 2010 defines this habitat as a covered channel or pipe designed to prevent artificial construction from obstructing a watercourse or drainage path.

If there are culverts on your site, you may need to conduct a specific site visit to identify the extent of culverting.

Assessment Questions:

  • Is there a covered channel or pipe designed to prevent the obstruction of a watercourse or drainage path by an artificial construction?

How to Create / Enhance to a "Good" condition

How to get a "moderate" rating

It is not possible to get a moderate rating for this habitat

How to get a "good" rating

It is not possible to get a good rating for this habitat

This habitat can't be enhanced to generate Biodiversity Units; it can only be in a 'poor' condition.

Please note that this is a simple guide to help identify the habitat. For a definitive description, please refer to official HM Government documentation Joe's Blooms takes no responsibility for the content of external links.

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