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Bulk PPM Scheduler

Setup a PPM Schedule for Multiple Assets for Multiple Clients and Auto-Create Jobs.

Updated over a week ago

The Klipboard PPM Scheduler lets you create a PPM Service Schedule for multiple assets across multiple clients and gives you the option of automatically generating jobs that can be assigned to your team members in the field when required.

When a PPM Service Schedule is created for an asset, an asset Service Record will be created for each service required, based on the recurring frequency set. Those Asset Service Records are then ready for completion when the service is due for the asset in question.

Please note: if you have an asset with a "PPM Scheduler Service Start" date set on the asset details (this can be set individually or from a bulk import, as displayed below), the Service recurring frequency will be calculated from that date and not the date you enter on the PPM Scheduler.

Assets without a PPM Scheduler Service date set will use the date entered on the PPM Scheduler.

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Create a PPM Service Schedule.

To create a PPM Service schedule, navigate to Asset Management and select the PPM Scheduler tab.

Here you can describe your schedule frequency and Select the assets that will be placed on the schedule.

  • Title - This is the name given to the PPM schedule. This description will name each of the service records created in the series. This can be updated on an individual service record basis.

  • Service Recurring Every - You can choose the recurrence of the service records every x number of days, weeks, months and years i.e. every 3 months from the initial service date.

  • Send Email Reminder In Advance By - Here you can choose how far in advance your clients get notified of upcoming asset services. For more information on automated asset service emails, please click here.

  • Service Date & Time - The Date and Time for the initial service date. *Please note if you have an asset with a "PPM Scheduler Service Start" date set on the asset details (this can be set individually or from a bulk import), the Service recurring frequency will be calculated from that date and not the date you enter on the PPM Scheduler. Assets without a PPM Scheduler Service date set will use the date entered on the PPM Scheduler.

  • Stop Date - The date at which the schedule will end. You can schedule ongoing asset services for a maximum of 5 years.

  • Notes - Any relevant notes relating to the planned maintenance schedule can be included here for future reference.

Selecting Asset to Assign to PPM Schedule

Once you have set your schedule, you can select which assets will be included. There is a range of filters on each column giving you the option to filter the asset grid down to specific assets, clients, locations, etc.

Once you have filtered to the assets you wish for the PPM Schedule to be applied to, you can then select all assets on an individual page or select assets across multiple pages and/or you can select every asset from that filtered selection.

Once you have decided which assets will be included, simply click on the Save button on the bottom right of the screen.

You will be prompted with a message to let you know that your PPM is being processed. Once Klipboard has finished processing the schedule, you will receive an email confirming the PPM Service Schedule is now active for those assets and the Service Records that have to be completed, have been created for those Assets by the frequency set.

Once you have selected the assets associated with your planned maintenance schedule, you can opt to automatically generate unassigned jobs to carry out these asset services, by clicking on the highlighted section below.

  • Job Name – This is the name of the job as it will be displayed on the Jobs list of your mobile team member.

  • Categories – One or more categories can be selected when a job is created by selecting the required categories from the dropdown menu. To add an additional category, click on the plus symbol beside Categories, enter the name of the new Category to the side menu and press save. The Category is now available for selection. Categories are a filterable option on all job grids.

  • Client Contact – Here you can select the Client Contact associated with the job by clicking on the drop-down menu available and selecting the Contact in question if they are already on Klipboard, edit the Client Contact information by clicking on the Pen icon or add a new Client Contact by clicking on the + icon and entering the required details to the side menu.

  • Job Notes – This is where you can leave any important job notes for the field team member. These can be up to 4000 characters which is the equivalent of an A4 page. You can create a standardised template that is used as a basis when a new job is created by clicking on Setup Template. Job notes can also be displayed on the PDF output of your Workflow Forms.

  • Client Purchase Order Number – Here you can add your Client Purchase Order number so it is associated with the job in question. Please be aware that this is not affiliated with Purchase Orders created in the Accounting section of Klipboard.

  • Auto create Job in advance of PPM due date – Here you can sit how far in advance you wish your jobs to be created, i.e. if you want your job is to be created a fortnight before they are sent service is due then enter 14 days in the box provided.

  • Client Contract Agreement – If you have Contracts set up on Klipboard you can associate the job in question with a Contract by selecting the required Contract from the drop-down menu.

Mobile Workflow Forms

Please Note: A minimum of one Workflow Form must be completed on each job carried out on the Klipboard mobile app.

  • Select Form or Form Groups* – Here you can select from individual forms or a predetermined group of forms to use, specific to the job at hand. You can do this by choosing from the Form group dropdown menu or choosing the form(s) required for the job from your list of published workflow forms. By ticking on the Mandatory option, Mobile team members cannot complete the job unless the mandatory workflow form has been completed. For more information on Form Groups click here.

  • Search Forms – If you know the name of the form you wish to add to the job you can search for it using the search bar provided.

There is no limit to the number of workflow forms that you can have associated with any given job. To view a video on creating Workflow Forms on Klipboard, please click here.

Product & Service Items

The Product and Service items tab lets you associate Products and Services from your Inventory to the job, add new Inventory items and also add or remove Quotes to the job. At the bottom of the page, you will be given a breakdown of the financials associated with the Job.

Please note: This is only applicable if you have our Quotes & Invoices feature as part of your subscription.

  • Add Item – You can add Products / Services from your Inventory to the job by clicking on the Add Item button and selecting the Product / Service Name from the dropdown menu. If the Product / Service is not already stored in your Inventory it can be added manually.

  • Financial Breakdown – At the bottom of the screen you will see the financial breakdown for the job in question. This will include the Total Cost, Total Sell, Tax & Total Due amounts. These amounts are calculated based on the figures associated with the line items above. Should any of the line items be removed the figures will be recalculated accordingly.

Please note: Only Products require a Product Code, Services do not require a code. For more information on the Inventory section please press here.

Job Photos & Documents

The Job Photos and Documents tab gives you the option to add as many PDF documents & photographs to the Job as you need, allowing your field team member to view them on the app when they are synced to their app.

Simply tick the boxes for the PDF documents & Photographs you want to attach to the Job.

  • Search Documents – Using the search bar provided, you can search through all of the Documents you have stored on Klipboard. For more information on storing Documents on Klipboard, please click here.

  • Upload Document – You can upload documents from your desktop by clicking on the Upload Documents button. Please be aware that only PDF, JPG, GIF, and PNG files are permitted and the maximum file size is 10Mb. If you require a Word or Excel file please save the files as a PDF prior to uploading.

  • Document Breakdown – At the bottom of the screen, you will see the Document breakdown for the job in question. This will include the Document Name, Associated Client, File Type & Category.

There is no limit to the number of Documents & Photographs that you can have associated with any given job. For more information on Documents, please click here.

Once your Unassigned jobs have been created, they will be visible on the Unassigned Jobs grid, and on the scheduler as displayed below:

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