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LPA Response
How to respond to different LPA queries
LPA Response: A Professional Ecologist is needed
LPA Response: Are there European Protected Species (EPS) on the site?
LPA Response: Add new habitat types or more trees
LPA Response: Amber alerts mean a full metric is required
LPA Response: Change the Condition of the intended works
LPA Response: Add trees to the baseline
LPA Response: Statement of Competency
LPA Response: Total Area is Wrong / Red Line diagram is wrong
LPA Response: Biodiversity Gain Plan Refusal
LPA Response: Add more photos
LPA Response: Add hedgerow to the baseline
LPA Response: Pre and Post development areas don't match
LPA Response: Enhancement isn't credible
LPA Response: Change the habitat type of the intended works
LPA Response: Wrong redline has been drawn
LPA Response: Change the habitat type of the baseline
LPA Response: The wrong version of the metric has been used