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Settings, Email, Quotes & Invoices

Format Email Templates for Invoices and Quotes

Updated over a week ago

You can easily customise the email messages for your Invoices, Quotes, Purchase Orders and Completed Jobs.

Navigate to Settings > Email

You have the ability to update the subject heading and message body by simply typing your updated text into the respective fields.

You can also use additional system-generated information or variables i.e. 'company name, invoice number' by selecting the here option which will expand a list of variable options shown below.

Simply copy and paste the variable name into the email message i.e. The total amount due is {{INVOICE_TOTAL}}, to be paid by {{INVOICE_DUE_DATE}}.

If you wish to reset your templates back to default wording, simply press the Reset to Default Text button provided.

Once you have made your updates to your email templates, select save.

Need To Notify Your Clients of Upcoming Asset Services?

Use Our Customisable Automated Email Reminder Templates, read the following help article to find out how:

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