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Create a Job for PPM Servicing of Client Assets

How to Schedule a Job for Client Assets that are due Planned Servicing.

Updated over a week ago

Jobs are used for managing the completion of any upcoming planned servicing of Assets. Jobs can be created from Quotes, Clients, Assets, the Klipboard mobile app, the Jobs grid or the Quick Create button on the top left of your screen.

Complete the Job details as normal i.e. Name, Client, Categories, Location, Field Team Member and when presented with the Asset Management tab you will have two options, Planned Maintenance and Reactive Maintenance. For more information on creating a job please click here.

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Planned Maintenance

The Planned Maintenance tab will show you assets due servicing for the selected Client.

To select the Asset you wish to carry out the planned maintenance on, simply tick the box on the right-hand side of the screen, associated with the asset in question. Only Assets that have been put on a PPM schedule will be available for selection. For information on setting up a PPM schedule please click here.

  • Asset Name – The name given to the Asset.

  • Serial number – Serial number associated with the Asset.

  • PPM Schedule – The name of the PPM schedule associated with the Asset.

  • Service Type – The service type associated with this Asset.

  • Last Reactive Service – The date of the last reactive service carried out on the Asset.

  • Last Planned Service – The date of the last planned service carried out on the Asset.

  • Next Planned Service – The date of the next planned service for the Asset.

  • Reminder Sent – Indicates if a reminder has been sent with regards to Asset service. Please be aware that notifications are sent to the contact details that are stored at an asset level, not a client level. For more information on Asset Service Reminders please click here.

Create a Job using the Asset Management Schedules  

We show a range of options to view what assets are due servicing according to their PPM Schedules. You can select  "Due Today", "Due This Week", "Next 30 Days" and "Overdue". You can also view "All Assets".

Once you have chosen how you wish to view the assets that are due servicing, you can find an Asset or Assets, by either searching for an Asset through the keyword search or you can filter by Client and Location.

An Asset that has an active PPM Schedule (i.e. upcoming planned service) will display a "Next Service Date" and will also have a checkbox next to it which you can select. 

Once you selected the required Asset(s) the "Create Job" button will become active. When you click on Create Job you will be brought to the Job creation menu which will already have the Client Location and Assets chosen by default.

*You need to be logged into your Klipboard account to access the tour.

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