Instruction page redesign - schedule, planning, data taking page
Goals pre-populate while planning
Student sharing feature
Guest account
Graphing improvements - objective graphs
Gauge display for goal/objective data averages
Tasks feature - premade templates
Updated design when adding IEP details in Student Profile
edit the session date and time after Instruction has been completed
create task templates
save templates from a task
improved objective sorting logic
add subtasks to a To Do task
attach files to a To Do task
edit the session date and time after instruction from the wrap up screen
clearly see how to add students to caseload
summarize lesson plan using ai
improved layout while planning and taking data
create and manage a To Do list
updated goal/objective fields to enhance clarity and conciseness
school holidays and breaks added to Schools automatically appear in the calendar
7/26/24 Early Adopter
easily transition existing caseload to new school year
add more than one specially designed instruction to an IEP
explore a demo view after signup
start a free trial
start a paid plan
review progress on goals/objectives
see previous session details when planning a new session
add or remove students to a session when planning
export data for medicaid billing
new 'Goal' icon π― added to planning toolbar
see what students are listed in a session when planning
record a session
review a recording
3/15/24 Public beta
create goals for a student
use forward slash ( / ) keyboard shortcut to add media to a plan step
see a preview of a finished lesson plan
start, pause, end and resume a session
take attendance for a session
comment on a plan including @ mention for a student
track the following data in a session:
drag events in the calendar to reschedule
see a history of what you've done in a therapy session
create a therapy event by adding students
choose when repeatable events will end (i.e. never, on a date, after specific # of occurrences)
delete a plan when deleting an event
use keyboard shortcuts to add items to a plan
navigate to a plan step using a list of titles
better navigation with left side panel in therapy planning screen
finish planning a therapy plan
10/24/23 Private beta
enter a student, school, or teacher
import student data
quickly edit student data
delete student data
export student data to a pdf or csv file
team subtab - add users to account
plan for a therapy session
add media to a plan step (i.e. pdf, image, video)
auto save lesson plans
add events to a calendar
set a calendar event to repeat
see a history of changes (i.e. students, schools, teachers, calendars, events)