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View an Individual Asset Record / Register

See an asset's details, schedule, history, associated photos and more

Updated over a week ago

To view an Asset, you can either view an Asset within a specific client record or through the Asset Management menu. If looking for an Asset within the Asset Management section you can search for the name of an Asset using keyword search and/or filter on Client Name and Location.

You also have the ability to create Assets directly and/or export grid view to excel.

When you select view on an Asset you can see the entire Asset details, history as well as schedule service records for work to be carried out. 

Once within the Asset you will see a sub heading with a list of options:

PPM Scheduler
You can create a specific Pre-Planned Maintenance (PPM) Schedule for your Client’s Asset. Once a PPM Schedule is created for the Asset, it will create multiple Service Records for the recurring frequency set. These Service Records will then be available when creating a Job and for completion by the mobile app user. An Email Reminder to your Client can also be set for a specific frequency ensuring your Client gets notified of any upcoming services due for the Asset.

Service Records
You can create a Service Record for your Client’s Asset. If not marked as Completed, the Service Record will then be available when creating a Job and for completion by the mobile app user. For a specific PPM Schedule for your Client’s Asset, you can automatically create multiple Service Records by using the Scheduler / PPM and set the recurring frequency.

You can upload as many photos to an Asset as needed. Any photos captured by a mobile app user when creating an Asset in the field or doing a Service record for an Asset will be added in here automatically.

You can upload as many PDF documents to an Asset as needed. Any PDF documents added are then made available to a mobile app user when viewing an Asset in the field or doing a Service record for an asset.

This is an audit log documenting any changes made to a Client Asset during its lifetime. You can use Export to Excel for reporting requirements.

Relevant contacts can be associated with an Asset. These contacts can then be used for emailing any completed Service Records or Asset Service Reminder Emails. Contacts are then available to a mobile app user when viewing an Asset in the field or doing a Service record for an Asset.

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