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Customize your Booking Form Fields
Customize your Booking Form Fields

This guide will walk you through the process of creating a booking form and configuring your booking form fields.

Rob Fearn avatar
Written by Rob Fearn
Updated over a week ago

Creating a tailored booking experience for your event attendees is crucial to providing a seamless and efficient process. With Let’s Do This, you can easily customize your booking form fields to capture the exact information you need from your participants. This guide will walk you through the process of creating a booking form and configuring your booking form fields.

Creating a Booking Form

Here's how to get started:

  1. Navigate to the "Booking Forms" section within your event dashboard.

  2. Click on the "Add Booking Form" button to begin the process.

  3. Provide the necessary details for the form:

    • Form Name: Choose a clear and descriptive name for your form. This name will be used for internal reference and won't be visible to participants.

    • Assign to Ticket: Select the specific ticket to which this form will be assigned. To learn how to create tickets for your event read this guide.

    • Enable Booking: Check this option to enable the booking form.

    • Form Fields: You will customize these fields shortly.

After entering the required information, click the "Update" button followed by "Save" to ensure your changes are applied to your event page.

Customizing Booking Form Fields

Now that you have a booking form in place, let's dive into customizing its fields to suit your needs.

💡 Note: Any changes made to existing fields will be applied to all booking forms using that field. If you require unique questions for each form, you will need to create individual booking form fields.

  1. Navigate to the Booking Form Fields section.

  2. Click on Add Booking Form Field.

    Scroll down and fill out the information:

    • Field Type: Choose from various field types such as text, email, select, checkbox, and more, based on the information you want to gather from participants.

    • Field Name: Provide a clear and concise name for the field. This name will be visible to users on the form. You can even include hyperlinks for additional context, for example “visit our website [{here}]”

    • Field Description: Optionally, add a description that will appear below the field name.

    • Internal Field Description: This is for your reference and won't be visible to participants. It can be used to differentiate between similar fields.

    • Required: Choose whether this field is mandatory for participants.

    • Ask: Choose how you want the response to this field to be presented to the participant(s). You can select options such as:

      • Each Participant: Each participant added to the booking will see this question and can enter a unique answer.

      • Once and Copy: Only the initial participant will see the question, and it will copy across to other entrants within that booking.

      • Once and Do Not Copy: Only the initial participant will see the question, and it will not be copied to other entrants within the same booking.

      • Once to Lead and Blank: Only the initial participant will see the question during booking, but additional entrants can populate this field when claiming or editing their booking.

    • Placeholder: Enter text to prompt users on what to enter when the field is empty.

    • Max Selectable: For checkboxes, set the maximum number a participant can select.

    • Values: If you want to add a price adjustment to an option in the booking form field, use this section:

      • Item Value: This is the value you will see on your start lists.

      • Line Item Label: This is the text shown to the participant and on your booking forms.

      • Price Adjustment Amount: Specify the amount you want to add or subtract when a user selects this option.

      • Select the Currency: Choose the currency for this price adjustment.

      Click "Add" to include the option.

⚠️ If you encounter any issues or need further assistance during the process of customizing the booking fields, don't hesitate to reach out to the Let's Do This support team for prompt help.

After customizing your booking form fields, remember to:

  • Click "Update" to save your changes to the current field.

  • Go back to the booking form you've created earlier.

  • Scroll down and in the 'Add new field' section, select the custom field you just created.

  • Reorder the fields to place them in the desired location within the form.

  • If needed, set up conditional logic for this field to appear based on other field responses.

ℹ️ Conditional Fields: You can choose whether you want this field to be displayed based on the response to another field. Select another field that controls when the current field should show. You can only select fields on the same form with the same "Ask" type.

  • Click "Update" and then "Save" to confirm and apply your changes.

Your event page will now reflect the changes you've made, ensuring a smoother and more personalized booking process.

⚠️ While it's essential to capture all the necessary information to manage your participants and make your event special, we recommend keeping the total number of questions under 15. Having more questions than that can slow down the registration process for participants. Please feel free to reach out to us if you'd like some advice.

Need more help?

If you didn't find the answer you were looking for here, or something didn't make sense, use the 😞 emoji at the bottom of the page to message our team with your question or problem. We'll get back to you as soon as we can!

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