You can easily add individual students to your account in just a few clicks to create the best schedule for your unique caseload! To get started, click on the Caseload icon on the left side panel, and select 'Student Grid'. Then click 'Add Students'.
You can add the following information for your student:
First/Last Name
Caregiver Name/Email
When saving a student's record you can select:
'Save & Add Another' to continue adding additional students
'Save & Duplicate' to create a duplicate of that student’s profile
'Create' to create the student's profile
To edit or delete a student's record, check the box next to their name.
Student data can be exported into a .csv spreadsheet or .pdf file using the 'Export' button. You can export all records at once, or into a filtered list. Once the file is downloaded, you can view or print the data. The exported file will contain all column headings.
Once you've added students to your caseload, click on a student's name to open their student profile page. From here, you can click 'Add IEP' to add their IEP details.
Click here to see a list of fields that can be added to the IEP section
Click here to see a list of fields that can be added to the IEP section
Eligibility acronym (ex: SLI stands for Speech-Language Impairment)
IEP Start Date
IEP End Date
Eval Due Date
Specially Designed Instruction
Duration (i.e. number of minutes/hours)
Frequency (i.e. number of times the service will be provided during a given time period)
Time (i.e. service provided daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly)
Once you've added IEP details, you can add goals and objectives from their current IEP. Click HERE to see how!
Questions? Start a chat with us or email