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View An Asset's Service Records

View Completed and Upcoming Service Records for an Individual Asset

Updated over a week ago

You can view all of the completed and upcoming Service Records associated with the Planned or Reactive maintenance of your assets.

To view the Service Records for a specific Asset, simply navigate to the Client in question, click on the Assets tab, and then view the Asset in question from the Assets grid. Alternatively, all Assets are visible on the Asset Management grid.

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How to view an Asset Service Record

  • By default, the date filters will show the next 2 months of Service Records. If you need to view an Asset Service that is not scheduled over the next two months, simply select the required date range.

  • On each Service Record, you have 3 additional actions (1) Details - this is where you can update respective fields as described below (2) View PDF - view a PDF of the completed Service Record (3) Email to Client - email the completed Service Record to the Asset contact.

  • Individual Service Records can be added by clicking on the Add New Record button as highlighted below:

Asset Service Record Details

The Asset Service Details tab can be found by clicking on the Actions button of your chosen Asset Service. From here you can complete or edit the details associated with an Asset Service.

  • Title - This is set according to the name given to the Scheduler. This can be updated if required.

  • Job - Here you can select from the drop-down list available, the job in which the Asset Service has been carried out.

  • Job Associated - The name of the job associated with the Asset Service.

  • Service Date - This is the date & time set according to the time specified in the Scheduler. This can be updated if required.

  • Service Due Date - This is the date that the Asset Service. has already been scheduled for. This can be updated if required.

  • Completed By - Here you can select from the drop-down list available, the mobile team member that you would like to allocate to the completion of this Service Record. This can be updated if required.

  • Service Type - Here you can select from the drop-down list available, the service tape associated with the Asset Service.. By clicking on the wrench icon, the new Service Type can be added and made available for selection.

  • Service Status - Here you can select from the drop-down list available, the Service Status associated with the Asset Service. By clicking on the wrench icon, the new Service Status can be added and made available for selection.

  • Contract - Here you can select the Contract associated with the Asset Service. in question, if applicable. For more information on Contracts, please click here.

  • Notes - Here you can add any notes specific to the service record in question.

  • Chargeable - This can be set according to whether the Asset was set to chargeable or not. This will add the charge for the asset service on your invoice if a value has been added.

  • Show Services Inventory - This option lets you associate Services from your inventory with the asset.

  • Complete - This is automatically updated when the particular record is completed by the app team member.

  • Show Product Inventory - This option lets you associate Products from your inventory with the asset.

A selection of these will be displayed on the service record grid for quick reference:

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