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Client Reminders

Important reminders and "to do's" for your Client

Updated over a week ago

Reminders can be used to schedule important reminders and "to do's" with any of your clients. Reminders are web based and do not appear on the Klipboard mobile app, therefore are perfect for internal "tasks" / "to do's" for your office team.

With Reminders you can describe your Reminders i.e. Customer Follow Up, set specific due dates with email reminders as well as assigning to a specific Team Member. All your Reminders can be searched via Keyword search and a range of other set filters. When a Reminders is complete simply select the Completed Tick.

To Create A Reminder

Navigate to Reminders > New Reminder

  • Select Associated Client and from the dropdown select the client who you wish to schedule the Reminder against.

  • Title is where you name the Reminder.

  • Notes is where you can add any relevant notes for the Reminder.

  • Due Date can be set 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 business days ahead, in 2 weeks, 1 month or a custom date and at a custom time.

  • Email Notification can be set 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 business days ahead, in 2 weeks, 1 month or a custom date and at a custom time.

  • Assigned to is the Team Member who owns the Reminder and they will receive the email notification for the Reminders.

  • Select Save to add the Activity.

All Reminders added will appear on the Grid and you can do the following

  • Keyword search and filter by assigned Team Member.

  • Select View, to see the Activity details and/or Delete to remove the Reminder.

  • Mark the Reminder as Complete by selecting the respective tick in the Complete Column.

  • Export to Excel all Reminders data therefore giving you reporting ability.

  • Filter using the column headers i.e. Client, Assigned to, Due Date, Reminder email.

Within the Reminders navigation panel on the left you can also select specific views such as Due Today, Due This Week, Overdue, Completed.

Create & View Reminders Within a Client

  • Navigate to All Clients and select View on the client who you wish to create an Reminder against.

  • Click on Notes & Reminders

  • Click on Reminders

  • You can populate the Reminder details and save.

  • Save Reminders added against a Client will appear at the bottom in a list

Mark A Reminder As Complete

Reminders can be edited, marked as complete by clicking on the Completed Tick icon.

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