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Creating development conversations as a coach
Creating development conversations as a coach

In this article we show how as a coach you can create development conversations.

Paul Kuijf avatar
Written by Paul Kuijf
Updated over a week ago

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Conducting development conversations is an important part of any performance HR cycle. When working with organisation-wide development conversations, the Admin will create a so-called conversation rounds. In addition, as a coach, you can also create development conversations for individual employees in your team.

Basically, the process for planning and conducting these development conversations comes down to the following:

  • As a coach, you create a new development conversation. You use a conversation template that has been created by the Admin. The template consists of the topics that you will cover during your conversation.

  • The conversation form is completed prior to the conversation by, for example, the employee, his / her colleagues and / or, for example, you as a coach.

  • You then have a meeting with your employee to discuss the completed conversation report together.

In this article we focus on the first point.

Creating the conversation

As a coach, you only create a conversation for 1 specific employee. To do this, go to the 'Team' environment and to the profile of that employee. When opening the tab Conversations you can create a development conversation with this employee via the 'Create conversation' button.

You can also create a development conversation with your team member via your Development page > Conversations > About someone else > Create conversation.

You always start by selecting a template form. The Admins have drawn up these templates so that you know exactly for which conversation you should use which template. After you have chosen a template, the name and description from that template are automatically loaded. This is immediately the text that will appear in the email that is sent to the employee. As a coach, you can make adjustments to this with each conversation.

Note: By clicking on 'Preview' next to the dropdown of the template, you can already see what the template will look like when it has to be filled in by the employee.

Goal Cycles

If your conversation template contains a section for planning new goals or evaluating goals, you must also determine the desired goal cycle in this step. The goals cycle ensures that the new planned goals are immediately scheduled in that period, or that when evaluating goals only the correct goals from the chosen period are loaded.

The type of review

In addition to being able to use the Conversations module for development conversations, review forms can also be made for exchanging 360° feedback on skills, for example. When creating the conversation templates, the Admin determines who should answer which questions. The Admin has the following options:

  1. Personal evaluation: the employee completes the questions for himself.

  2. Peer-2-peer evaluation: the employee asks at least 1 other person for input.

  3. Manager/coach evaluation: the coach completes certain questions on the form for the employee.

Note: As a coach, you can only fill in the questions that have been set by the Admin in the conversation template for 'Coach evaluation'.

Set the right coach

When creating the conversation for a specific employee, all possible coaches of the employee are automatically displayed. You can distinguish between which coach is responsible for giving input for the conversation and which coach, as a participant, has to conduct the final conversation. These can of course be the same coaches.

(De)select role profiles

Clicking on the name of the role profile will bring up a popup that allows you to deselect role profiles in that specific conversation. The associated skills are not part of the conversation form that the employee and you as a coach must complete.

Plan the conversation and set the deadlines

In the last step, you can immediately plan a date on which the final conversation should take place. Depending on your calendar settings, this appointment will appear directly in the Outlook/Google calendar. You can also fill in various deadlines for, for example, requesting and giving input.

Note: It is possible in Learned to calibrate your completed evaluations. This is an option that must be enabled by the Admin when creating the conversation template. It allows you as a coach to share your completed evaluation with other coaches and Admins to come to a 'fair' evaluation together. If this option is activated you will see this in the deadline for giving your input.

Publish the development conversation

You can choose to publish the conversation or save it as a draft. If you choose to save the conversation as a draft, it will not be shared with the employee yet and you can make changes later.

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